Olive And The Ruby Bra

I’m banning you from the olive servers


Hey i have to ask what is the chance of you adding dark souls difficulty option?

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if youre talkin about an entirely new game with incredibly difficult sections everywhere then id have to do a lot of editing and copying, so thats highly unlikely (since ive been asked over and over again to minimize the difficulty) but if you mean a certain part of the game thats optional that makes the player shit themselves out of anger then i am so totally down for that

but thatll be later down the line. for now ive gotta work on the wild western continent


Does anyone know where the RPGmaker save files are located? I think I might be running a previous corrupted save.

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You go to folder www and inside you can find the folder called save.

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Am i supposed to start on a boat?

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Oof i think that’s a bug that’s been found before

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Yes it is, unfortunately. Think that might be confirmation of a corrupted save, alright.


boat is game boat is game

Its either the save is for the wrong version (corrupted like everyones sayin) or you have the version of OATRB that spawns you on the pirate ship


I’m not sure if i did something wrong but the second stone golem is impossible, i spent like 10 mins fighting it and it didn’t go down, did i do something wrong?

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You have to ask Lance to teach Olive the magic thing he used to defeat easily the first golem.


I got lost, I recovered the encyclopedia with a weird name from the pirates and now I can use the boat, but so far I’ve give the horse chocolate to the girl..
I don’t know what to do next, can anyone tell me?

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That be the end so farr. This update’s focused more on side content than progression, sadly. But I slowly but surely workin on 0.7, dont you worry!


Is 0.6.3 supposed to be spawning me on a boat when I start a new game? I don’t have any previous saves.

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i don’t think so to be honest i had an old save that i transferred over so idk really

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ill fix that right away i cant believe boat is game is real

edit: fixed. dear god how did this go unchecked for this long

Proposal: Remove the boat entirely for an update. Count how many people still manage to get stuck on the boat, for a measure of how haunted your code is.


The game has been so much fun, you say the gameplay is about 4h~, and I got almost 7h of gameplay xD

Do you a Discord Server??

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Where is the bakery side quest??

Edit: Nvm, I found it, but I just realised that I failed that side quest, I didn’t know what to do.
Guess I’ll have to replay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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i think for the bakery thing as long you don’t advance to far you should get past it