Open spreadsheet for tracking Starbound mods

The only thing i found there was the vore menu, not a single trace of the popping mod. Do i need other mods? Also, wich version do i need to install? I’ve seen different links.

It’s the Joliair’s popping mod in the spreadsheet, (the one under dungeons) mine seems to work fine but if it doesn’t for you I think maybe my version will work and I can post it. (BUT I have modified it a just a little bit, just the FatThrower now fattens much faster)

Alright, but do i need other mods to make it work? I saw that the dungeons one requires an “avali” mod or something but the only mods i have are… well, basically each mod in the spreadsheet, except those that add races.

Mostly I was asking what the options mean in that menu, really I just want to know what “NPC Range” means

I don’t have the dungeon’s mod, but almost every other mod in there I am using. Maybe the dungeons mod is the real issue with everyone else?

EDIT: Also the avali race mod is also in the spreadsheet under the other mods

I honestly don’t know, but what bothers me is that the popping mod isn’t working even if i installed it. I don’t need to open the rar file now, do I? Usually the other mods are just “copy this and paste it there” without opening files.

Ah yeah, you can’t put it in there if it’s still zipped. it can be a folder but not a zip file.

That said, the download shouldn’t give you a .rar file? It should be a .pak

ALSO right next to the normal download there is some text that says “file is broke. try ‘this’ instead” I don’t know which one I downloaded, but if the original download doesn’t work for you try that one. If still nothing I’ll try to post the one I have.

Still ain’t working, and i can’t open the the .pak file (this both counts for the two files in the spreadsheet).

Right, you shouldn’t be opening the .pak file, it goes straight into your mods folder. But I’ll try to upload it myself one second.

You need the Avali (triage) mod. It also requires a race extender mod (any will do), and the download needs to be in the mods folder, so the Steam Workshop version won’t suffice (unless you move and rename it).

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Aye, thanks for the info, do you have a link for those? I don’t know where to look for them

Wondering if there’s any new addons or updates to pre-existing ones. I liked to check the spreadsheet from time to time but I noticed it sorta flatlined on updates. Fine in of itself, but I was just curious if people forgot, or if there just wasn’t anything new turning up.

I’m assuming people forgot, I’ve seen at least 4 mods that aren’t anywhere on the spreadsheet.

Edit: Just found out if you go to the bottom of the page, there’s a ‘cleaned up’ version with all of the new mods. I’ve never used Google Spreadsheets, so I didn’t know about it.


Many thanks for creating this spreadsheet, it will help a lot both modders and players alike. Though, hopefully it won’t get abused to spread malicious content, maybe making it possible to post download links only for users logged into their real google account (the ones that haven’t been created within a small amount of time) will do the thing.

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I can download ALL this with no problems ?

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No, this is just a list of mods that are available. Some of them are incompatible or require other mods.

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There is a mod for lose weight ?

Indeed. set the weight loss slider to 10 and jump a buncha times.

Is this spreadsheet still up to date? is it still being updated?

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I haven’t checked on it lately, but it’s likely to be obsolete when the new version of the mod comes out. Everything under the hood is changing, so most of these add-ons won’t work.

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