Open spreadsheet for tracking Starbound mods

I dunno about warping, but you could use /placedungeon apexfatteningfacility or /placedungeon fattydungeoncrawler

Whenever i use the command i get no errors (the commandline saying the command is incorrect) but the dungeon does not appear, sometimes it causes a large part of the planet to be unloaded, this fixes itself after rewarping to the planet but the dungeon is still missing, i guess pornucopia is having a similar issue.

howdy everyone! i’m back to deliver some important news.

the joliair’s popping mod is broken. if you use bf at all while this mod is on, it will permanently break your character unless you know how to replace the stomach value in the character’s code with [ ] rather than 0 and then remove the mod from your mod folder.

i packed an alternative version of the mod that removes all signs of the popping portion of the mod from the code (hopefully). i also found out that this mod provides the previously missing Generic Items to the item pool for the dungeons as well as some other neat tools to the shop!!! awesome

here’s the link to the alternative version of the mod until this is fixed

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what does the popping mod do exactly?

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adds a popping mechanic to the bf mod. it’s a great idea and weaponizes your previously existing tools… but it broke and idk how to fix

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so the popping is just broke but the other functions of the mod are still intact correct?

so the infectious pop i was wondering if that could be added to a gun to make germ warfare

so i tested the popping mod and i unstalled it works perfectly fine

I can second this. Just recently tried it out and there doesn’t seem to be any problem with it.

the only problem i see is after unstalling the mod it reset the modded items but not the sliders on the tab for it

Has there been a fix for the issue yet or is it still broken?

The Fatty Dungeons mod still doesn’t work and still gives an error on attempted start-up, despite both the dungeon mod folder and the Avali mod files being in the same folder with each other.
Any ideas?

Can you send me a log of the failed start up?

Seems like a common issue. I read above that I should download the mod rather than just suscribe to it via steam, and neither method worked, I downloaded both the avali race and humanoid avali mods, to no avail.
I include a screencap of the error and my mod library. I am subscribed to Frackin Universe on steam too.

has the popping mod been fixed?

Do you have Quickbar Mini? It’s a dependency.

What’s infectious pop?

What are the Fat Dungeon and Popping mods? I installed them but the game crashes, and if i leave only the “popping” one there’s nothing new in it.

I have the popping mod and it seems to be working fine, but what exactly are all the options in the gui? I couldn’t find a forum for this so

You can find the popping menu inside the big fatties menu as a little orange square in the bottom right, click on it then hit enable and then it should work.