Opinions on smoking?

Sorry, but of all drugs this is the only one that directly affects the people around you. So if you need some drug to come clear with your life - take a different one!


I’d argue most drugs affect the people around you. Maybe not directly like second hand smoking, but often in indirect ways. For example, a lot of hard drugs will cause a lot of mental strain (usually stress) on anyone that cares about the people who take them, alcohol impairs motor skills and decision making, which can cause a lot accidents via dumb decisions etc.


Well first off no one’s saying that you should be taking drugs, and second, unlike those other substances there is a direct effect that smoking has on other people, even if you don’t know the person. A junkie shooting up in his apartment isn’t going to damage my lungs like a stranger smoking in the train-car I’m sitting in

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Guess I’ll “chime in” here, heh.
Ultimately, it’s your choice, and I get it, “but what about those around you?” And true, but it’s kinda like this in my opinion: you can take anything in the store, you never have to go to jail, but people will try to put you in it. Basically, technically you can smoke, as no one can control what you physically do, it’s just that usually, someone will get harmed when you smoke.

Ultimately, I could care less if someone lit a cigarette next to me, and I get it, it’s still bad for you to be next to it, but I really don’t care about the 2 minutes of life I lost, but if someone else has a problem with it, then it’s up to the smoker to decide in my opinion, same thing with weight gain, it is ultimately your choice.

Anywho, I’ll likely get a hundred negative comments on this, and I don’t really blame you, as it’s impossible to say what I said without angering someone, so if you have a problem, I will gladly listen, just please don’t start shooting me down, personally, we’d all benefit from a calm conversation. With that said, I hope everyone reading this has a swell day!

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I wasn’t trying to say that people are advocating using drugs, what I was trying to do is refute the point that cigarettes are not the only drug affecting people around you, and I did acknowledge that most other drugs don’t affect people directly. From my personal experience even with the second hand smoke (which is an anecdote, so take it with a grain of salt), I really don’t think it does a whole of damage to people’s health in small doses (unless they have asthma or some other lung condition). A large portion of my extended family on both sides smokes and no one has suffered any ill effects from second hand smoke despite both sides also having a history of heart disease. Ultimately, all I’m saying is a few minutes of exposure isn’t going to do anything to people without existing lung issues.

Hope this post doesn’t come off as rude, I’m just trying to explain my position and text doesn’t convey tone very well.


Yeah I see what your trying to say, and from my personal anecdote I really just hate smoking because I hate how shady the tobacco companies are. Like they keep trying to shill the idea that it’s not that bad and market towards kids in the form of E-cigs, which are still terrible for you if you’re not using them to quit. My cousin who’s only in their mid-20s went from having strong lungs to extremely messed up lungs just by smoking Vapes throughout their late teens and 20s


Yeah, personally, I never got was so “cool” about vapes, like, they’re just cigarettes, but it’s healthy all of a sudden? Even if it somehow wasn’t unhealthy, it’s still expensive, so either way, it’s not exactly a great bargain.


I was actually almost tricked into thinking vapeing was healthy although i had no idea how vaping worked but at the time I thought it was just a type of mist that had different scents luckily I wasn’t interested in what I thought it was either.


I don’t think you should do any drugs even if they are legal to do (I’m looking at you alcohol). I think being addicted to anything isn’t good, even if that thing is completely harmless.
so put me in the “it’s cool to say no” camp.

that being said
I do like the smell of smoke when it isn’t to strong (when I had to clean a frozen ashtray was one of the worst smells I have ever smelled) and there is a sort of classiness you can pull off if you do it right (or brutishness if you prefer that). I don’t think I would call it sexy but I don’t really have a better word for it other than attractive

I haven’t given this much thought but I believe that smoking is more attractive if you like men instead of women. smoke is more of a manly smell and doing anything with fires is more of a manly activity if you ask me. basically I think it makes some aspects more manly and if you don’t want someone to be manly you won’t find it attractive.

when it comes to vaping there isn’t really anything attractive about it to me. the big clouds like nice I guess but it’s completely separate from the person unlike with traditional smoking (also the sound is annoying).

as for it being the only drug that directly effects others I don’t think that is true but I don’t think there have been much/any research on the effects from second hand weed, heroin, crack or opium smoke.


Honestly, the whole “manly” thing makes a lot of sense now that you mention it. As for me, I also agree that being addicted sucks, though, I take it probably too far (as in, I never drink coffee, cause I mean, I never need to rely on it, so why drink it and become reliant on it?)

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I am the same. I jokingly tell my parents that you shouldn’t use drugs when they ask if I want coffee


Well if you smell hot coffee just before you drink it your brain immediately wants you to drink it immediately since there is the caffeine.

I think the core issue why smoking is rather diverse is that people can easily tell if you are one; smelling like smoke, obvious leaving certain areas for a few minutes, and even the tinge of your teeth (though that can be connected to heavy amounts of soda or tea). With commercials about the dangers of smoking (talking to you Adult Swim, almost every break there is a smoking ad), it is quite more shameful and easy to demote it as a danger in the eyes of most people.
Strangely it is similar to weight gain as the societal norms is heavily biased against obvious health issues. The core difference is that weight isn’t something you can quit “cold turkey” since it takes time and effort to lose. If one thinks about it, the irony that by hating smoking or weight issues in the open you end up causing most people to do it much more heavily in private (smokers may increase to more cigarettes, obese may binge or stress eat).

One that can harm other around while another is viewed disgusting, though weirdly can you argue one fits the other solely?


I always tell people to never smoke. Mostly my family. And all in honestly I’ll tell them to smoke weed instead as it is much less worse than cigarettes. (I don’t smoke weed)

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My family don’t smoke. I have a very negative attitude towards smoking. I personally don’t smoke and don’t drink alcohol.


Having lost several family members to smoking related cancers, I fight the urge to literally smack people when I see them smoking. Especially when they are smoking in area’s they shouldn’t.

With all the information available now about the harmful effects of smoking it leaves me dumbfounded that people STILL smoke and/or decide to smoke.


Well, this has quickly become my most, eh, popular topic. I suppose my comparison between smoking and weight gain wasn’t entirely accurate, and I should have specified voluntary weight gain.

Personally I’d much prefer if people didn’t smoke but I won’t grill them over it if they do. I’ve found that making people annoyed doesn’t get results, even if you have good intentions. Making your opinion known but not forcing it tends to get more positive results. You’ll stay on the good side of those who want to quit, and you won’t waste your breath on those who don’t.

As for why people do it to begin with, for a lot of people it’s good old-fashioned peer pressure, and then they get hooked. Dumb teenagers encouraging each other to do it to look cool and mature. I don’t see any other reason to do it. People say it’s relaxing, and I guess it is in a sense, but it’s not a positive kind of relaxation. It’s more like your body just gets really heavy and there’s a weighted blanket draped over your brain. It’s a sensation I’d only describe as desirable if you were going through some serious shit mentally and needed ANYTHING at all to take some of the edge off. Even then, there’s a million better things you can do.


Well it’s not surprising it’s really popular people like to share their opinions and smoking is pretty controversial there are few reasons to defend smoking though most are weak stupid reasons but the most popular one for those who defend smoking by saying “what if the person wants to die”? This defense has it’s flaws as well but still isn’t good enough to justify smoking.

I wanted to come back to this topic to let you that I wrote it. Thought I’d let you and @Hyperion know since Hyperion had the idea :grin:


Just seeing this now, so figured I would chime in. Smoking falls squarely for me in the okay if a friend does it, but I wouldn’t ever date someone who does it. It is a pretty gross thing to me, and I’m really not a fan. But people are going to do it, and as long as people are respectful about not doing it right in front of me then I have no issue if friends or others do it.

I wish I didn’t like smoking, and I wish I wasn’t addicted to them. But I do and I am. I would discourage anyone from starting, it’s a hard addiction to beat. I’ve quit several times over the last 15 years for extended periods, most recently by substituting for vapes, but I always end up falling off the wagon eventually (usually after a few pints in a beer garden). And yes, I do find women who smoke attractive, I don’t know why.