Overstuffed Overtime (Lachevite's Submission)

I’m having a lot of difficulty getting her up to level 50, any tips?

in the beginning when the conveyor’s slow… flavor EVERYTHING! To the best of your ability… XD
…if you try to ONLY focus on 1 type of food, by the time you reach 50 for the belly, it’ll be too fast and you’ll get overwhelmed. Just keep an eye on the food levels(and the machine of course, don’t let it overheat), if you’re shooting for a specific ending(or, if you’re trying to get them all, and DON’T want ta specific ending), be sure to stop flavoring the appropriate foods, if they get near 20(I don’t know what happens if you qualify for 2 endings(either the default, or you get whichever’s higher I guess), nor do I know if getting 10 goo overrides the others(or if it NEEDS to be the sole qualification, I.E. under 20 for the other 3, but at 10 for goo), that’ll take some experimentation(I just got all the endings and moved on to try the other fat games, I’ll play this one again eventually)).

Funnily enough, I’ve tested ending overriding. So far it seems like the 10 goop ending overrides every other one, and the 20 pastry ending overrides the orange ending. Whether you have more of a type of food than the other doesn’t seem to matter in this case.

Edit: Alright, I’ve tested it again, here’s the ending priority order:
10 Goop > 20 Ice Cream > 20 Pastry > 20 Hot Dog > 50 Points

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Well, there we go. XD

I managed to get the goop ending, but I can’t keep her stomach level down enough while also being able to keep the machine from over heating, and colouring the item i want her to be eating. Maybe I just suck, but a free play or easy mode would be awesome.

You could always try cooling the machine in-between foods. Even at later levels, if you’re quick enough you should still be able to flavor the food you want and then come back to cooling quickly enough. As for emptying the intern, you could do it while the machine is off (food will stop coming and the green light will turn red). If you mash the button, the bloating level will be down to zero by the time the first food comes after the machine comes back on again (the light will turn yellow and you’ll hear a noise). This strategy worked for me very well, maybe it should work for you as well?

I’m trying but it’s just too hard, since when it starts getting faster (around the time I hit 20), it’s too difficult to switch between the cool down lever and the flavour levers. I’m trying everything I can but it’s just impossible to me.

I said in the Beginning! After the 2ed or 3rd “batch”, you start prioritizing the machine and her stomach, occasionally coloring a few of the foods you want as you go(and a couple you don’t want as long as you don’t go over 20 for them).

That doesn’t work for me either. Maybe I’m just bad.

It DOES kinda require a BIT of multitasking, at least mentally.

Managed to get the 50 stomach ending too. Gonna push through

My favorite ending was the 20 pastries ending.

You got this! :grin:

one thing that i would like to kind of bring up is how when you go to relive fullness the black hair’d girl’s hair kind of gets in the way of the bar making it kind of hard to actually see if you’re doing anything at the higher levels

…also i kind of had problems keeping her from getting too full, with most of the ending i get being the one where she barfs everything back up

decided to add a free mode after all, as well as the option watch unlocked endings from the ending screen
also fixed the hand going off screen if you spam it while she’s swallowing, and made the gauge show in front of her hair
hopefully didnt create any new bugs

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I had to skip the intro because it got stuck and then I think’s started in free mode? I’ll come back to it because I’m a bit confused.

Graphically this is very very wonderful and I love the dynamic of the surly line worker and the intern a lot!

No such luck, I’m afraid.

action number 1
of Step Event0
for object objTutSpawner:

Unable to find any instance for object index ‘4’ name ‘objMachine’
at gml_Object_objTutSpawner_Step_0"

Happens during the intro when pressing z to spray for the first time. Found both online and after download.

i apologize, pressing z on the main menu sent you to the wrong room. it should be fixed now, thank you for your report

This was an incredibly enjoyable game! I really appreciated the “easy-to-learn-hard-to-master” mechanics of this game that made me actually sit and think how to beat it and get all the endings. Not to mention all the assets and endings are sooooo good.

Burp sound effect/10

I hope people are not sleeping on this game, because I find it a pretty solid contender.

Writing-wise, I don’t really have much to say. The lines for both characters are well redacted and match the situation well while also being pretty humorous on their own. Although I’d chalk that up more to the absurdity of every ending, but still, solid writing is solid writing.
The art assets are great. They were great last time, they are great this time. That hasn’t changed at all. Both on the five endings and the regular gameplay. Absolutely top notch.
Mechanics is where I start having a bit of an issue, and I’ll try to explain why.
This game very much reminds me about another game called “Feeding Lilia”. The gameplay is pretty much the same. You feed a character one out of X different types of food until a certain threshold. That said, the way Lilia used it’s mechanics made matters more manageable while still forcing you to keep things in check. In this game, you have to keep three gauges in check, four if you’re going for a specific ending, five if you’re trying to avoid an ending. These gauges are the machine’s Heat, the intern’s Fullness, how much food’s been Eaten and the different types of food the intern has eaten including the purple goop. The intern cannot be made to stop eating things, which means that everything that the machine spits out, the intern WILL have to eat, which means that her Fullness WILL increase. However, if you do not apply chemicals to the food, that food that the intern is going to eat anyways is not going to count towards her 50 foodstuffs threshold.
I have an issue with that.
I can imagine this was probably unintentional, but I still feel like I should bring it up.
There is one failstate, two if you’re trying to avoid a specific ending. The main failstate is the intern reaching max Fullness and burping the food out. Since not applying chemicals to the food results in food that raises Fullness but doesn’t put the character any closer to the threshold, letting untreated food pass is punished. Not cooling the machine results in the likelyhood of purple goop going way up, and due to how filling purple goop is (and the ending associated with it), I’d also consider that a punishment. On the other hand, letting the intern reach max Fullness directly results in the failstate, thus letting it build up is directly punished.
What you have is a situation where there’s three different mechanics acting as a punishment. Untreated food, Overheated machine and Full intern. The problem comes when attending to one is punished by the other two. Now, in theory, this is fine, but in practice, since every punishment affects the intern’s Fullness, it genuinely feels like doing anything outside attending to the intern is a waste of time. The fact that things ramp up so quickly only compounds on the problem, where you have a limited amount of time to manage everything, you’re naturally going to gravitate to the Fullness meter, since everything affects that, and neglect the other parts.
Feeding Lilia solved this a very simple way. Having each type of food affect a different gauge and having a bad end for each. This way, it doesn’t feel like the game gravitates around being fast, but about being careful and knowing how much Lilia can afford to take.
As for how to solve the issue here, I’d recommend making untreated foodstuffs null. As in, they don’t count for anything.
Quick TL;DR, because I’ve a knack for essays (and, honestly, most people probably won’t read that to begin with):
The mechanics in this game incentivize the player to gravitate almost exclusively towards the intern, when they should be trying to push the player to other places (the chemicals & the machine). I’d propose making untreated foodstuffs not count both for fullness nor foodstuffs eaten as a way to mitigate this issue.

Also, as a quick aside: Mashing to relieve the intern is a genuine pain and, to tie it back to my point, contributes to the “not having enough time to do everything” issue. Making that work similarly to the machine would’ve been ideal, since it prevents the “mash to reach optimal speed” mentality and, subsequently, mitigates the “not having enough time to do everything” issue. Even this little change should make things more manageable without making this game a cakewalk.

And if you thought I was done, you’re wrong, because I cannot forget to mention the Free Mode adition, which kinda renders my essay pointless.
Jokes aside, considering how punishing this game is, adding a Free Mode was a great call. I feel like some adjustments should be made for the folks that will still try to bruteforce the endings. I’d’ve been genuinely tilted if I couldn’t have experienced the endings, but, again, a Free Mode was a good call to make. Moreso for a game with assets of this quality.
I’ll be surprised if I don’t find this one among the winners, because, despite the issues, this is still an enjoyable game if you have the fortitude to push through it. And, again, the excellent artwork makes the whole affair worth it.
Good luck.

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