P*kem*n Lard: A fatty centric P*kem*n region (QoL UPDATE!!!!!)

Echoing what was said above idk wtf your design mentality was for the First gym, but that shit is sadistic. Fire is already dodgy as a first choice given the fact that all but one of the pokemon types we can catch are neutral against Fire at best (the Fairy’s own Ability makes it take more damage from Fire so don’t be pedantic). Then you have the movesets: Fire Spin, Swagger, Flame Charge, Wil-o-Wisp, SCALD? FLAMETHROWER?

This is an optimized comp moveset, not ‘first gym leader’ moveset.


That’s, an exceedingly harsh way to put it, but a way.
Do keep in mind this is a Demo, it is very likely for the unfavorable type matchup against Guy to change more as the game further releases. (Admittedly, in the current state, I believe the current counterplay is to have known to train up Paras to stun spore and allow you to get hits in, but as abilities aren’t shown in full that may be difficult to parse it’d help- let alone to know to do that. Porygon can take a hit if it was full hp, going for a para with Thundershock [I know…] could work, and I haven’t done any testing with Elgym (They’re in the part of route 1 with the trainers, seemingly pretty rare- but there. )

The movesets themselves? Flamethrower is set to change, fire spin and Flame charge are suitable for a first gym (FRLG Brock’s onix had rock tomb, a 50 base power move that lowered speed, flame charge isn’t farfetched, especially since Porygon can win the 1v1 vs peppino after fighting tentacruel if it doesn’t get scald burned). Willow and scald may be a bit suspect, but considering the mons packing it are under leveled (Tentacruel is 6 under cap, Peppino is 4) it’s not too pressing (Porygon also helps here, especially if you have Oddish or Bounsweet chip down cruel), I don’t believe it to be overwhelming- especially as expected levels are higher for future releases. Flamethrower has already been addressed.

I don’t actually KNOW Maractus’ moveset beyond flamethrower, so I can’t say much there- but I believe that for a first gym, with a few adjustments, flamethrower as planned being subbed out and potentially scald being switched for say, water pulse (Even if Scald is thematically appropriate for a fire gym) or a grass type move (for stab and to counter water/ground types in the future), it’d be beyond solid. [Edit: I forgot. Steel Beam. I think that feels a little out of place and- more often than not, just results in Peppino KOing itself for no reason if the AI chooses it on the low health roulette (if this is based on Gen 3) Metal claw could work as a replacement, should you want a steel type move that works a bit better.]

Still though, excellent feedback! Just a little harshly worded but, you got to what you meant incredibly quickly and provided reasons as to why.
(And- apologies from dissapearing from all circles.)


I’ll need to go through the game again to check 'em out, they weren’t major. And do you mind showing a screenshot of the forest? Because if it’s what I’m thinking it is - then I didn’t realize it was a forest and was just a part of Route 1.

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So i gotta question, after defeating both gym leaders, where do you go from there? Cause i cant find the next place

So im stuck in the uh starting place and the other place with the kitchen gym leader

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That’s the end of the demo! Thanks for playing for now.

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It is what you’re thinking it is - I’m going to set it up so that new areas display the name on entry from now on.


Ah-ha! Thanks for the clarification, I wasn’t going crazy. XD Good to know. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you guys forgot you have the sorta kinda like blueberry pokemon that can learn water moves, like clamp and water gun and just demolish the first gym.

That pokemon is also at least x2 if not x4 weak to fire moves.

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The Maractus has a move that raises its attack and special attack by 2 stages. I personally think that’s way overblown, but apparently the AI was dumb enough to try killing my Porygon through confusion damage instead of just hitting Flamethrower and calling it a day so I was able to get through with no issue on my second attempt.

Overall, aside from the game being I think needlessly difficult (you don’t really get the proper tools to beat the gym leaders without resorting to grinding wild pokemon for an hour or two, and even then you don’t get a lot of moves to work with), I think it’s a good proof of concept as far as demos go (I’m expecting the second gym leader to get moved to an actual town down the line, throwing them in a random center seems kinda sketchy to me).
I also have mixed feelings about the sprites and the original pokemon designs, but nonetheless I respect the effort and am interested in seeing this project move forward as a whole. It has potential and I think you guys are capable of realizing it.

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it couldn’t use flamethrower on your porygon if it had trace, its ability blocks fire moves for a speed boost. i do agree with the first gyms ace having Nasty plot+Swords dance is kinda silly, not even kaizo does that.

You’re joking, right? The GRASS/Poison blueberry that doesn’t get STAB bonus and is only SE on the Fire Leader’s second pokemon?

btw, beat the first gym first try! >:D

How do I begin the first gym battle? Whenever I talk with the gym leader, all they do is tell me that I lack the skills to fight them.

That’s actually the second gym leader, they just appear first in terms of location. Keep going left and you’ll find them.

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Going left seems to lead to a dead end:
Am I missing something obvious?

Never had Hoot use anything but flamethrower, as stated, but for the current version- that does seem to be a bit much.

I will say though, you’re right about not getting many tools or options in the Demo, as most of the pokemon, trainers, items and possible TMs that would be implemented simply aren’t at the moment. Granted- as a demo, you’re entirely correct that it’s quite difficult. I’ll admit, I even started a new save and ended up losing to the first trainer! But, I trust that it’ll be dealt with in time.

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This has been fixed uwu

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I downloaded the latest version (which, I actually didn’t grab before, noticed a few things- like a crash when talking to the person in the bog, or that Twoscool is catchable in the “forest” section.) and ran to the left, I didn’t manage to find the section you took a screen shot of in either the old or new version before reaching the second town.

So- I’ll just transcribe a path instead. After the bridge that you have to cross past the pokemon center (Immediately after) follow the paved path and then keep in the same direction until you hit the bushes.

Take one step down and either keep going left and battle the feeder with a Twoscool (Grass fire type, may be tough), or go south pick up the item between the two trees, and skip her. From there, go to the left and continue.

You’ll run into this section in a small bit afterwards.

From this chokepoint, just hold left- and unless you get taken out by a cottonee? You’ll be at the second town, and able to enter the gym. Unless your game has a tiling error of some sort, this should be sufficient. Hope it helps!


Ya’ll a lot of these errors are as a result of me being kind of stupid and uploading dev builds to the public link. oopsies. About to grind out the rest of this update so it can be fixed and reuploaded.

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