P*kem*n Lard: A fatty centric P*kem*n region (THE 4 GYMS UPDATE) (Now with 100% less bugs and 300% less grinding!)

Here’s the party (had to catch another female kelplin)

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You know what… I think the Evo method got changed because it was decided too hard or too risky for that. I cannot recall what the new one is, I will try to check tonight if someone else in the discord doesn’t remind me what the Evo method is

Now what if I told you, all kelplin Evo method are tied to specific maps now? Idk which one is the harangler map, my computer had just enough juice while I’m traveling to check The method

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ok i just want to see the mare in it as well other pokemons… not going to lie i am thinking making a waifu team… bad that is bad idea

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Bad idea? You’re telling me my waifu team is a bad idea?? Gamer, this is a fetish monster collecting game, make your waifu team


ok as long the female design pokemon look cute

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i wonder if a leavanny form will be added

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What if I told you, they are in the og post


They might mean in a playable state, but I don’t think even one of the NPC trainers has it or other members of the line.


I’ve read from the google doc that to turn Kirlia into a Nettdevoir, you need to cleanse her at the shrine. But it kept saying she wasn’t powerful enough to jump out of the pokeball, and eventually she evolved into the regular stinky Gardevoir version. What step am I missing?
Sliggoo evolving off maxed out happiness is also somewhat hard to setup at the moment, it would have been easier to evolve it in the rain at lvl 50 (which is what I tried at first, lol).
Also this game is fun, great job to everyone involved! Also I hope next build will add Fly or another form of quick travel, because going back and forth inbetween towns is lowkey suffering, especially without max repels in the shops.

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Where are the candy givers? I can’t seem to find them.

I only know one that’s in the area of the fire gym.

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is Shoresville gym implemented in this update? if so, how do i progress, theres a line blocking the way in.if its not the fourth gym then where would i go to get there?

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That’s the fourth gym, yep. You have to talk to certain people on the line to get past.

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I don’t want to just say what the answer is for Nettdevoir, since it is supposed to be a bit secretive. I will say that you are not missing anything there is just a minor thing you have to do for it to occur, due to scripting constraints. All you need to get one is a Kirlia in the right spot UwU

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talked to the four you can reach, three are flavor text(and nothing changed when i talked to them multiple times and left the gym) and the last one explicitly states that the game will crash if i say yes. and saying no does nothing.

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Oh, that one girl still says that the game will crash? Well it is good that she does, cause she still will. Try reading some more of the “flavor text” cause not all of it is flavor text and is instead a hint as to what to do. Hint 1 There are a total of 6 people you can talk to as part 1 of the puzzle, one of which being the person behind the counter who initiates the gym puzzle
Hint 2 You have to talk to one person and then you will get extra dialogue options with one of the other people you can talk to

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ah thanks. my intense desire to not read dialogue has gotten me again!


another question: where do i get the exp candy, cause im 20 levels underleved for this and i REALLY dont wanna grind.

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So the funny thing about that is that those won’t be coming out until tomorrow probably in The 4 gyms update DX remaster definitive edition “now with candy”

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Gotcha. Also something to note, after I did the gym puzzle for the Water/Shoresville Gym I bought a bunch of Lemonades and left to go heal my pokemon at the center for the fight. This caused all the “blockades” to go back into place, including the girl at the very front. Now I can’t get past her to challenge the gym. All I get by interacting with her is this dialogue.