Paladin Princess - An Inflation/WG focused RPG - Patreon Launch Announcement

I’ll toy around with that plugin and see if it fixes things. Thanks!

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Played for a while and didn’t really see much wrong worth mentioning - at worst, the nameplate outside the dungeon still says it’s the king’s room, probably overlooked from copy/pasting maps. A couple scenario-ordering issues, such as being able to persuade the prince to help bless the mer girl without actually visiting and being rejected by the king first, are also pretty minor considering they don’t seem to break anything,

It’s already been mentioned, but looking into a keybind or something similar to toggle the on-screen character portrait might not be a bad idea. Even if nothing important is necessarily hidden it’s nice to be able to get a better look at the full map.

I think a lot of people are going to balk at the size of the download, considering that it’s an RPG Maker game, and while I wouldn’t necessarily recommend reducing the quality of the images themselves, I would look at pruning what’s actually shipped with the game. Right now it seems like you have art for up to size 10 in the game, whereas you can’t actually go beyond size 1 at this point, making for a lot of extra bloat for anyone not taking the time to decrypt the images and spoil themselves.

Additionally it might be worthwhile to consider how many variants of certain scenes are actually necessary - do these variants add value to the experience? Are players going to go out of the way to see them? Will they be offended or disappointed if the main character’s outfit or breast size in a scene don’t match exactly to their current settings? Unless you already have a robust system in place to handle scenario-switching automatically without having to code or event it for every scene, it seems like you’re making a lot of extra work for yourself without a whole lot of payoff.


Sorry i’m like blind and can’t play games without directions, where do you increase your combat after you talk to the king? or what do you do after you see the king


Interact with the sign posts to the left and right of the town center outside of the castle. They lead to different places. On the right side you want to go see “rat man”

Also exploring and doing general side quests some will net you experience.

To be honest I though of it as the king’s BDSM dungeon lol

How do you get a rope, also how do I heal Lepa

The “east tower” in the northeast hallway. It’s the room that is the farthest northeast in the castle.

Ty, do you know anything about healing Lepa

I don’t, I didn’t play much past doing four quests and getting the rat queen to her almost max size. There is a discord for the game, that can probably get you an answer.

I wanted to implement a lot of these things early so that I wouldn’t have to do it later. Regardless, they will all become accessible at some point further down the line.

Will be fixed in the next update. Thanks for pointing that out!

In the next update, Lepa will automatically be healed when you go back to your room, exit the rat tunnel, or leave the puzzle box (during the puzzle).

The next update is currently being uploaded. I should have a new link up in a few hours.


Very interested to see where this project goes, I think it has some real potential.

MRW I'm waiting at the back register in Target and see the person in front of me committing probable credit card fraud - Album on Imgur


guys how can i slove the puzzle box

If you are running version 0.1.2, Elaine will complain after enough switches are pressed without solving the puzzle. This will open up some more dialogue with your companion (if you’ve done their quest) and the puzzle master, both of them giving you more hints to solve it.

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Thank you for your help, I hope you continue to develop the game because it was a fun experience and it has fun challenges. I wish there were more bosses and enemies, some new characters and more weight gain, but I think this is an excellent start to one chapter I hope you will continue to develop this interesting game and I wish you success in your project

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I hope everyone here is enjoying a Merry Christmas! Last I played this game, had fun, and the plot is very promising and I dare say, new territory for what is intended for content in a good way :smiley:

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Glad you liked the first chapter! I’m currently chugging away at the second chapter, which is about 10% complete so far. There’s a lot of content being worked on, such as new scenes, more varied battles and boss fights, and a much larger map to explore.


Take your time, quality over quantity is key in my books if you ask me. If I am willing to wait a decade for a totally not controversial dating sim to come out (Mien Waifu is the Furher), several months is nothing for what this game has to offer.

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Unsure if its available in the game yet but i can’t find the last piece of cheese anywhere for the rat queen, any help would be appreciated

Rat Queen’s quest is fully available. There should be eight pieces of cheese scattered around the capital and castle.