Pending, another game about making queens fat. - V0.8 released

Hey there! This game is fucking awesome. Huge props. I’m super down to help debug.

A few things I’ve noticed:

-When you have multiples of a food, and then feed said food to a queen, both will disappear if you don’t feed the second one in the same sitting* as the first.
-When you have multiples of an ingredient, then cook something that requires an instance of that ingredient, all ingredients are consumed**
-Morgana’s first two (at least, haven’t gotten past the first two) dish requests are bugged***
-After exploring the hallways to what I believe is completion, an error is thrown the next time you try to explore them. My guess is something is going wrong with displaying the “you’ve met everyone here” that works fine in the gardens.

*I figured this out because I purposely stopped feeding multiple meals in one sitting. I have no proof that there’s an issue with multiple dish feedings, but the queen always seems to have the same reaction to subsequent meals, and the formatting is a bit wonky, so my programmer spidey senses started tingling and I was worried that I was missing content/not progressing properly with multiple meal feeding sessions. Returning to the throne room in the same day doesn’t have this (unproven) issue.
**I found this by trying to make multiples of one dish at once, the second time I tried to cook it said I lacked the ingredients, I checked inventory and the duplicate ingredients were gone.
***When you go to feed Morgana her requested dish, she acts as if you don’t have it. I cooked multiples of the french chocolate dish she wanted and still no luck. Strangely, I fed it to Eva, who ate it normally, and the next time I visited Morgana she was fatter and allowed me to feed her other dishes again. The flowers request worked fine but now I’m stuck on the “mouth of the queen” dish request. Same as last time, when I go to feed Morgana I act as if I don’t have the dish. Sadly the strange workaround from the chocolat request doesn’t work, as Eva doesn’t eat this dish. Aurelia does, but feeding it to her did not update Morgana’s quest. I’m actively searching through the HTML to see if I can figure this one out code-wise, because I’d love to continue this storyline.

EDIT: I think I’ve got the mouth of the queen dish bug, in the code it checks for an “a” instead of a “de” in the dishes name (see line 1170).

EDIT EDIT: Something’s up with the dress quest afterwards. It keeps resetting to the mouth of the queen quest after seeing Morgana in her bedroom.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: I’ve been diving into the code and fixing bugs. There’s so much to this game and it’s a shame well-done bits are barred behind bugs. Here’s a list of bugs/suggested corrections and the lines they reside on in the HTML code:
Line 882 queen is mispelled in the flag HaveQueenDress, missing an e.
Line 1206 double close parenthesis is misplaced, should be after removing lasagna from cooked, not after incrementing MorganaStage, causes error on feeding lasagna
Line 1228 accidentally increments MorganaStage instead of EvaStage, this is likely why feeding Eva the chocolate that Morgana wanted got me passed Morgana not realizing I had the chocolate earlier.
Line 1272 missing an EvaStage increment
Line 1310 double close parenthesis is misplaced, should be after removing mochi from cooked, not after incrementing EvaStage, causes error on feeding mochi, similar to bug with Morgana’s final quest on line 1206 above.

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Thank you so much!! I’ll get to fixing those, but I really appreciate you taking the time to check the code and I’m so happy you enjoyed it!

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Thanks again for your help, I think all the things you mentioned should be fixed now. Tbh I’m not entirely sure if feeding a queen multiple times in a session will work properly, so I recommend going back to the throne room each time.

As for copies of items, yeah the way the inventory works atm when I remove one of an item it removes all of them, which is why I recommend only getting one at a time. I plan to rework the inventory at a later stage and fix that, probably in version 1.0

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@Zabi I can’t seem to download your update for some reason, can you upload a mirror download by any chance?

That’s weird, I can download it. I’ve added a MEGA link, let me know if that works

Thank you, its worked for me! Strange because Mediafire works most of the time with no issues

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Great work, I really like this kind of concept.

A few bugs i ran into:

  • When visiting the blacksmith, if you check your inventory and return after working for her, you can work for her again and can thus get infinite money.
  • Unable to cook donuts even when you have the ingredients, I think because “flour” is not capitalized (also the fail text says Four instead of Flour)
  • Brownies are missing from the cooking list, I believe because it references the variable as $KnowBrownies instead of $KnowBrownie

Not to nitpick though, really does seem like you’ve put a lot of work into this game and applaud the effort.


You’re a legend, dude! Just got through all three storylines, absolutely loved it!

I think all queens storylines are now playable then, besides the Morgana bits I skipped with the feeding Eva effecting Morgana bug (that’s now patched!). @synchronicooze is mentioning something about this bit, I completely skipped the brownie part of the story by fattening Morgana through Eva :sweat_smile:

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Ahhh thank you.

No, not at all. I really appreciate you helping me with bug finding.

Edit: Cool, updated the link with those fixes. It’s a shame I can’t see the total downloads bc the counter resets with every bugfix.

Alright just playing through it and the bug where the brownies aren’t available in the cooking list once you’ve learnt the recipe is still there.

Also another bug I found when doing Eva’s first stage event If you go to her with the sword in your inventory it says that she was asking for a brownie instead.

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Found a bug where the Strawberry Tarts weren’t craftable when you had the ingredients. No idea why, but figured I’d let you know!

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Thanks for letting me know! Definitely fixed the event (I hope), and I think the brownies should be good too

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Welcome to the forum! I’d misspelled the word fruits, but I’ve fixed that now. Thanks for your help!

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Thanks, and that was a fast fix!

Unfortunately the brownies still don’t appear in the list to be cooked, also I had this error when trying to cook the strawberry tarts.

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Hmmm, alright. I’ll take a look, thanks for letting me know!

Edit: Tarts should be fixed, I messed up my brackets again. The brownies may be fixed but if they’re not then I have no idea what’s wrong with them

Just want to note that I am taking suggestions for names for the country and game. Pending is not a great name for a game, and Nation is an even worse name for a country

Well the Tarts are fixed, but the Brownies are broke in another way, can’t even learn the recipe now.

I swear these brownies will be the death of me

Update: Halle-fucking-lujah I found the issue. I’ll post a fix in a couple of min

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Ay! The brownies are working now.

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