⭐ - Polls for my 3D WEIGHT GAIN GAME

In a “normal” third-person fantasy game (ie Skyrim style), do you prefer instant interactions or a progress circle to pick up items, open doors etc?

  • Instant interaction button
  • Progress circle interaction button
0 voters

Almost always a press interaction would be preferred, unless you are actively trying to add to player anxiety in that moment, and in that case it needs to be obvious that holding it is the correct method.

As an example, if you wanted the player to have a chance to fumble that bottle while the animation is playing and break it you could make it a hold, but maybe don’t let it trigger a fumble until after it is in their hand.


Dark Souls and Zelda have instant pickup.
MGSV has a progress circle to add a brief risk window.

I thought a quick circle to pick items may prove satisfying. Or maybe it’s just a hassle.

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Are you trying to make it slow to grab large collections of objects?

P-P-P-Pi-Pick up sound effect


Pick up sound effect
Pick up sound effect
Pick up sound effect
Pick up sound effect


That has to be the best way this has ever been described. Nothing more satisfying than chaining a bunch of SFXs together… and nothing more grating than the same SFX being played on loop.


If an item is “bigger” or more significant, and it leads to something sexy, a long pickup could add some fun anticipation. Otherwise, what everyone else said.

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In my game I am making Circle interaction if there is different interaction options and instant interaction if there is only one option (for example pick up).
P.S. I am glad someone else making a game on Unreal Engine :slight_smile: I really struggle with learning different things. If you would like to talk with someone who learn UE too feel free to contact me in discord: coldsteelj
P.S.S. By the way, I am russian too.


I hate this “hold to do stuff” trend that is going on right now. like the only reason I appreciate it is when it is as a sort of “are you sure” type thing (like are you sure you want to delete your save) or when it is used so you can’t interact with something while enemies can attack you (though I prefer the caned animation that can be interrupted approach). but it is used for everything and I can’t figure out why. why do devs seem to think that people love waiting so much that they have to add it to everything?

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When should the idle camera rotation animation play?

  • After 20s of player inactivity.
  • After 30s of player inactivity.
  • After 60s of player inactivity.
  • I don’t like idle camera rotation.
0 voters

Never. This is annoying and useless feature. Player can rotate camera by yourself if he want.


Never. This is annoying and useless feature. Player can rotate camera by yourself if he want.

I added that option)

Yeah I’d probably mistake such a feature as controller/input drift :S

I first thought you meant when the camera auto centers behind the player :‍P
I don’t think I would be that bothered about it tho since I can’t really think of a reason why I wouldn’t be doing something for 20+ seconds.

but if I wanted to spin the camera like that I don’t think I would ever try to just idle until the camera turns, is this like a thing in other games?

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but if I wanted to spin the camera like that I don’t think I would ever try to just idle until the camera turns, is this like a thing in other games?

I don’t know, I’m not much of a gamer.

There’s idle character animations, where they may turn back their head or have brief poses, in GTA, Zelda, fighting games, etc. But an idle camera animation, I don’t know.

Doesn’t seem too popular here so far.

Worse, if I have paused in activity it’s most likely because there’s some background element or detail on the far distance that I’m paying attention to. It would be maddening to have the camera suddenly veer focus from that. Players don’t like having control taken from them.

The best point for a camera to auto-spin? When the game is paused since the player has willingly ceded control from the game.

This shit exist in “Conan Exiles” game. After you set different crafts on machines and just go to take a cup of tea when you are waiting for craft to be finished you move camera to sky to reduce the load on GPU, but after some time this fu****ing camera start rotation and your GPU burning again to draw all this unnecessary stuff.

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Where should the interact prompt appear?

  • Bottom of screen.
  • Middle of screen.
0 voters

Depends on what you want really. The former is better for generalist stuff, but the latter allows you to hide things to a degree.

Depends on what you want really. The former is better for generalist stuff, but the latter allows you to hide things to a degree.

I don’t understand what you said.