Polls For The Soul, and How Our Fetishes Influence Us

Maybe. I wanted it to be inclusive to as many people as possible, and even though a vast majority of those here are cis men, I have been made aware by some of the other polls I’ve put in this post that a lot are actually gay or bi and to leave them out would unfairly skew the results for them. Even if it was just one gay dude, or one straight woman I would feel a responsibility to make sure that they were included too.

That being said, this was definitely one of the most interesting polls in here for me, and in the future I might make a more detailed post about it with some more in depth polls on the subject to really kind of sink my teeth into it. I still think it’s very interesting that as many people voted “yes” as they did, because keep in mind if I were polling any other community it would likely be 99% no, as opposed to like 53% or whatever that is up there.

Ey, you were askin’ an important question. That’s how progress is made, broski.

Glad I elicited that response. I feel as if from what I’ve read there’s a lot of compartmentalization that happens on part of someone with a deviant interest, and part of having a healthier outlook on this is accepting these parts of you, and realizing how they affect you.

Of course. As I said before, practically an infinite number of ways, really.

Hahaha! Yeah. I remembered your story from “What got you into this fetish” and immediately knew your perspective would be unique. “Fat’s just sculpted muscle”, after all!

Personally, I was just calorie counting, but after some personal events happened in my life and just a general mental health decline for a little while I just couldn’t do it. Though, I’m gonna be getting back into it in the near future since things have kinda calmed down now.

Even if I got in shape I’m never going to be a very active person. To each their own, however. I would reckon if those in your personal life found out more about this then they’d be pretty surprised. Probably more so than a lot of the other people here. It’s just an example of how you don’t choose the fetish, it chooses you, which is why this whole time I’ve been using this post partially as a platform for advocating thinking about it in a healthy way, because negative spots in my mental health have always been partially attributed to thinking there’s something wrong with me for liking this.

Like I also said previously, sexuality is also always in flux to some extent, and that’s alright.

Thank you.