(Polls For The Soul) Fattening Foods

I vote to name @The_Stranger as WeightGaming’s official pollster.

Hey, why not both? It could be a college thesis for your sociology ambitions. Bonus points if you can re-write the title to get a cool word out of the acronym.

Mmph. You’re gonna make me count calories now? Never! Kidding aside, my granola bar snacks at work might actually take me over my medically-recommended calorie limit. I probably would have asked a question more along the lines of “How would you describe your diet?”. I’d let you add some of the fun attitude to them, but the choices could be something to the effect of:

  • I’m a health nut (conscientiously eating healthy to maintain or improve your physique).
  • I try to eat a balanced diet, but I indulge here and there (normal).
  • Most days are cheat days, tbh (unintentionally trending unhealthy).
  • My body is a temple, and I worship it with only the heaviest of offerings. / If I am what I eat, I am an AYCE buffet all day, every day (actively gaining).

I both resent and appreciate you making moderates like myself pick the closer value between “Once a week” and “Once a day”. (For those who don’t know the context, see link.)

I love your approach to this. I would have renamed one of the options to “Grease is the Word,” but that’s probably a little too cheesy. When you renew this question for weight gain scenarios, I felt like the stereotypes had to dominate, because some of the options (e.g., protein, spicy) are not inherently fattening.

I chose “None of these” since my favorite desserts are centered around cream and luscious textures. Cream puffs, creme brulee, panna cotta, Napoleon. Yeah-huh, because I’m fancy like that.

I think I would enjoy veal, but I don’t know if I have tried it before. I am confused by the “Nothing even mildly rare” answer. Is that the “None of the above” option, or is it “I like my steak well-done” choice? And yes, I want to set the world on fire, so release the results!

This has been another great poll set for the series. Because I am not a fan of slob-like stuffing, I love writing about my character savoring the food. A food critic used to be my dream job, when I was younger. My mother and I are both foodies, and she wants to start a local food tour business. Thus, I get to explore new restaurants and research menus. It’s probably not good for my waistline, but certainly good for my vocabulary on eating!