Oh yeah. You know it!
Howdy, Weight Gamers!… agh, okay, that was pretty bad, I pinky swear I won’t do that again…
The Stranger is back at it again with an off-the-wall but strangely thought provoking set of polls.
I realized that for my blockbuster set of polls: Polls for The Soul, that not only were there an infinite amount of sentilating questions to ask that one little topic couldn’t cover, but some that I already did ask were either flawed, or didn’t go into enough detail. So, I’ve elected that in addition to some new polls, some of the older ones down the line I’m going to make into their own dedicated post with a much more thought out and varied set of questions, and replace the one in the main post with just a link to the more indepth poll, in addition to updating it with some of the new polls made by others besides that come out that I find interesting.
I think putting such a grand and nebulous concept out there as “How Your Fetish Affects You” definitely resonated with some people, but I think I’m going to try the opposite now and get super specific and see if that gets better results, so that we can have a Unified Body of Theories on The Psychology of Fat and Adjacent Fetishists, Specifically Those With a Penchant for Video Games…
Or we could just have fun. Let’s just do that instead:
Now, if you’ve been here for a little while it would be safe to assume a pillar of this grander community is the (mostly) fictional consumption of large quantities of unhealthy food. It’s how the magic happens, after all! Calorically dense food, combined with lessened activity and metabolism equals this site’s very namesake!
Now while it’s possible to get fat off of carrots, it would be much harder than off of what people traditionally think of as unhealthy. Also, fetishes aren’t always scientific. Sometimes they’re based off of stereotypes. For those currently gaining a lot of weight, the stereotypical foods come to mind…
Ice cream, fried food, pastries…
Oooh, yeah. I can just feel the second hand embarrassment from the Fast Food Employee already…
Now, you might not know this, but in fact many people are telling me that eating unhealthy food is something that happens in real life, believe it or not! We also contrary to popular belief, exist in real life as well! So, my question for you is…
In Real Life, How Often Do You Indulge In Fattening Food?
Now, we’re not talking a granola bar here. We’re talking about genuinely indulging in something that might push you over your calorie limit (2,000 - 3,000) for the day on top of your normal meals, while not working it off.
- Rarely
- Once A Week
- Once A Day
- Multiple Times A Day
0 voters
In Real Life, Do You Bake/Cook?
Cooking to me has more than one step. So just warming something up doesn’t count.
- Every Meal
- At Least Once A Day
- Every Other Day
- Rarely
- Almost Never
0 voters
Hmmm… interesting… Now we’re getting to why I made this poll in the first place:
Savory or Sweet?
In either real life, a weight gain scenario, or both, whenever fattening food has to be eaten, which do you prefer? Something delectable and savory, or rich and sweet?
- Sweet
- Savory
- No Preference
0 voters
About the question coming up: some might disagree with me on things labeled “fattening”, and to that I say, once again, these are stereotypes. Specifically Western/American stereotypes. Technically any food can be healthy or unhealthy depending on how much you eat it.
In Real Life, What Describes Your Favorite Savory Fattening Foods?
These are in very general terms because if not the list would be way too long to write in my lifetime. I’ve allowed people to pick up to three to kind of get an idea what their guilty (or not) pleasures are in this regard.
For example, if the only thing that comes to your mind is a fast food pizza, then I would pick: Never Enough Cheese, Carbs Please, and Just So Greasy.
Though multiple things probably come to mind, if you’re at a blank, just think about what your favorite fattening food is, or at least what you like about it, and try and describe it using these terms.
If none of these describe your favorite savory food, check None of These, and tell me in the replies what it is!
- Deep Fried
- Meat, Meat, Meat!
- Carbs, Please
- Never Enough Cheese
- Covered With So Much Salt
- So, So, Spicy
- So Much Grease
- None of These
0 voters
Ooooh, I bet there was some controversial answers there! Now, for more of the same, except:
In A Weight Gain Scenario, What Describes Your Favorite Savory Fattening Foods?
So, this time in fiction. Whether it be a video game, some kind of roleplaying scenario, in a story, or piece of artwork: Do your answers change?
- Deep Fried
- Meat, Meat, Meat!
- Carbs, Please
- Never Enough Cheese
- Covered With So Much Salt
- So, So, Spicy
- So Much Grease
- None of These
0 voters
Hohohoho! Maybe they did change… I don’t know, because this version of me writing this in the past hasn’t released the poll yet!
Now, for what everyone’s been waiting for:
In Real Life, What Is Your Favorite Fattening Dessert?
This one was a lot easier to put together, and it’s pretty self explainatory too! At least much more than savory… To explain “Something Most Would Call Healthy”, just think about whether a granola bar is actually something people would call a “Fattening Dessert” and go ahead and check that option.
- Candy
- Cookies/Biscuits (If Bri’ish)
- Pastries
- Frozen Desserts
- Oooh, Chocolate…
- Caramel/Butterscotch
- Something Most Would Call Healthy
- None of These
0 voters
Oooh yeah. You know how this works by now:
In A Weight Gain Scenario, What Is Your Favorite Fattening Dessert?
You know the drill by now…
- Candy
- Cookies/Biscuits (If Bri’ish)
- Pastries
- Frozen Desserts
- Oooh, Chocolate…
- Caramel/Butterscotch
- Something Most Would Call Healthy
- None of These
0 voters
Now… for the one that if I made the results public it could ruin lives:
Any Semi-Rare Food Opinions?
No offense is meant. Voting results have intentionally been marked not public for people who care about this sort of thing.
- Vegan/Vegetarian/Pescatarian
- Likes Veal
- Likes Pineapple On Pizza
- Hates Breakfast
- Just Generally A Picky Eater
- Nothing Even Mildly Rare
0 voters
Now, somewhat like I said before, this isn’t it!
These polls were very general, so, if you’re up for it, some more details in the replies would be awesome. I know I’d love to hear about some of the different junk foods from different cultures, as my polls are very skewed towards the U.S. of A, so if something cultural to you slipped through the cracks, then please let us all know what it is, and why it’s so good?
Do you have any stories, or general anecdotes about the subject?
Come one, come all! There are no wrong answers!
Personally, I made this poll after eating a bunch of these:
Though most of the time I’m not actually much of a fan of sweet things too too often besides soda. I like savory foods overwhelmingly more than sweet things in regards to real life, and in weight gain scenarios, but I am also pretty picky with my food in general. I also mostly hate breakfast, so that’s my super contraversial food opinion.