Polls For The Soul, and How Our Fetishes Influence Us

That was my intention. The intention was something more than overweight because if I hadn’t done that then most people if they were answering honestly would’ve picked “overweight”, and I wanted to skew the results towards putting people in boxes that better describe them, given “overweight” is actually mostly (very big quotation marks here) “average”.

I did not mean to offend at all, and if I did I apologize. I myself like I said am very much overweight, but trying to get better myself.

I just in general wanted to get people’s opinions on it because I kind of knew where the thing about your partners gaining weight would go, and I figured it would be fair to not only see what people thought about their partner, but also about what they thought of themselves.

It’s sad not a whole lot of people are in my situation. I just can’t keep secrets for the life of me. I always worry about what will happen if it gets revealed, and I just in general don’t like to lie in any way. I understand completely why someone wouldn’t wanna do that however. It’s personally caused me a bit of grief with people not really fully understanding, but ultimately I enjoy not feeling like I’m hiding anything from anyone.

I was just giving examples. My opinion on pregnancy particularly for the purposes of this poll is that it can depend. The thing is that some people like it for completely different reasons, and what I was meaning by “Fat Adjacent” is if you like it for similar reasons you like fat stuff then I would consider it “Fat Adjacent”. The reason why I brought up the example of it looking similar is I thought that might be a better way to explain it, but I might edit it postumously in a few minutes here when I get done replying. For example some people like Vore because of the pred/prey dynamic, bot for me personally I don’t like it for that. That’s just one example though.

High Fantasy is like, witches, dragons, warlocks, spells. Think Lord of The Rings, The Elder Scrolls, and all that. Some people expand it out further to mean basically any extremely fantastical story, but it’s stereotypically very close to Tolkienesque stories.

Low Fantasy is like a fictional medieval world where there’s less fantastical stuff. Think like Kingdom Come: Deliverance, or basically any story set in a fictional medieval world that magic and fictional races and all that aren’t that prevalent.

I put Low Fantasy in there because I wanted to simplify the genre picks as much as possible. I could’ve made a multi-choice poll but I genuinely just wanted to get a sense of what someone’s favorite was, you know? That’s why I lumped similar genres in with one another. Like Horror and Mystery for example, because they scratch very similar itches for people in my opinion, just like how High and Low Fantasy are similar save for the lack of super duper fantastical elements like elves, magic spells, and all that.

I’m very very glad you think that way too! Sorry for any unintentional discomfort I might’ve given you. That wasn’t my intention. However you want to give me the profession poll, I will put it in here with the rest.

I actually ended up finding it myself! I will put it on this post in a moment.

I did not mean to imply that if you don’t have a partner that means you’re aromantic. Like I said in my responses to @Anonymous264170, I’m going to probably go back and change the wording a little bit for some polls. I apologize for that. What I meant was any partner you theoretically would, or already have. N/A was specifically if you never even plan to have a partner in the future. IE: If you’re aromantic. Hence why it originally read: N/A (ARO GANG RISE UP!)

Also, the term you’re both looking for is aromantic. Asexuals like myself are completely capable of having romantic relationships, the sexual part of the relationship is what we do not really have interest in. It is the other way around for aromantic people. Aromanticism from what I understand is actually pretty common with asexuality, but it’s not mutually exclusive one way or the other. It is a very broad spectrum both ways.

Thank you both for educating me inadvertently about using more common language in these. I try my best sometimes but it doesn’t always end up that way.

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