Portal Stuffing [VN] (New major update June 5th 2021)

Sorry, I forgot that Vkatsu isn’t in English, so it’s hard to set the body proportions. You can send me the card you have and I’ll modify it.

I’m making two seperate routes based on the player’s dialogue choices. She’ll seek the player and share her fear of gaining weight (usually after she increase in fat level) the player generally has two options:

option 1 - Tell her that she shouldn’t place so much of her identity in being an atlethe, and that staying in shape shouldn’t be her only goal in life.
She will get angry and reduce her likability with you (so you’ll have to reearn it through interacting with her in daily routines), but her sanity and mood will be improved (leading to good ending)

option 2 - Tell her that she should work harder, that a little weight won’t hold her down, that you believe she can get in shape. She’ll still sad, but resumed her jogging. (Her sanity and mood would only improve by a bit). Keep choosing this option while stuffing her and you’ll get her bad end.

Good ending: She looses the championship, but remained satisfied that she had tried her best.

Bad ending: she looses the championship, is completely heart broken that she can’t reach the only goal she had set in life, drop out of school.

Special ending: She wins the championship despite the large weight gain, achievable by ???

Neutral ending: she wins the championship being fit (this requires you to not stuff her)

Achievable by stuffing her with performance enhancing drugs, resulting in her winning despite her weight but quitting sports

I made the character with 3 fat stages and 3 levels of how stuffed she was for each because that is how the other characters were in the image you sent me.VKATSUchar.zip (1.7 MB)

If there is anything else I can do for the character I would love to help more.

I realized the files were .dat and not .png. My folder didn’t have any .png files of character cards. Is that fine?

I forgot, what idle pose do you want her to be in?

pose 8 was my favorite.

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There’s a guide to translate it, can report, that it worked(though you HAVE to use the versions it says, don’t try any of the updated versions).

I think it would be really fun it your player character could also gain weight. Maybe if the player is fat the other characters might be more willing to gain. Also it would be really cool if other characters would tease the player as they gain which could maybe have effects on the overall story. Just a thought.

Update 08-29-2019

I’m really sorry for the late update, I’ve been really busy with school and my laptop was broken for a while. Now that I’m free again, I can resume working on the game.

Prototype Release

Since the first stable release is still so far away, I’ve decided to release the very early prototype this weekend so you guys can play around with the basic mechanics and starting dialogues.


I’ve been playing around with KK’s animations. I can implement them into the game now. However, the game will be absolutely stuffed with image files and weight at least 10x more. Ex: an idle standing animation has around 20 frames, multiply with 3 belly sizes and 3 fat level, thats 180 frames! But since animations make the characters really alive, I’ll try to make idle standing animations for each character. Though only a few scenes will be animated.

Here are some examples (refresh if they have finished playing):


Of course, the player character can already gain weight right now, I’ll put in more dialogues and character developments based on the player’s weight, but thats for the future

@falcon82mm I’m really sorry! The VKatsu to Koikatsu converter is broken currently and I can’t put her into KK studio for posing. If you can install KK, that’d be great! If not then please wait a little more since I need time to remake the char in KK.

Updated Characters Roadmap


I can’t wait to play with the prototype! I really enjoy playing the text version, as well as your other games. Keep up the good work!

Thanks! I apologize, but the update will have to wait till monday

Pretty hyped for the release!

Looking forward to this.

Sorry again, it looks like I can’t get the contents (scenes, sounds, detailed diaogues) working properly yet. Trying to rush through the prototype basically broke a lot of the features. Since I’ll be busy with school for the weekdays, I have reverted to a working version and fixed most bugs I see.

This prototype is very basic, with just simple dialogues, portal interactions, and weight gain. I’ll try to get the contents (illustrations, character developments…) working this weekend.


If the web version doesnt load, try downloading the windows version. Its pretty heavy, 45mb


can’t download. says it’s invalid.

download is fixed. Other bugs will have to wait though

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like food not replenishing in the store? XD

Please report bugs on my discord, theres a bug channel

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is there anything coming up soon for the game?

I hope so, because this looks really fun and interesting