Progress report! (Sela)

So, the team now consists of a developer, modeler, world modeler, composer, and maybe a voice actor for Sela. Ice said they want to release a demo by either early next year, or after Christmas. I built the “Chef’s Home World” which has towers of cake bricks, chocolate stones, cookie sand, and green dyed coconut grass. The only metal used was for the bridge so the big ol’ dragons don’t break the logs of licorice when crossing, and fall in the water below. The demo will ideally have voice acting for Sela, a full music track for the demo world, collectibles, enemies, and a general look at how the game will play. (NOTHING IS FINAL, AND THERE WILL BE CHANGES!)


Why is this the start of a thread instead of a post in a thread? What is Sela? Why do we care what is metal? etc.


Here is the original demo thread but there are other threads about the game much like this one. Definitely makes watching a thread or bookmarking it kind of pointless when new topics are created about the same game in my opinion.

Why did this year old post get necro’d? There are two Sela threads, the original release and the update.

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Because new threads and old threads look exactly the same on phones tbh, no color difference, no [STALE], etc