Project F.A.T. v1.8.6 - Completion

So there’s 3 you can get:

Isabelle: after doing her events (billy comes in on day 5 to begin the quest line) once you beat the the queen, you’ll have another fight with her immediately. Once you win, you can recruit her.

Blue Slime Girl: after beating her three times or losing to her three times. You get the option to bring her back to the lab. Feed her until she gets to a taller humanoid form. Then you need to get Supercharged Slime. Help Joe out 5 times and he’ll show you aria. Feed her tasty slimes. When you feed her enough, you’ll get one. Feed the supercharged slimes to the slime girl and eventually she’ll size up again. Then you can ask her to tag along.

Red Slime: ensure you choose the first option when talking to Anna about her husband. When the scene plays out, buy the slime from him for 1000 gold. The process is then the same as the blue slime. Feed her, then get supercharged slime and feed her some more.


Hey there … do you plan to increase story size? Or maybe add more side plots? Like e.g. after Malory eats guards you can access new town new shortcut etc?

Also Inn in Metzin (? hope I got it right) is bugged - wrong building is labeled and once you pay and go to open fence you immediately get thank you for you patronage or so maessage.

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I have thought about it, but mostly would be just small side maps. Nothing large story wise. Some additional side quests will be added in time, but most will be small for the most part.

Yeah, I know about this one. I managed to work out a fix for it which will be in the next version

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Glad to know it … I wish story would have been bigger but side quests etc would be good to … though … I kinda wish there was ending allowing player to become new queen - voracious but kind to tiny subjects … putting bad guys from nights in “jail”

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i feel like i’m about to ask a dumb question but where do i find the debug room?

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but it is my understanding that the debug room was removed a while ago.

It was infact removed cause instead of debugging things it just made things worse…
It will be re-added in the next update. Although in a much simpler state. Mostly focused on raising stats, editing corruption, changing max fullness, changing weight. (Things that don’t affect the game as a whole - since playing around with so many switches often broke more things than I’d like to admit)

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Totally understandable. No need to make it even easier to break the game.

Exactly. I already did a great job at that. Why ruin all my hard work :smiley:

So i’m just curious…is the only way to avoid Isabelle eating you at the end ensuring that she’s not in your party to begin with, or is there something else that can be done?

Nah, its MEANT to not trigger if her corruption isn’t above 50. But, there’s a slight bug with the event so it keeps triggering :frowning:

Having her corruption below 25.

how do you lower hers? is the only way to pray?

lol well seeing as how I just discovered her corruption is over 130 that might explain it ;'D - how did that even happen?? is there a way to lower hers??

yeah. for some reason i think i have a weird error occuring where her corruption slowly increases on its own, but I can’t pinpoint where it happens…

lowering it was something i forgot to include (kind of skipped my mind entirely to be honest)

I really enjoyed playing this game, I have gone through what should have been 4 separate endings.

I want to make a comprehensive list of all the bugs/potential improvements that I haven’t seen been mentioned, so I won’t include those that I have seen other people report.


  • When on the corrupted route without Isabelle in your party, the game freezes in the final cutscene
  • Sometimes the casino riot will trigger, sometimes it won’t, even if you talk to everyone with the necessary corruption level
  • When losing weight from Ultra-heavyweight to Heavyweight, entering a match will cause the introduction sequence to infinitely loop. Not sure if it’s the same with decreasing to other weight classes
  • You mentioned on itchio that Isabelle needs 5 pigs in cases instead of 5 titan fruits when you feed her but that doesn’t work either
  • The cooking woman that you bring to the Icycull village can only feed you once, even though it seems it should be a thing that refreshes daily
  • Eve doesn’t appear in the tavern after you intervene. I have tried different days and times but can’t find her
  • Even if you leave Isabelle in Liamargia, she still comes and eats you in Mezeti if your corruption isn’t above 50
  • There’s a minor bug in the blackjack game where the dealer’s cards rarely show up visually after their 2nd card
  • Another very minor bug where you can accept the ‘extermination’ quest twice but only do it once
  • Esmerelda only automatically sizes up once, when in the guide it sounds like she should size up in the same way as Lady G
  • Small visual bugs where character portraits show a different weight to their current one (an example is Lucia’s thin portrait shows up when talking to Eloise regardless of her current weight)
  • Gwen’s job is supposed to take 2 actions but takes up the rest of the day (I think) regardless of how many actions you have left

Other Feedback

  • It would be nice if in the guide it tells you what quests have already been done if you chose the boost option
  • The contest hall is extremely easy, the button mashing is easy to do and if your capacity is ~300 or more and you enter with an empty stomach you can always eat the largest plate of food and not worry about being full. This could be fixed by making the food more filling as your capacity increases
  • The bandit ring is pointless, thieves can be easily avoided and are pretty weak anyway
  • A fast travel is needed between Icycull and Mezeti, the travel between them is very tedious
  • The money for completing quests and working is far too low. There are items in the game that can only realistically be bought by save scumming before a round of blackjack and to keep turning in the winnings.
  • Please make it so that praying to the goddess decreases Isabelle’s corruption too
  • There should be an option to buy/obtain a more durable capture net
  • There are also some items that are weirdly priced like the donut book is something like 10 VIP tokens even though learning the donut stuffing skill at that point of the game is redundant and extremely pricey at that
  • The game needs to be more intuitive with the hints and what the player should do next. Without the guide, it’s very easy to get lost/stuck
  • Enemy strength balancing is weird, almost always an enemy will either do 0 damage or kill me instantly

I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it! Yeah, the bugs are still a plenty. Most are fixed for the current Patreon build (public release in around 1-2 weeks)


  1. Yup, thats a pathing issue. Lucia “bumps” into the Queen sprite, thus causing the freeze
  2. That one I’m not sure what keeps happening. The counter refreshes when you enter. Talking to everyone should trigger it. When you leave via the front door, the counter resets. I can’t understand why it works sometimes and other times it doesn’t…
  3. The contest hall has been changed back to its original form. Although I do remember what the reason was (misplaced conditional branch)
  4. It should… But if she’s not accepting them, that quest will be completable in the next update where it’s changed back to what it should be.
  5. Oh really? No one mentioned she bugged out. It should be doable multiple times (since it’s part of a bad end)
  6. Hmm… That’s odd. Does Mallory appear at least? Or does the entire quest just bug out?
  7. Yup! That was a wonky conditional branch where the event was placed outside of the branch, so it always triggered (that is fixed in next update)
  8. So it shows 2 cards then just disappears? or shows just 1 and then nothing?
  9. Yeah, that quest got changed slightly for the next update. It’ll be a one and done event this time cause it kept causing no end of issues.
  10. Yeah, both have 4 sizes to go through. They should begin a countdown once they hit their first size up. Once the countdown hits 0, the next size up will occur.
  11. Ah, there’s always a couple of those floating around. I originally never used the escape codes (that just pick the portrait based on the current faceset being used) and did it all manually. Still finding them around the place randomly…
  12. So Gwen’s job actually consumes all remaining actions and pays you based on the number of actions you used.


  1. Oh that’s a good point! I’ll make a note to add that in (although I kind of want to redo the guide for the most part. It’s gotten rather messy, but I’m not sure how to structure it so it flows well)
  2. Mm… I tried to allieviate that by making the food be equal to random numbers but unfortunately when you get to ridiculously high capacity levels, it’s all pointless. I may revisit it in future for the actual minigame itself.
  3. It was one of the first items. Power creep has happened and some items just outclass it.
  4. It’s been added. A waystone system that lets you go between Icycull, Mezeti and Liamargia.
  5. Yeah, money balancing was always hard. I may go through and greatly increase the rewards. Or drop the cost of items. (One or the other)
  6. Ah yeah! That’s a mistake on my part. She should be included with that one.
  7. Originally, my idea was you could buy capture nets from Dominic that do basic things, but you would have to make a better one yourself. However, it did require a lot more fluffing around than first thought so I scrapped the idea. I may just up the durability on it.
  8. I valued books higher than most items. Mostly cause they teach skills. Not all skills are useful, some are just there for completionist sake.
  9. Well. the original idea of the game was to play like a sandbox. There’s a loose story in the background but for the most part, you’re free to do anything you want. But I will probably improve upon the ingame quest journal to make it a bit more intuitive.
  10. It’s mostly cause all enemies are just numbers I pulled from my ass. SInce there are no levels in the game, your stats can vary largely between days. So there are instances where monsters can be too strong or too weak. I had plans to work with scaling monsters (each day, their stats would rise slightly) so that they kind of stay relative to the player. But it turned out to be a nightmare of issues which I ended up scratching. Once most of the game is done, I’ll probably revisit monster balance and try find a happy medium.

Small balance suggestion, make daily limit for gambling (something like in fallout NV) as technically you can make yourself unstoppable by quick blackjack and than buy perma foods.

Hmm… Potentially adding a time to each table game might be an idea. Although you can just save, bet huge, play. If you lose, reload.

It’s a tough thing to balance more or less. Its mainly there as a bit of side fun.

Just my view, but I’m fine with the gambling how it is. It’s easy enough to not do for people that want to challenge themselves, but it’s still open to allow people who want to move along to some of the good parts soon than later.

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