Project F.A.T. v1.8.6 - Completion

Maybe yes? maybe no? The below describes a common freeze in rpgmaker and an easy fix that always works for me.

This issue is not a memory issue. Technically yes fast forwarding might be causing a memory issue, but who cares. The reason the issue is super common instead of super rare is easily fixed instead., it’s an issue that buttons are pressed when they’re let go of. Devs will tell players to not fast forward because it causes the visual freeze, and while that is technically true. It’s actually impossible to not fast forward because any time the player lets go of the confirm button they fast forward for a microsecond, at least that’s my laymans vague understanding of the situation. If you play a game where the dev says not to fast forward with this fix in place instead of a visual freeze the game will keep playing but all the characters can end up in the wrong place, but you actually have to be fast forwarding on purpose for that to happen. Not accidentally for a microsecond.

To be clear though this edit fixes 99.99% of rpgmaker issues I’ve had in my life, and honestly devs might want to look into releasing their games with this change already made. The below is a copy/paste of the last time I addressed this issue, including the link to the post where Unable2Win first taught me the trick.


First go into the games “www” folder and from there open the “js” folder. Once there open the file “rpg_core” in Notepad or some other text editor. Once open, you need to find the line:
if (this._skipCount === 0)
You can use ctrl+f to quickly find it. Once you have found it you need to replace it with this line:
if (this._skipCount < 0)

I found this fixes the visuals freezing. Make sure to save your changes before exiting. Also you will need to do this again once the new update comes out.

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Oh cool. I’ll screen shot it and make the change. Hopefully it helps :smiley:

Keep in mind, this won’t fix the game from “breaking”, but it will fix the game from freezing. If you end up with two copies of the same npc on the screen at once, something has still gone wrong, but if the program doesn’t literally freeze you can do stuff like try saving in a new slot, leave the area, re-enter it, whatever.

Those types of glitches will also most likely only occur when players are fast forwarding intentionally. Whereas before players would get the error even when they swore they weren’t fast forwarding.

One downside for a developer implementing this fix is you might get some new bug reports which are entirely fraudulent. Although the only players who will be submitting those fraudulent bug reports will be players who would’ve had their game freeze randomly for no reason until they got frustrated and either quit playing or insulted you.

If a player implements the fix themselves, they at least had to read this long boring rant first. (I make this change in the rpgmaker games I download from and weightgaming even before I encounter problems.)


So… it’s been a while folks.
Here, here’s something that took far longer than it should have.


i just saw it and man it looks nice i’m also going to make sure i have a fresh start so i don’t bug myself out lol also the art work is lovely


so i’m currently playing the latest just like i said i would and the girl the you feed yogurt to no longer gets hungry after my 2nd or 3rd interaction with her so i think there some mini bug there that stopping her stuff other then that everything looks fine and smooth

The time waiting was worth it :wink:

so did you intentional remove the overeating thing because it’s not working i can just infinitely eat no punishment

In the changelog you mention an in progress guide. Any chance you can update the thread if/when it’s finished? I find it really hard to progress without an up to date guide because so much changes between versions.

i think something in this version broke since for what i mentioned used to work so i think there some kinks in the programing that needs a bit of fixing but to be honest the important parts of the game still works so those two things shouldn’t fully matter currently

The lab going into of the castle Lucia freezes at without any way of doing anything

look likes there alot of bugs like for me when i got to a certain size i got a sisterchubby image missing thing

Yeah, no idea what’s happened here. I’ll have a look at the conditionals for the checks and see whats going on there.

I did. instead of respawing back at the lab, you will suffer a debuff that will reduce all your stats by 80% until you drop back down again. You can continue eating, but your stats will only rise the first 4 times. Any other times will just be max fullness.

The guide is in the game folder (the main folder, scroll through the JSON’s and it should be there. Called “Project F.A.T Guide v1.5”

Odd. Must be trying to run an event. I’ll have a suss.

So many bugs :frowning: This is what happens when it takes too long to test things. Yeah, I knew I’d miss an old sprite somewhere…


Alright. That should solve most of the bugs. I know because of the lab freeze, you couldn’t continue further so there’s probably more bugs out there, hopefully not as bad as that one…

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Okay, so there was a tileset issue causing a problem with Anna’s corrupted quest,
v1.5.4 (8.7 KB)

Download this, extract and copy the two JSONS in there.
Go to the Data folder of the game and paste them there. Will fix the issue.

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I’m trying to collect old changelogs for posterity and I’ve saved the changelog for 1.05 and many earlier and then 1.53 and 1.54 with the ones in the middle missing, I can’t find them in this thread, I think they were always edited into then out of the OP, anyone happen to have them and wanna share?

They’re still in the edit history of the OP, but I’m not sure if the history feature of someone else’s post is available without privileged access - do you see a number (currently 80) and a pencil icon top right of the OP?

Who are the new party members and how do I recruit them? the guide mentions there are 4 but the section on them is still blank.

Also I just noticed this game is titled Project F.A.T shouldn’t it be Project F.A.T.

Yes I see them, that works, in fact, it works SO well, I might not even bother to copy paste and save them to text, because well, they’re just accessed via that pencil button I never noticed before!

The main reason I saved some was lack of knowledge about this button.

You can get Tiffany and Brittney (the Succubi that you have to buy their drinks) by buying their drinks I think 10 times each, then talk to them at the succubus hideout after defeating Phatrelle. Then there’s the dragon in the Icycull cave. I’m not sure if you need to feed her Hannah but if you do you need to defeat the dragon after feeding her to recruit her. As for the last girl, I have no idea, haven’t even come across her yet