I have started a project called “Project Quimbly” and it is basically me going in on my inspiration to make a game about hopping from club to club to date different girls and ween them into inflation. The concept has changed a bit but I’m sure the content wont disappoint. (there also is a lot of feeder ism content as well)
Well nothing concrete but at the moment sorry. As it is though we want to have a release of some kind before asking for any patreon support. then we want to use that patreon support to better the game
I suppose for people who check this thread from time to time I should mention that we are getting somewhat close to a release with some of the core game mechanics done!!
no it should stop in 30 seconds and your payout should be there unless you are playing the link in this fourm this is the wrong fourm I made a new one when the game came out located here: