Red Dead Redemption 2

So this might be a bit of a necro, but I came across this thread recently after I got Red Dead on sale, and I decided to take a more comprehensive look into the size changes. I made a character with the “Heavy” body type and created an outfit that seemed the most form-fitting of the options available. After going through the arduous process of starving her to minimum weight and the more fun part of feeding her to maximum weight, I now have a bunch of screenshots, of which these seem the most relevant:

Front view of underweight/normal/overweight:

Side view of underweight/normal/overweight:

The front view seems fairly similar- except, of course, for the belt clipping at maximum weight- but the character’s torso does get slightly wider. The side view is where the difference is really evident- the character’s stomach goes from fairly flat to distinctly rounded.

Furthermore, given that the female playermodel is 5’ 9" (according to the height chart in the creation screen, cited here, I used this site to tune the body measurements based on the character’s shape at each weight value (20 steps, indicated by -7.5% to +7.5% health capacity in the “Player” section of the pause menu, where each step increased the value by 0.75%) and from those determined some approximate trends:

  • The bust measurement went from 40 to 42 inches, increasing 0.1 inches per step.
  • The waist measurement went from 32 to 47 inches, increasing 0.75 inches per step.
  • The hip measurement went from 42 to 55 inches, increasing 0.65 inches per step.
  • The site’s weight estimation based on the BWH measurements went from 168 to 243 pounds, increasing 3.75 pounds per step.

So yeah, that’s my overly detailed analysis of the system (and an admittedly subjective one, since the measurement tuning was mostly eyeballed and almost exclusively based on the belly shape). Some final thoughts:

  • Based on BMI calculations, at minimum weight the Heavy character is on the border between normal and overweight, at neutral weight the character is on the border between overweight and obese class I, and at maximum weight the character has just passed the threshold into obese class II.
  • To reach maximum underweight/overweight status from neutral, the Heavy character has to lose/gain 37.5 pounds, which seems… feasible? I don’t know how it would actually compare to IRL.
  • It seems to become slightly harder to increase the character’s weight as she gets heavier- I started out eating 2 pieces of beef per step, but that became 3 a bit past midway and 4 for the last couple of steps.
  • If you want to try this out yourself to see how your character looks at every step, I would recommend buying a moonshine shack; the weight value only updates when you enter a black loading screen, and although there are multiple ways of inducing one (people have written about it elsewhere), the easiest loop I found was to eat, enter the shack via the side door, watch for a little “weight up” symbol to appear in your health core to make sure the change was applied, exit/take screenshots, and repeat.