RimRound - a Rimworld Weight Gain Mod

can we request support for specific race mods?

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A preview of a sprite done for the mod Lardy_Female_Front mcok


This looks amazing. Canā€™t wait to see more and play the mod.

for idoligy (aka religion) you should be able to make a minimum weight and max weight for said gender (meaning anyone below said weight has to gain more weight and vise versa for ones that are overweight) however some traits will counter act this and cant join the religion (and for laughs and giggles being able to make a single pawn minimum weight pretty high for workshipping)


When the time comes, adding support for other races (that use the Humanoid Alien Races framework) will be very simple. However, for races with very non vanilla looking bodies (read: extra body parts) will be a little awkward as these differences will disappear or be awkwardly superimposed immediately upon weight gain. The functionality to add custom sprites for them is always open though.

TL;DR Itā€™ll be real easy to add alien support but theyā€™ll use the same sprites as the new ones we use for humans (of course itā€™ll match their alien skin color though).

Out of the box it should (probably) just work right away. A simple patch for full compatibility. Iā€™m not really into vore but I am fully willing to help with patching in most mods. Care to drop a link? Iā€™ll save it for later.

I do look forward to Ideoligion stuff when the time comes! That really shouldnā€™t be too complicated - thereā€™s already gender specific memes, and by adding a special role your last thing about a single big pawn wouldnā€™t be far-fetched either.

Update Time!


First and foremost, @Reeds has been working like a madman! By his hand, we now have 10 custom body stages fully sprited in addition to using two vanilla stages. Thatā€™s 30 custom sprites! You can now fatten your pawns from a measly 1x2 tile area into a respectable 6x6. I hope youā€™ll give your blobs the rooms they deserve. Thereā€™s still some calibration going on behind the scenes, but with this we are ever closer to an Alpha release. Iā€™ll have some gifs to share of the progressions very soon!

Custom heads was something I wanted to leave the door open for. While so far Iā€™ve been able to use custom heads at pawn generation, dynamic switching has proven to be a bit more complicated than it was with bodies. Though getting the functionality a bit of a struggle, I now have the know-how and code in to do it!


Beds now have a toggle option for showing sheets (shown below)!

By default they follow vanilla behavior, but when enabled the sheets are hidden and your pawnā€™s body can be seen through the sheets. This setting is per bed and changeable any time. Custom beds should not be a problem, just a small patch as needed.

Diet Management

Speaking of patches, some work was done to adjust how pawns seek food. There was formerly an arbitrary restriction that pawns could only grab one meal to eat. While this makes enough from a vanilla standpoint, from a stuff-their-face-until-they-can't-move one, not as much. This restriction has been removed!

Itā€™s been a while since I updated you all on the diet management interface/system, so let me share!
Hereā€™s its appearance at the moment:

As you can see there are some placeholder items, but all of the functionality is there! Disabled Mode (pictured below) reverts pawns to vanilla diet management behavior - in case you didnā€™t want to micromanage everybodyā€™s diet.

When you change modes your slider access changes. For example, in Fullness Mode, your tool looks like this:

Nutrition will do the opposite and give you two blue bars and so forth.
Volume of the stomach is displayed by the tick marks on the orange bar. They appear every x liters of capacity (here I believe thatā€™s per 0.15L). The hard and soft limits are shown by the dashes toward the end. I intend to change those to better represent how important they are. When setting beyond the hard limit the menu that will give you the confirmation to continue has been added as well. No accidental visceral pawn explosions today.

Having mentioned the soft limit, it seems appropriate to mention, stomachs can now stretch! This feature is still very in development, but Iā€™m still quite excited.

Lastly, the food seeking AI has been adjusted to reflect the mode that you are in. While this is mostly functional, RimWorld has certain food seeking behavior strictly applied to pawns. That doesnā€™t mean I wonā€™t change it though! (Just that itā€™ll take a hot minute to adjust it all).


The pawn wiggler (yeah that's what it's called) is being adjusted so that larger pawns don't writhe as fast or hard as their smaller peers when downed.

Behind the scenes Iā€™ve patched the existing human race so that compatibility isnā€™t broken rather than converting all humans to a different, human-like, race.

Thatā€™s all for now. I plan to have a discord up for everyone to join by next post!


Hereā€™s a peek at the sprites! There are plenty not shown here, but this is all of the south facing and many of the side facing sprites! In addition to these there are north facing sprites (aka their backs) for each stage. These are best seen in game, so look forward to the alpha release! Again, all credit to @Reeds for the incredible artwork!


Incredible sprites, but I feel like the difference in line thickness between the head and body is a bit jarring. Iā€™m sure it looks better in game though, just thought Iā€™d bring it up.


How soon is this mod going to be released?

This is the vore mod thats currently in development. Its kind of rough around the edges still, but Im pretty sure I read in one of the faqs that while he wasnt going to add it himself, that if there were a fat mod coming that he would sure work with them.


Yes that is a thing already on my list, Wanted to get the outline done last cause its a simple layer effect, Rimworld art varies allot in lineweight within those characteristic thick outlines! its really deceiving, it was fun to learn that, getting that unseen detail in there was a first priority, Thanks for the input though! always great to get a set of extra eyes P6MwI2c


Here is what it would look like Lardy_Female_Side_T


I bought Rimworld because I love your artwork too much!


Thank you! enjoy the game while we try to get this mod out as soon as possible!

All the is looks so awesome getting excited for this more and more.

Wow youā€™ve got some big sizes here! Iā€™ll admit I tend to prefer the smaller end of obese, but these all look incredible! Plus, it seems like Iā€™ll be able to control how big the characters get so I can always limit them to a certain size I believe. Youā€™re doing great work Iā€™m hyped!

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Hi! I wanted to personally know if there would be some intermediate sizes. (I like huge sizes, but going from average ā†’ obese ā†’ blob ā†’ even bigger blob is a bit jarring)

I was also wondering if there would be other ways for pawns to gain besides forcing them to just consume lots. Perhaps feeder/feedee couples or certain afflictions that cause gluttony? Thereā€™s a surprising number of possibilities.

Nonetheless, the work youā€™ve done here is absolutely fantastic.


IIRC the vanilla fat body type is one of the stages, so thatā€™s your bridge between average and obese. It would be nice if there was something like a ā€œChubbyā€ phase between the vanilla average and fat bodies since that is in itself something of a jump in size.

Edit: Since I hate just floating ideas, if itā€™s wanted, Iā€™m more than willing to try and draw a set of in-between chubby/thicc sprites.


I think that the ā€˜jarringā€™ nature of the extra body detail will fade as more stages are made. That said, one thing I appreciate about the less detailed vanilla bodies is that your mind can fill in the blanks, letting you imagine their body proportions rather than having them lined out. Body type and musculature are also two things that detailed custom sprites are complicated by imo, though I think incorporating both would be long-term goals not immediate priorities.

I think thereā€™s a lot of space in-between just the vanilla sprites, let alone between the vanilla and the ones above, which seem to spiral into blobhood pretty quickly. The ā€˜thinā€™ and ā€˜normalā€™ ones, for instance, go from beanpole to curvy. Sprites even skinnier than ā€˜thinā€™ might even be neat as a way of better displaying when colonists are truly emaciated rather than naturally skinny.

If thereā€™s no upper ceiling on the number of in-between sprites, then the more the merrier as far as Iā€™m concerned.


you know, i certainly would like a discord server to see how all of this is going to be developed, as well as it lasting longer than a weight gaming page, at least in general, rimworld needs more fetish mods and this is already looking like its going to be a great one

Go for it! since I already got my hands full with the sprites left to be finished. get in touch with Niwatori401 in dms if you are down