RimRound - a Rimworld Weight Gain Mod

I am not against with the idea but as I mentioned before I already got my hands full with the sprites left to be finished not to mention clothes. 6 out the 10 stages are under 1000lb of the proposed 3000lb range the mod was initally set as a goal. I spread them out specially more under the lower weights as much as possible. I am also aware of the sprites being worked on by coldsteelj on the other rimworld mod, from what ive seen those are in the lower ranges and perhabs we can come to an agreement to share some of the work done by both of us if there is enough demand for it
this is the pudgy size by coldsteelj


The discord is up! I will continue to monitor and post updates to both the thread and the discord for the foreseeable future.

You’re correct! The one of the main reasons I added diet management was for that exact purpose. In my mind I want to have able bodied colonists and… those less able.

I will add sizes for however many sprites I have. With how I have it set up, adding a new size is a matter of adding one number and one small file (plus the actual sprites).

That’s something I’d love to add. I have a couple ideas down so far, but what other methods did you have in mind?

Since it sounds like the main artist is down, I’d definitely take your help! message me on Discord and we can talk more about it.


I think anything that involves people working together on something together art-wise is a boon.

flails hopelessly at the several independent rimworld mod projects doing more or less the same thing

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two more stages due to popular demand

Thick_Female_Front FF 2Thick_Female_Front FF


oh where the link to that body size?


Time for a long overdue post to the forum! As stated before, while I will still post here, the minutia of development and conversation about the mod primarily happens on the Discord. The link for that is here, if you missed it.

Let’s discuss progress!

Settings Tab

A new tab at the bottom that functions as something of a control panel has been added! It’s nice and small so as not to clutter up that area as much as possible.

Inside there are many settings relating to global management and visual settings. In addition I plan on adding more statistics since I’m a sucker for numbers. Here’s what’s in it right now:

In the coming days I plan to add more and more customization options in to allow for everyone to play the way they want. If you have suggestions for options, feel free to say them!

Body Change Settings

Settings wise, let’s talk about some of them.
In the “Body Change Settings” group you are able to customize which groups of pawns use the custom sprites. This is completely dynamic and can be changed at anytime. For example, with the current settings (in the picture), no NPCs would use the custom sprites, regardless of gender. However, both males and females in the colony: slave, prisoner or otherwise would use them.

Gizmo Settings

In the “Gizmo Settings” group you are able to customize which of those little buttons appear on your pawns when you click them. Since I am adding so many, I figured it would be nice to be able to change which ones are active whenever you felt like it. Under this section there are a few gizmos of note. They are described in more detail below.

Diet management gizmo: The one I’ve been showing so far. Allows you to change when a pawn eats, why they choose to and how much.

Sleep posture gizmo: At high weights pawns looked strange when they laid on their sides. In addition, if you ever want to see the butt side of a pawn’s sprite once they become immobile, this allows you to do so! The main use is to set a pawn’s sleeping posture to what you want and then leave it that way, but here’s a demo of me cycling through the positions.


Blanket management gizmo: I believe I already mentioned this here, but this allows you to hide (or show) a pawn’s body when they are in a bed that normally would hide it. It was weird that a pawn weighing 1300lbs would suddenly hide under a blanket and you’d only see their head. This let’s you choose whether you want to fix it on a pawn by pawn basis.

Dynamic body type exemption gizmo: Nothing against the granny lovers out there, but that’s not me. This gizmo lets you exempt specific pawns from the body type settings. This means that if you want female colonists to use the new sprites but not 96 year-old Phyllis, then you can. Furthermore, if you want only a specific few pawns to use the new sprites, as of a situation where there was one very large pawn everyone else served, this would let you do that.

Blob into bed gizmo: I know this will make at least one guy here happy! When a pawn reaches ~1200lbs, they are eligible to become a blob bed! When enabled pawns can be assigned to, and sleep on the blob colonist as if they were a bed. This feature is still a little buggy, but it should be polished soon.

Clothing Compatibility

One of the problems with adding new body types to RimWorld is that it causes massive incompatibility with both Vanilla and Modded clothing. However, rejoice! (kind of). Pawns can now wear any Vanilla or modded clothing that they normally would be allowed to. The current fix is like this:

If the sprites for their body size exist, render them. This means that when clothing sprites eventually are drawn, they will show up visually on the pawn. Until then, any clothing that is missing a valid sprite for their body type won’t show anything visually, but will still appear in their gear tab and apply its effects. This way colonists won’t freeze to death because they can’t wear a warm shirt or armor.

Food seeking algorithm

The Vanilla code for this has been updated to reflect the changes this mod introduces.

Fullness System Updates

The dialog to confirm setting the target fullness above the hard limit, as well as custom hediffs and damage types for rupturing the stomach have been properly added. The fullness hediff is now completely dynamic and based on their, well, fullness.

Lastly, the boring stuff

  • I optimized how I was rendering sprites for each body size. Sprites no longer have to be resized at all in the image itself. The scale is now adjustable directly per body type.

  • The custom pawn wiggler effects are now polished to where I want them. It’s really something you have to see rather than hear me explain.

  • In Vanilla RimWorld there’s a stat that dictates when a pawn becomes incapable of a task based on that capacity. For movement this was 15%. For reasons I’ve lowered this to 1%. Slow pawn waddle time.

  • Many, many code optimizations and structural changes to support future development both by me and others. I intend to make it easy to mod my mod so that we can have a plethora of content using it.

Thanks for reading! If you are interested in following the development more closely so consider joining the Discord!


to be fair. the fat would be a insulator. but still nice if I could mod I so would have done the same.


This might make me buy the game… Funny


Man i bought the game for this mod, and it was so much fun! I recommend playing vanilla first, without any of the expansions because if you don’t know how the game works they would just make everything harder to understand. At first it was a little difficult to get the hang of it but then i could finally make a prosper colony, it just took me like 5 colonies lol, the last one ended because i didn’t have any food for the winter and had to recurr to cannibalism :frowning: anyway i learned my lesson and built a fridge room and the nutrient paste dispenser, you should 100% make this for the winter. Anyway i just wanted to share my opinion on the game, you should play it!!

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honestly, a cannibal colony with this mod would be interesting, kind of a hansel and Gretel thing? attract people, trap them and fatten them up to eat? totally possible hell, I saw some videos where the guy uses pawn bodies as resources

as far as i can tell, you can literally make a blob-supported cannibal farm :upside_down_face:


while a bit of a ask I wonder in the future could we adjust the weight disruption for a more top or bottom heavy gain

don’t even get me started on human breeding grounds


Human cattle, how barbaric. All you need now is lactation-fetish mod and you could run a literal human farm


Been getting super into Rimworld recently so can’t wait to try out this mod when it’s available

I was curious are you still looking for any assistance with spriting? Would be happy to help out if so, though looks like you have a bunch done from the screen shots here! (All looking great too!)

After a bit more testing and development I’ll post the link here, but the alpha is live on the discord! If you’d like to play it now feel free to join!

As for sprite work, there always stuff that could be done! It really depends on your interests.


Oh really?! Ooo very tempting to jump in now but might wait it out till the alpha is done

Oh I’m not picky would be happy to help with whatever you need, maybe help with some of the pawn clothing or something

This looks awesome! The sleeping positioning tool is a fantastic idea.

Updated the main post with the download link and description!


Something that might be worth looking into would be an interaction with the food dispensers or some kind of feeding tube item that can be placed next to a bed and connected via food pipes which allows you to deliver food to the infirm (or more likely, the immobilized) without a colony member having to deliver it by hand. Truly get your fat farm fantasy running.