really like this! Hope it gets expanded on, even just an endless mode of what we have now would be very fun
I like this one. Definitely a lot of fun once you get a hang of how to do sneak attacks
I had a lot of fun with this one!
One small thing to note: after a game over, the floor level indicator does not reset.
This is very well done for its simple premise. Actually played through a few times, noticing new mechanics each time. It could really be expanded on too, if you continue developing it after the jam. Good luck!
I really enjoyed this - cute art style, fun mechanics, long enough to show off the concepts fully without getting too grindy. I did notice the jiggle physics for the breasts kind of explode on trying to ‘snap’ to place when entering a new floor, and the eat-everything mechanics have a bit of a downside if you click the wrong way while trying to rest, but nothing that really detracted from the game or concept.
This is easily my favorite jam entry that I’ve played. There are few better ways to capture a theme of unexpected outcomes than with a roguelike.