RogueWeight - Jam Edition

really like this! Hope it gets expanded on, even just an endless mode of what we have now would be very fun

I like this one. Definitely a lot of fun once you get a hang of how to do sneak attacks

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I had a lot of fun with this one!

One small thing to note: after a game over, the floor level indicator does not reset.


This is very well done for its simple premise. Actually played through a few times, noticing new mechanics each time. It could really be expanded on too, if you continue developing it after the jam. Good luck!

I really enjoyed this - cute art style, fun mechanics, long enough to show off the concepts fully without getting too grindy. I did notice the jiggle physics for the breasts kind of explode on trying to ‘snap’ to place when entering a new floor, and the eat-everything mechanics have a bit of a downside if you click the wrong way while trying to rest, but nothing that really detracted from the game or concept.

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This is easily my favorite jam entry that I’ve played. There are few better ways to capture a theme of unexpected outcomes than with a roguelike.

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very cute sprite work! The little dialog we get from Erith is very funny too

By far this is one of the most interesting gain jam games I’ve played yet!

I’m so happy to find out its continue after the jam even if its just one update. I love this game and i hope it wins

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ah ha, whoops, i almost forgot to post the update here

RogueWeight [0.1.0] - The Endless Mindless Eating Update

Hey everybody, I’ve made a bunch of adjustments and additions to help wrap up this jam entry a bit.

Summary of changes:

  • secret rooms can now be found on each floor
  • endless floors have been added
    • the entrance is located south of the player’s spawn room on the boss floor
  • new items and objects have been added
  • significantly increased Erith’s maximum visual size
  • in-progress runs can now be saved and resumed
  • plenty of other fixes and minor adjustments to combat, sleeping, eating, monsters, etc

For more details, the extended list of patch notes can be read here

The updated download has been added to the game page, but the initial jam version will still be provided for both in-browser and offline play.

Personally, I don’t think the gameplay changes are all that mechanically interesting, but hopefully it provides an outlet for those who wanted to see Erith get a little more fatter.

Future Plans(?):

I agree with what a lot of people have been saying: this game has the potential to become big, and I have a laundry list of ideas for things I could add to this game to make it bigger.

Actually, I want to pause the development of content updates here for a couple of reasons:

  1. working on this for the past two weeks has informed me that my code spaghetti needs to be thoroughly unkrangled before ever building a bigger game upon it
  2. there are few other game ideas I want to explore first before going further into this project

This means that updates for this game will be put on hold, but I will resume development in the future once I’ve dealt with those things.

For the time being, thank you for playing RogueWeight! It means a lot to see how surprisingly well-received this entry became.


Just started playing this one after the latest update and it’s actually really great. Early game strategy is pretty fun, the sprites and sizes are really good, I like games with granular sizes like this where you can just keep going since there’s no obvious max size, I like the pseudo-stealth mechanics and how certain enemies like the cakes make you strategize which enemies to tackle last so you can maximize your fullness, and once I figured out there were secret rooms it was pretty fun looking for those. Sometimes it can be pesky looking for pillows since that can hold up your progress on the floor a bit but that feels like a risk-vs-reward thing. Didn’t find any bugs or anything on my playthroughs. Very good stuff here, interested to see how it could be expanded.

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initial jam submission:

Good point:
-Perfect sound ambiance
-Possibility of significant gameplay (can even eat the bed and the walls)
-Art focused on a single character with very diverse possibilities. Stomach, breasts…
-Dynamic modification and fedding at the heart of gameplay.

Point reworked:
-A sequel? lol
-Just find a bed and have become invincible. Eating enemies without limitation as long as you have room in your stomach is too powerful if you have a bed.
-We can also sleep while an enemy is right next to us and therefore eat an entire room by chaining the act of sleeping and eating.
-Perhaps give the possibility if they have not digested spitting out certain objects like the walls to change the configuration of the dungeon to its advantage.

Final View:
Much too short, but that’s not to say that you didn’t work hard enough, but that I really liked it. It reminded me of a game that I’ve been looking for for years whose name I forgot and which was released under Windows 95. A roguelike where time passed depending on the movement. I had a very good time. Much too short but very good time. Thank you for your work and for taking me back to distant memories.


SUPER CUTE! Gonna feed her more than humanly possible!

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This was amazing. Plain and simple. I would love to see it explored more.

Only played the jam version so far, but this is really fun. Wasn’t expecting multiple body types, but certainly not complaining. Strategising around the “one movement = one enemy movement” rule is great, but I second what Korin said, the bed is absolutely OP. Eat, sleep, eat, sleep, the dream for some people here I’m sure, but in game it completely removes any difficulty. Eating the walls is funny though.

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This art is very cute. Great entry!

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could play this for hours. My clear winner of this gain jam!


holy mamoly!!!
i was surprised to see emmie’s clothes in this ahah this makes me so happy!
this character is so cute too! if you manage to flesh this out even more i’ll definitely keep an eye out on it!


I was hoping someone would get the reference and post about it, but holy crap, I really wasn’t expecting to hear first from the man himself! hehehe


one of the best games i’ve ever played, holy crap keep it up, would love too see more additions to this game

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