RogueWeight - Jam Edition




Down in the ruins, a lady named Erith must fight against a dungeon sprawling with monstrous, giant foods. Will she conquer the depths, or will she perish under the weight of her next meal?

“RogueWeight” is a short roguelike made for the 2024 “Unexpected Outcomes” Gain Jam. Play as Erith, exploring randomly generated floors stuffed with everything that is… edible! She can eat almost everything in this dungeon so long as she can stomach it!

Play the game on its page here


Nicely done! I think you executed really well on the theming too.

Hi! Played your game and I really liked it! The only problem that I found is this text box on the screenshot. Also, I was shocked that you can EAT GOD DAMN WALLS, Really unexpected game full of suprises. I hope you will make another game in the future!




This was really good! Kinda wish it was longer, and I could download it to play it later whenever, haha. But, I definitely would love to see more of it.

it was short and sweet. the sound effects and character graphics where both good. the rough light nature of the game lends itself decently to the surprise theme but could be more in depth Imo. overall a very fun experience.

This game is really great maybe you should consider making this longer or even put it on steam I’d pay money for that.

Hey, glad to hear people have been enjoying the game so far.

I’ve decided to upload an executable version on the itch page for that purpose. Enjoy!


Always like such straight forward and simple game. very nicely done


Erith was absolutely adorable, her animations were stunningly well done - and it’s all the more impressive that she STAYED just as appeallingly animated throughout the massive variety of transformations your rigging was able to handle! Plus the agmeplay was super fun - the balance between not wanting her be too full to defend herself vs wanting to see her expand kept me on my toes and I really enjoyed bottlenecking enemies in the final stage now I was tanky enough to handle them 1-on-1.

I’ll be super surprised if there’s many entries that surpass this - this was gold standard!


I always wanted a roguelike where you can just eat everything. The style and flavor dialogue being really cute is a very nice bonus


Time to try a run where I eat everything on every floor, cuz now I’m curious to see if there’s anything that happens.

Update 1: Decided to downscope to just hollowing out any walls, since eating everything was sorta tedious. So far I haven’t found any super duper secrets.

Update 2: Gave up on looking for any super duper secrets (Perhaps the real unforeseen outcome was the lack of secrets). Aside from that, very fun roguelike. Would love to see it further developed beyond the jam. Perhaps with more rooms that take advantage of the ability to eat walls.


Thanks much! <3 Now to download and play the heck out of this more, trying to get Erith fatter…

From the gif alone the game slightly reminds me of pixel dungeon

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One of my faves from this jam. Love how overstuffing mechanic becomes a desirable thing that increases the characters capacity stat. Wish more games would have a similar mechanic. Super well executed and replayable game.

I think that damage stat is not balanced in this game at all, both you and enemies can have huge variety of dmg, even between 1-28dmg per attack
The fact that your flat value of minimum dmg stays so low, is just annoying. It feels like fighting is more of gamble between you and enemy testing your lock and checking who is going to roll higher dmg value. It’s sad to see such a mechanic in game that is very enjoyable in other aspects.
Could you please do something to make both main character and enemies have higher stat of minimum dmg?

I like this game. This game is so good that I think you can easily sell it if there be more content. I guess people even will be glad to pay for some DLC like different main characters with different body shapes. It’s just hard to believe that such an excellent base was created in just two weeks. Bottomless potential :slight_smile:


Is there a way to put an fps limiter in?

I guess the jiggle is tied to it, and if your rigs too fast it just doesn’t happen.

Hey guys, I’ve been monitoring the feedback so far, and I’ve been working on one small, final post-jam patch (keeping the initial submission intact of course) to address some ideas that I found interesting. I will most likely keep the patch down to the stuff mentioned here (EDIT: well shit my plans are creeping in scope, so this will take a while):

That’s fair. I can understand why swingy dmg rolls would be frustrating, so providing an option for tighter, consistent damage would be one way to alleviate that. In this game, however, having high max dmg is intended to be overtuned in favor of the player; performing a sneak attack always hits for max dmg (prior to enemy armor reduction), so it’s a different kind of unbalancing. I did that to encourage people to have fun going for sneak attacks all the time.

…although based on all the feedback so far, I can only guess that most people have been playing the game without using sneak attacks (in hindsight, there’s almost nothing that points to how this mechanic works), so it probably wouldn’t hurt to implement a few visual indicators and tighten the damage spread a bit.

(It could also be that insta-killing food overshadows everything, but obviously I don’t intend to change that part anytime soon, haha.)

Yes! I think I can implement that. I can’t test what it looks like when it’s too fast, but an FPS cap should probably work.

fuck, i gotta implement secret rooms out of respect for that


This was amazing the game works very well, I love the simple idea, combat and concept as it keep the game short and small but it was still fun I did have trouble with the targeting as something it would the wall the monster but I do love this game so much.

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