Round Railroad: v0.2.0 Valleyville Update

Hey how does the stone work i tried using it on cowhumans but they don’t gain weight ?

How big do the characters get in this game with their weight game stages so far?

Gotta say I wasn’t expecting a nihilist death cult in a WG game, an odd flavor to be sure but interesting none the less.

finally got around to playing this game, like the story so far, the characters are interesting the antagonists are amusing (If not suffering from team rocket syndrome!) the quests that are in here so far are enjoyable though i trying to figure out the wg system (I take it i need to use food items to eventually gain weight correct?

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I can’t seem to get the Linux build to work. I get the “Game by Round” splash screen and it immediately crashes.
(running a Linux Lite 6.6 distro, kernel 5.15.0-84-generic)

How do you save in this game?

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./Game gives me UnknownError: illegal access, but i can run the game using ./nw.

I have the same question

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Nevermind. There are crystals that one must find in order to save the game. It seems they are scattered throughout the world. I found my first one to the south of Valleyville.

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Does anyone know if a chemical reaction to mixing baked cake and soda that happens at the beginning is actually possible?
To my knowledge, cake, like all yeast and flour recipes, has the appearance of a sponge yet the absorbency of paper; once you get it wet, it gets soggy and loses its fluffiness.
A comic on Deviantart had a similar scenario, except it had the excuse it was a special type of “sponge cake” (by the way, those are named for their texture, not their absorbency, so it still doesn’t count in real life).
Generally, bread based foods do not expand when you get them wet, it’s more like it deflates.
Sorry to be a spoilsport.


I didn’t expect the cake police to show up today


That’s kinda funny, no lie.
But like I said, I don’t mean to be a spoilsport. It’s just that I became inspired by the scene that I wanted to write a similar setup with my own characters that I’m working on, but then I went into the science of it and thought “wait, cake doesn’t absorb liquids like that”.
I only mentioned it because I was wondering if that’s actually possible, then I got stuck into the logistics of it.