RPGmaker game from pixiv, Slave feeder

I talking about ENG.ver mod one, not original one

the one i played was eng

i mean 3hour ago one, i play it to the ENDING, but it get bug

hm that odd for the ending

Map014.7z (26.8 KB)

Extract this into your game’s Data folder and replace the previous file when prompted to patch the bug.
The issue was that for some reason there was no call to un-fadeout the map, so I put one in. I didn’t catch this, because it was in the original game.

I’ll be fixing the 7z version of the file shortly, but for those downloading the uncompressed files they should just use put this file into the Data folder.

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It still hasn’t triggered the ending.

it should trun into like this, and can give last cloth For ENDING.

data.zip (248.8 KB)

Fixed that and a few other errors and missing translations. I also added the demon and fox to the tablet to view their fullness. Getting a chunk more than max fullness gives alternate descriptions on some interactions, and now you can actually do it reliably.

I probably didn’t catch all missing translations though. Also, do not teleport out of the basement, leave by the stairs.


This has been great so far thank you for the translation and your hard work. I’ve enjoyed coming back to check this out again.

Thank you very much for this, and I’d like to apologize to everyone for still uploading an unplayable game even after all the hours of translating work I did. I honestly don’t know what went wrong when all I did was edit the text boxes.

I’ve still got a lot to learn and I feel like an idiot for needing someone else to catch my mistakes and fix my failure. I was figuring I might offer to TL some other games when possible, but maybe I really shouldn’t.

don’t worry, you’re still great, at least you have passion to TL it.

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Your translations are really good, don’t stop just because something went wrong somewhere. That happens to everyone.

The only advice I could give is to just play the finished game once completely. Otherwise stuff will be hard to catch.


I downloaded the original file and have yet to make any changes to it but I did not have an issue running the game or have any bugs or unplayable parts yet. I have all the girls and most of them close to maxed or maxed out so not sure what the issue would of been. I wouldn’t worry about it too much these things happen.

Having played through and enjoyed your translations, this means a lot to me. I get down on myself way too easily, so thank you for taking the time to say something when I was (now that I look at my own words) being melodramatic and tired.

I’ll heed that advice in the future. I thought everything would be fine seeing as I didn’t change anything but text boxes, but unexpected things do indeed happen and it’s better to be safe than sorry.


absolutely floored, i was just replaying the game recently with the MTL wishing that some kind soul with the know-how could give this game some love and lo and behold it happened. absolute thank you for the work you’ve put in to both @0hmnkdsk and @Kitsune

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where on earth do you get the appetite enchancer?

Posted somewhere above as well, but just in case you don’t want to use search: Continue feeding your maid. After a certain point it unlocks.

aight thanks dude! that really helps!

I just started playing (with the fixed Map 14 and Kitsune’s patch), and when I try to go into the tent at the top of town, I get this error:

All the files unpacked with the proper Japanese names, so I’m not sure what’s going on there.

Update: Looks like it might have been a problem with NWJS. It’s running fine in Firefox.

Some export didn’t work correctly, maybe the map file one. These characters are the coded version. Can you check inside some of your maps if these characters (just searching for % should do) appear like this there? If so, you may need that one unzipping program that preserves characters.

is the maid slave reaching immobility the final stage or is there another one after this it seems like there could be more?