Scarlett Rose in the Wide, Wild Wastelands (Extended Demo Ver.0.2)

Will fix this when I get back home from work tonight, thanks for letting me know!

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How can I disable the cheats?

I don’t mind either way as long as there is some consistency. If we are getting a decent amount of content relative to how often you update then to me its more a matter of what works best for you. Although, if you are planning the core gameplay to be repetitive, such as gathering the same resources or other daily chores, then I’d prefer longer waits with more substantial content drops to prevent player (me) burnout.

On another note, since RPGMaker 3D is rare on this site a little tutorial on rotating the camera could be nice. I figured it out by accident, which is good because otherwise I would have had a much harder time.

This game has a lot of promise to it, and I’m excited to see where it goes from here!

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What cheats are you referring to?

You bring up some good points! I definitely don’t want the game to ever just be a chore/resource gathering simulator, so I’m gonna try to avoid repetition as much as possible. I want there to always be something interesting happening in the narrative or cool side content to shake things up while out on scavenging missions. My biggest pet peeve with fattywank games are the ones that make you grind a ton to get to the actually good stuff.

Yeah, seems like some people here have had some issues with interacting with events, too. Might need to add an optional togglable tutorial in future updates!


I’m referring to the traps of the mission to find the silent woman, the one that comes after the scene of the woman who ate the bear, oh it was the bear woman, but that’s the moment I’m referring to.

There are three cracks on the ground to indicate where the hidden mines are. If you walk directly over them and hit the action button you’ll disable them.

Hi, I’ve finished the game and it seems great to me, but I just have one question. Is there no vore scene? I thought that Rose put sedatives in the food at the end and ate the girls that she had saved, but it just ends there and that’s it. Oh, in the next version you’ll be able to see the vore scene.

I went back and replayed V0.2 from the beginning. Some thoughts on the updated boss fight.

Knucklebones boss fight

Knucklebones is not really better now imo. I think it has the same issues it did but now the fight is longer. I think the fight can be easy enough if the intention is to have Rose attack every turn and the dog use a healing or revival item every turn on the fight. However, making a save before the fight and trying to play a few different ways led me into getting into bad rng with the fight or discovering the boss has a “hail” equivalent three hit attack like Rose’s which I was not aware of. Which I now know was in the first demo version from going back and testing it.

If you burn the boss down asap you may never see this with good rng of not missing any attacks per turn (while still having to have the dog just heal themselves every turn as the boss does half his hp per turn.) Rose having more hp is fine, but the boss can crit her so with the boss hitting for a third or more of roses hp every turn it feels like healing her or whoever was attacked by the boss every turn is the safe option.

The Hail attack from the boss just one shots any party member period, full HP or not. Guarding on Rose stops this as long as there aren’t crits and you are full HP, but the attack will outright down a party member otherwise. The attack has no telegraph it’s just when the boss has enough AP which is often if you ever lose a party member when getting the boss to lower hp you get stuck in a revival loop most of the time with the boss just casting hail over and over until they can’t anymore.

If the intention is for a boss that is meant to be burned down quickly and you go through most of your resources during the fight, with the dog not really having any role but using items every turn, then it’s maybe fine. It can be really punishing due to RNG with missing or boss crits. Or fine if you don’t miss any attacks. HP is never in a place that it feels like you can do anything with dog but heal every turn still as the boss just hits too hard per turn, making it way worse with the hail attack which requires you to guess when the attack is coming and guard against it or take a death and use items until the boss stops using the attack. The boss gains AP so quickly due to the amount of damage they take being a boss with over 400HP by the second or so turn they already have enough to use hail at times depending on roses damage.

I don’t think the boss needs to be nerfed into a wet noodle, but it depends on what the intent with the boss is. A boss that can be challenging that is meant for you to burn through them quickly or else it gets worse the longer they are alive, and the player uses a good number of resources, then it’s probably fine. But for the way I view a first boss to a game whose combat feels a bit more balanced elsewhere, I think the boss hits too hard, and I would not expect to have to burn through the limited resources (?) that are given in the beginning of the demo as the expected way to beat it. The hail attack probably makes sense to be a two-turn attack with some kind of notification to the player that allows them to guard against it (or heal up to full hp assuming it wouldn’t one shot) All the attacks hitting the same character for the three attacks doesn’t help with the fact that it hits too hard to survive either.

All that being said I did get through it on the first attempt, but I tried to play the boss a few different times in different ways to account for a variety of skill levels or situations where someone less experienced or not prepared would fight the boss. The update to the player’s hp is noticeable, the bosses UI and HP display (and general enemy for that matter) are a big improvement, the extra supplies from the chests and addition of adrenalin are helpful. And these are my thoughts on the matter based on fighting the boss in v0.2.

  • I forgot to mention this in the first version apparently, after rescuing the girls from Knucklebones and the gang if you interact with any of the girls’ you get a prompt with two “temp” and “temp2” options while turning to prisoner 3 the Valkyrie.

  • The additional scene at Rose’s home is nice to see.

Looking forward to seeing more from this keep up the good work.

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Thanks once again for the detailed feedback! Will carefully consider all of this for the next release.

I want the player to feel like an underdog when it comes to combat in a sort of scruffy, Indiana Jones-esque action hero sort of way. It’s kind of a hard vibe to nail when it comes to turn based combat though, and it sounds like I slightly missed the mark again and made it a bit too punishing. Gonna continue to tweak it until it feels right!


Purely for the sake of my own curiosity, who’s your favorite character so far?

  • Rose
  • Maeve
  • Erika
  • Prisoner 3 (The Valkyrie)
  • Sofya
0 voters

Hard at work on the next release! Gonna be very story heavy for the remainder of Part One, and afterwards we’ll be getting to the meat and potatoes of the game in the next chapter. Excited for ya’ll to meet some of the new characters introduced at the tail-end of the next update >:]


Still steadily working on the next release whenever I have the free time, and just to remind everyone I’m alive:

Screenshot 2024-09-08 133106

Here’s a look at Dr. White Spider, the first major antagonist and a member of The Science Guild of America, a secretive faction that conducts strange experiments on those unlucky enough to be caught in its web. You’ll meet her in the next update, and I think you’ll all enjoy what her specific brand of villainy entails!

Shooting for a late September/early October release, but no promises!


Oh? You did the niche fetish trope where a werewolf transforms, eats way more than their human form would be comfortable with, and then transforms back. That’s a good one.

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