SCP Weight Gain Game (Proof of Concept)

Actually super interesting this project, will keep an eye on it really good idea.

Dunno if this has been said buuuuut…
Is there going to be SCP-686 aswell in this game?

OOOH you know what she could do, have “protagonist” eat a piece of it. It’ll keep regenerating in her stomach and thus making her constantly fatter. (idea taken from a comic bu chunker chunks:


Actually, 686 is the “milk bottle of ever expanding breasts” but considering it’s other side effects beside the “Booba go big” one, I can see it getting discarded pretty easily. No biggie if that happens doe.

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oh right, i was talking of 682, my bad
But 686 is also great, i like cowgirls

Chunks has a lot of good stuff on his site. Here’s a link to the exact comic he’s referring to.

Ok, so i don’t know if this thing was still ongoing but i tought of some “food related” SCPs
For now i only know about the banana pill (lethal), the infinite cake (yeah, i know, no shit) and the milk bottle (the one that, quoting the wikia, “needs constant feeding to keep up with the infected subject’s milk production, thus making some of the subjects more focused on eating and starting to loose their mind”. Yeah, well, not an exact copy of what the wikia say, but that’s what they say. One side effect would be the one that grows new pair of boobs if you don’t get milked, wich, honestly, would be a “boner killer” for some. Maybe make another SCP slow down/cure part of it? i know of the jade ring that makes you basically invincible and the pill that cures everything, maybe the pill could eliminate the “grows more pair of boobs” side effect while keeping the BE and “need of costant feeding” one. I mean, it’s a kinky game after all, it doesn’t need to be 100% canon to the SCP universe).
Does anyone know other “kinky”/ food related SCPs?
Edit: apparently i was dumb enough to forget about the vending machine. I randomly looked on the internet and apparently there’s a never ending pizza box (SCP 458) and many more food related SCPs. The problem is that something like 3/4th of them are deadly.Good new’s that i have now found my favourite scp, the “scp 3689, legendary sandwich”.

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There is a table that makes food greasy to the point of being deadly (lets overlook that part) and absolutely irresistible. Putting a burger on it causes extreme problems with how much people want to eat it.

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Well i suppose that some side effect could be “turned off”, the problem would be applying it to other food SCPs without turning off the, let’s say, “anomalous food” effect, since most of them consist on either killing someone or simply doing weird fucking shit like that one bonbon scp.

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I wonder if SCP-043-JP be used to counter the more lethal aspects of some of these items?


you should make a play in browser version.

you should make a walkthrough video.

What else should he make, while we’re here on this 2 year old thread