Seems to be a common issue reported on the linked Discord. Some people have reported that you can copy one of the other plant girl image files, rename it (with a space instead of the %20 code for it) and then it will work. Can’t test this myself since I’m stuck on the Chapter 2 transition with the game freezing every time I go through the camp.
ok ill try when it figure out how
Probably best you keep a backup of the folders you’re messing around with too, just in case.
Oh shit I already played a little with the folders and don’t have a backup I’m just making one rn hoping I didn’t do anything to bad
Fingers crossed for you. If push comes to shove, you can always copy your Save folder, reinstall the game, and paste the Save folder in order to reset the game without losing your progress.
hey, i got up to the divine stuff and it says i need 5 favor, i have 9 Divine favor in my inventory but when i try to craft it it says not enough favor? are there 2 types of favor? im pretty sure i have everything else needed
also (another spoiler) the cow cave and the dairy farm is very buggy and has a lot of missing pngs
question about the witch academy
does anyone know how to get every witch pregnant? and is it possible after defeating the head master?
You can’t get them all right now, i know a lot of side quests and activities aren’t implemented yet but there is an item you can get at the end of the cow dungeon you can use in the witch academy
what are the answers in biology class?
So I see that a lot of other people have also been having some issues with image files and the like. Another individual above also mentioned specifically the $Cowgirl Yellow Bust3 image.
To explain: You save the Cowgirls in the back of the Cow Farm. They thank you. You head back to the girl at the front and after hearing a commotion, the scene tries to load and says it can’t find the png for Cowgirl Yellow Bust3. If anybody has any possible solutions for this please let me know!
As I’m certain that someone else has said this prior in this thread but here’s the solution to any missing image error you get
so when the game fails to load any image you just have to make a new file for it, just go into the folder that its looking in ie img/characters find a file with a similar name [like cowgirlyellowbust2] make a copy of it and rename it to match what the error message says
So it looks like you got the error failed to find img/characters/$Cowgirl Yellow Bust3 just go to that folder and make a copy of any cowgirl yellow bust3 and rename the copy to match what the error is looking for
Got it!
Worked like a charm! Thank you so much for the advice!
Yo, why is valorie’s theme so fire tho, I’m tryna bust a nut, not bust a move damn.
Where is the book to trade for the dictionary? I am apparently blind or dumb because I’ve combed through the royal city and all 3 locations in the desert but I can’t seem to find it.
It’s in the Royal City. In the area with the teleport point, go to the item shop (marked with a bag sign). The elf book is inside the shop, in a chest near the bookcases. I’ve included a couple of screenshots.
Thanks! I spent far too long combing through the desert to find something that wasn’t there lol
I accidentally toggled quick birth on and now the quick birth buttons won’t go away does anyone know how to fix this?
I believe the hotfixes available through the Discord fixes that issue.
Excuse me againnnnn, I had recently replayed the game again (greatest game ever) and I accidently triggered the statue inside the dairy farm and give some lactaid to the cow girl, and now I can’t get in the milk dungeon due to the stone which blocks the cave…
By any chances I can trigger something to get in the cave? Sorry I forget almost all the things about the dairy farm…
Also I can’t upgrade Val’s belly level because the angel that provide the mini game last version didn’t show the speech other than “her duty”.
Andddd, in witch academy evening time, when I go out of the building, my game will be frozen, will I miss some pregnancy event?