Seeds of Destiny

The Boulder can be moved once Sanura gets the Earthquake skill which i belive she gets in the pyramid dungeon(althought i am not 100% sure this is when she gets it, it’s either this or when you upgrade her power the first time in the dessert temple)

oh…I see, I did clear the pyramid before dairy farm last version
thank you!

Maybe i am just stupid but i cant seem to solve the second mirror puzzle would anyone mid giving a solution for it and any other one after just in case

Hey there! Does anyone know why the game freezes on the Chapter 2 screen and any potential fixes?

There seems to be all kinds of theories about the cause (resource bottleneck being one of the front runners) and solutions to it as well (try going through with no belly rating, try disabling or enabling some of the options, try running less programs if possible on your computer while trying to play the game, and plenty more on the Discord for the game). If you are unfortunate like me however, you may just be stuck there with no hope of continuing the game so far, even if you may have been able to play past that point in an earlier build of the game.

I found that if you go into the debug room, you can skip to Chapter 2.

There’s a debug room?

Hey, im currently unable to progress past the chapter 2 title card.
its just been sitting there and i cant press anything to continue.

not sure if im missing anything or its just a really odd bug, but id figure id mention it here.

tried reopening and it seems to be fixed.
not sure why it crashed randomly but at least i can progress.

does anyone know where the attendant i need to speak to is so that i can increase
valories power

She’s in the Silent Temple.

Thank you for your help

I have an issue where i cant progress as the game wont load the images i hyave found 2 times where this has been the case, Plant girl face and yellow cowgirl bust 3 i am unsure if this is a bug on my end or the actual game files.

please help me i can’t find Sanura after i met her in the cave where can i find her?

Just follow the story. At a later occasion, she joins your party.

in which chapter? The fact is that she is invisible for some reason.

Should be the start of chapter three.When you get imprisoned in the capital.

I have found a few things that might want to be looked into.
First of all, the barricade on the first island is still there when you enter a location on the top, but dissappears when you either enter it from the top or come out from a location at the south side.

Second, you can’t interact with the black haired cow-girls in the milking mountain above the farm or else the game will crash/you have to restart.

Thirdly, this cowgirl in the farm is seen before entering the mountain and you can’t interact with her before and after resquing the cow-girls in the mountain.
Skärmbild (238)

Lastly, after entering the main barn after resquing the cowgirls and a event happening, the screen cuts to black as this error messege appears, you unable to continue. This meaning I’m currently stuck in the farm and can’t leave until this is fixed.

I hope I gave enough information and that some of these can be fixed soon : )
Also, amazing game Pixels! Keep it up gamer!

Those image errors can be fixed by you for now by copying a similarly named file and renaming the copy to what the game is looking for. The %20 is a replacement for a space, so for the cow one you would need to rename the copy to dcowgirlblack nsfw.png

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Ah, thank you very much! Will try it soon and see if it works : D
Edit: It worked! Thank you so much Dragos!

Glad I could help with this problem.