Hey all, a while back I saw and downloaded Errornull’s cow sprites, and realized I wanted a set for the x_2_x (size 2 booba) as well. So here we are! I’ve been playing with this set for a while, and I’ve made minor tweaks here and there to suit my own fickle desires (most recently today even) but took inspiration from and used Errornull’s x_3_x sheets as a general guide for the patterning and such. Finally feel comfortable enough with them to share (I didn’t track how much time I spent on these sheets and wouldn’t want to know even if I did; suffice to say it was slowwwwwww lol).
I’ve had a ton of fun playing through SFRPG and SFOAS and want to thank Impossiblesnail for all their hard work! And thanks again to Errornull for the springboard! Cheers!
P.S. I only did x_2_x; I haven’t and most likely am not planning to extend this to the x_1_x sheets; personal preferences and all that.