SFRPG - EXPANDED - Custom Sprites

Nice job. I like the boggle eyes on the smallest “goop pile” size.


Thanks! Now I’m working on the bigger sizes. Trying to figure out if I wanna put in the effort to convert the base to something that’ll make it easier for if I wanna do more custom characters, or just say hell with it and do the sloppy and direct way. Like, breaking up the bodies into fore and hind sections would make stuff like this easier.

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Love the style, for first time with pizel art this is amazing! I hope you continue with the other stages. Keep up the good work!

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So I had an idea that instead of being just some weird spirit, why not just a female chocolate bunny? And because I’m a bit of a masochist, I kept the small breast size as the normal, and upped everything by one size.

Only finished with the first 8 “stages” so far, but I think I’ve been making some pretty good progress. Let me know what you think.

Imgur Gallery link cause I’m new and can’t post them all together, ha


It’s looking good, the chest bulging out of the cup on the last stage is a nice touch!


Hold tight, I’m whipping up a set that does just this.

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I am a babby man no longer, so to celebrate I had finished the edits for “stages” 9-12, at all sizes

Started going for a torn midsection kinda look on the end there, which will get progressively worse in tearing as the sizes continue

Well, anyway, here’s hoping I can get the next ones done in a similar fashion.


Looking forward to seeing it!


I’ve been looking for this for a while and I have to say that I, too, am rather ecstatic for the result of your efforts!

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procrastinated on it a lot but wanted to tick these off my list… hope someone can enjoy them <3



Eyy nice, thank you so much these look amazing. Always found the lack of nipples in the game to be kinda disappointing imo

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Hey all, a while back I saw and downloaded Errornull’s cow sprites, and realized I wanted a set for the x_2_x (size 2 booba) as well. So here we are! I’ve been playing with this set for a while, and I’ve made minor tweaks here and there to suit my own fickle desires (most recently today even) but took inspiration from and used Errornull’s x_3_x sheets as a general guide for the patterning and such. Finally feel comfortable enough with them to share (I didn’t track how much time I spent on these sheets and wouldn’t want to know even if I did; suffice to say it was slowwwwwww lol).

I’ve had a ton of fun playing through SFRPG and SFOAS and want to thank Impossiblesnail for all their hard work! And thanks again to Errornull for the springboard! Cheers!
P.S. I only did x_2_x; I haven’t and most likely am not planning to extend this to the x_1_x sheets; personal preferences and all that.




started editing my own sprite, but quickly ran into some complications. i think either the first or second sprite in the second section starts to have his belly clipped & i’m not sure why. also figuring out how to include his tail in later sprites without causing more problems lmao


Completely forgot about this lol, whoops.
I managed to get about halfway done with the werewolf sprite set, from 4_1_3 all the way to 8_1_3 (and the booba variants, too.) They were simple trace jobs, but I also fiddled with the ears a bit.
The lower weight levels went unchanged, however, since I’d need to do those from scratch. Ah well. I’ll just go ahead and post the files that I’ve been sitting on for several months now; if anyone wants to finish the rest be my guest :slight_smile:


Oh is this for all the stages without going into werewolf mode?

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It is, though sadly the entire set of sprites isn’t covered at the moment, only the later weight stages since the werewolf body doesn’t have as many assets to work with as the normal one

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So, I think for ease of things, wouldn’t it make more sense to have a small sampling of your sprites(as in front views for the different sizes), and the rest secured in a 7z file, just for ease of use with modding the game?

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Ey I can wait~ Maybe even commission some to make my own sfrpg sprites becasue I do not have the time tbh. heh heh, either way, keep it up.

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Personally, I’d just want a simple female-version of the sprite to work off of to make things simple

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Working on a spritesheet that lets you play as a gator (based off of the lil gators in the swamp).
Screenshot (5229)
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Screenshot (5232)