Sneak Feast - Demo release!

Dang, well done! I’ll message you with details.

Awesome! Also here is the video. Sorry for the small resolution.


Well, I didn’t believed it was possible, but I was proven wrong! Congrats!

my first time beating time attack mode :slight_smile:


WE STOLE 4TH PLACE! Thanks to everyone who’s played and supported this game! Check out the scores and results back on the main page. Wooooooo!

Got a new update today! Every Wed I’ll try to show off something new for current progress on our game as we work towards building a full fledged demo, complete with new levels and sizes! Check the first post for more info!


Excited to see this project expand! Best of luck to you.

Congrats on making it pretty high up in the rankings! I’d definitely say that this game was my top vote amongst the other submissions as I quite enjoyed the fairly simple - yet reasonably challenging - gameplay that it offered. Coupled in with the great spritework & artwork, soundtrack, and especially the established setting of the world the character belongs to, I honestly did hope to see more get done with the game and glad to see that that is precisely what will happen over time!

Eagerly looking forward to seeing where this goes from here, not to mention the implementation of future ideas for the project over the course of its’ development!

As part of our weekly update, here’s a preview of some assets being worked on. Right now we’re focusing on more levels, so that means more map tiles. Fun!

As for more interesting assets, here’s a lineup of current sizes from the front. The goal was to make fluid transitions to each size stage by having an inbetween size when halfway towards a new size. Due to time constraints on the game jam, I could only make one asset for each size, but now with more time means more to work with.


That’s about all to report this week. Next week I’d like to show off a new example map, but we’ll see how progress goes!


Sorry for the late update! Been busy behind the scenes. There is a new mirror since Dropbox has been fussy about numerous downloads (a good problem to have! There is now a google drive link for the Windows version of the entry. The OP has been updated with said link as well.

But to put something here, let’s have a look at some concept art for potential new characters. Fun!

And for some super fun, here’s some roughs of initial designs for the Leblanc we know and love today. He was very close to being a raccoon at first! We decided there were already enough thieving raccoons in the end.


When will the new sprites be released?

Whenever they’re done, honestly! I won’t be releasing full assets until after the actual game is complete, so just expect snippets for now. I’d like to have something playable within a month’s worth of time, but it all depends on my workload.


Really digging the new arts, looking forward to what’s coming up!

The link for Windows doesn’t seem to work.

You’ll need to use the Mirror 2 link, dropbox keeps putting a download cap on the main link, sorry!

Hello! Not trying to cause any trouble but! I shared this game with some of my friends and two different people noted that Windows Defender labeled the exe as Trojan:Win32/Tiggre!plock and deleted it. BitDefender randomly detected the exe to have Gen:Heur.Conjar.9. 6 other anti-virus programs detected nothing at all.

I’m absolutely thinking this is a false positive but I find myself concerned, as I also have it downloaded. Any idea what could be causing it? Maybe the game executes something in a weird way which is harmless but is making these anti-viruses freak out?

Thanks for your time. I’m a Twitch streamer and wanted to start a segment where I play fatfur games! I really wanna stream this one, assuming everything’s okay.

You’re fine! I have also heard reports of it sending false positives to virus scanners. I believe it has something to do with the engine we used for the game; a very, VERY old RPGmaker called OHRRPGCE (OHRRPGCE-Wiki), which may be confusing newer antivirus programs. I’ve done my own virus scans before uploading these files and are as clean as can be, as far as I can tell.

Thanks for the support though! I’m happy to hear you’re considering to play this game, I hope you have fun with it when you finally do.


That could definitely explain it. I’ve already played some other OHRRPGCE games, it’s a fun engine, but I can understand why such an old thing would confuse some anti-viruses. Thanks for the explanation! I figured this game was safe.

And sure! I’m unfortunately experiencing internet issues as of late but once they settle down I’ll check the game out on stream! (I’ll keep an eye here too since you’re developing it further, which is pretty cool~!)

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Hi everyone, hope you’re having a good start on October. Today’s update has some sneak peeks and UI stuff in progress.


We wanted to add a portrait and slightly condensed UI to keep track of the player’s current size level and how much food they’ve acquired, along with a progress meter to tell the player when to expect the next shift in size. The main goal is to be fun and informative to look at without having to look all around the bottom of the screen for the player’s status.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more info in the future!


oh~! I really like the bunny girl~!

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