Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

We can make it dude (dry heave) I can see it in the distance!


Suppose it is fair to give a progress update as I have been pretty quiet. Definitely will have something to release by the end of the month. I really wanted to have more side quests in this update but the main story is ending up to be pretty complicated plus I was traveling a lot! I have one last section there to do, which should be faster due to the fact that it’s combat, and then a couple of major cutscenes. We will see what I can get done on top of the story.


Don’t feel pressured, take your time though!


No needs to rush, quality takes time and your updates are always top notch!

EDIT: Ooops, wanted to reply Nerds :sweat_smile:


I’m sure whatever you release will be worth the wait.


The anticipation that builds is part of the fun, and so far I haven’t ever been disappointed!


All news is good news when it comes to this game. Especially if it involves Clara and her legendary (for a normal Human) displays of gluttony.

Must admit I’m surprised you don’t have a Patreon or something similar, would expect it’d earn a fair amount.


Yeah, I didn’t think people would want to pay for it, and then I used a bunch of assets and help from other people, so I wouldn’t know how to pay out cash I did get. At this point it’s easier for me to just not accept any money.

Lord forgive me for I must shitpost


This is a powerful beat


Something to listen to while the update is downloading lol.

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Dude, I’m new to the forum and another veteran on here told me this is the game people aspire to be at writing wise/gamewise and wow… I now see why, the writing and plotlines are great. the minigames are unique takes on classics, and the gameplay is in fact fun.

Fetish wise this isn’t even what I’m into, I like stuffing that leads to wg at least not this eat a ton and not gain a pound stuff but I still found myself having a blast playing this. I mean Emmie has good reason since she has a literal blackhole that feeds a gluttony demon so I guess it makes sense she doesn’t gain weight. Poor Clara tho lol. I didn’t find any real bugs besides some quest completion stuff (Finished Chuck’s/other side quest but can’t get the complete on). You didn’t make this to be a vore or a proper wg game or anything. Just a good stuffing rpg and ya killed it

Going on ya been infinitely clear that all vore stuff by Emmie isn’t canon but thanks for putting it in their. That said I wouldn’t mind vore, especially after seeing Esse’s flash back I feel like in normal circumstances with someone who can seemingly swallow anything of size and can digest anything vore is inevitably going to happen at least once, tho with that said you did a great job showing Emmie’s uncomfortableness with it and the true difference between the 2 unabashed gluttons (tho she seemed to enjoy the flavor which is why I feel like there will be at least one canon scene happening). I’d like to see Emmie also get proper full again, her appetite has grown since the river cruise ha. but no its great, keep up the stuffing content, the minigames and everything. Your game is great, can’t wait til the next update. (tho can you put the save files in the zip, I saved while playing and well closed the game after just leaving it up on my laptop for a week and now everything is gone ha. OH LASTLY, I haven’t seen any real benefit to playing the pure route, gluttony seems to get all the benefits so maybe even that out or idk what you’re thinking, maybe one will be a good/bad end? idk but ya great job!


I’ve been wanting to show my appreciation for you all regarding making this game. Some Bullshit has been a great game for me to play, and I’ve grown to love many aspects of it, in particular the characters.

So here’s a drawing I’ve been working on for a few days now and I hope you all enjoy it.


I’m having an issue with the stealth section- one of the knocked out guards always sees me, blocking my path. My only other save is 16 hours previously, so I don’t want to go back that far.


If you can send me a copy of your save file, I think I can fix it and send it back.

How do I do that? Ive never used this site before

I’ll message you. This site makes you wait a bit to send messages.

I made a fan story of the game to thank Nerds, Clinko, and Lord Desayn for their amazing game - specifically it covers the fade to black during the first choice moment. Want to read about Emmie eating a lot of fishes and exploring her abilities? Have I got the story for you!

Contain stuffing, burping and ventriphilia(belly fetish) content: Emmie and the Fish[Gift][Fan story] by Juxtaterrestrial on DeviantArt


On a side note, if Pink can get that fixed for you, I finally figured out what was causing the bug. Apologies you had to go through it, but going forward it should be resolved!


Hi everyone! Happy Summer, I’m back again with a hot desert update for Some Bullshit!

Update 13 - One last adventure:
After getting Emmie back, the gang still needs to find a way to get their favorite demon out of her body. Luckily, somebody has a plan. Unfortunately, that plan again requires a big trip across the world! Hopefully this time it works for good…

[Some Bullshit v.13] Some Bullshit v.13

Some Bullshit by Nerds1

Please see update number 13 to my game containing story content to progress the plot forward!

So what’s new?

  1. The story has been advanced! Not going to spoil it as most of the good stuff has been included right in the main plotline. You LITERALLY can’t miss it!
  2. Chuck’s propaganda about the health benefits of his “treatment” may have convinced another woman to stop by his little operation in the clinic. If you have done all of a certain characters side quests you can see her there!
  3. I uh, I owe the goblin quest in Bad Borken. I really wanted to get it into this update, but I couldn’t get it to happen in time. The good news is that I have a good plan for it, so it is definitely coming now! Same as Ellie’s trip around the Capital. Those two are next, along with whatever new replays would come out of this update.

@clinko_clinko has been an absolute mad lad with how much art he’s produced over the past few months Get very excited to see in the game! In addition, @thuasluhuall has also been just pumping out new sprites and animations They are featured heavily in this update. Some Bullshit would not be nearly the same level of quality without them!

Of course, a very special thanks to all my testers for helping make the game playable so quickly! Seriously, my beta’s are horrible, spoil stuff, and are very confusing. The game would be nearly unplayable without all your hard work.

Thanks for everyone’s patience! Please let me know if you run into bugs, the bug testers really tried to find most things before release, but it is very difficult to find all ways that my game can break. Also, if the final boss is too hard, I might nerf him a bit, but I will wait for feed back on that. Thanks everyone, and enjoy!