A fantastic update well worth the wait! (Or weight, however you wanna look at it haha)
One thing I wanted to note though, is with the new patch, Emmie’s pathing seems to have put her a space back during the boat buffet cutscene, causing the game to softlock then and there.
Another thing I noticed (may just be me and my quick reading) is that progressing through the final vendor’s dialogue in the Azh Rabot streets faster than Emmie’s sprite can reach can cause for some weird results, with the most notable being the duo disappearing once Emmie finally collides with them and pushes them onto the pillow. Doesn’t usually softlock here, but it’s possible.
Something similar also happens with Slime Pro and Emmie in the final room with the Joblin in the Djinn realm, but that could just be moving the cutscene faster than the characters can finish their animations. Again this’ll also cause the game to softlock.
Other than that, nothing really to report in terms of bugs. I really enjoyed the worldbuilding and content in this update and I’m looking forward to the next! Will be a shame once the adventure finally wraps up for the crew, but it was nice while it lasted!