Valentine’s day comes early, and it’s from the new some bullshit update. The text and art are as great as always. Especially with tons of new art this time around. Like holy cow, there was a lot of art and sprite work for this update. Really great part 1 to the end. The plot is definitely moving along now, not that it never was. I’m eagerly awaiting part 2 now as well. I only experienced around one glitch(?), but I’ll talk about that at the end of this post.
Apologies for the wall of text this turned into. I always feel like I have so much I want to write about this game. It’s one of the few games I try to play as soon as I can, even if it’s against my own sleep schedule lol.
Now on to the MAJOR spoils:
- A fairy godmother: I was interested to see how the fairies were going to be handled. They mostly just served as a small time role in the game mainly to give Emmie some extra fire power and Ellie some company, so I was curious to see how the fairies lore would be expanded. The moment I saw the fairy Queen, I instantly loved her design. Immediate S tier character design for me. Serious business women in suits all the way baby. Thank you helltaker. Anyways, was curious to know how the team would recover with the help of the fairies. Was not expecting Emmie getting a ghost pregnancy to be the answer. I will preference and say that pregnancy isn’t really my thing. But I do think it was very tastefully done in this. From the gags of Emmie experiencing morning sickness, to her experiencing the contractions it was all down very well with great art along the way. Even the end result “birthing” scene was nice since Emmie just sailor mooned and transformed into Emmie+ essentially. Hilarious btw. This was a brilliant way to avoid actual birthing, which I thank you for. Returning on the topic of the Queen Fairy. I really couldn’t tell at first if she was going to be evil or not. It was very hard to read on what she was doing. Eating obviously but I just couldn’t tell if she was pulling one over the team or not. So I was glad to find out that while she did have other motives in the end she wasn’t necessarily bad. I mean after all she let Emmie leave, so she really isn’t that bad after all. Especially since that stuffing scene with the fairy queen was so great as well. 10/10 would visit the Fairies again. Although that math puzzle got me for a bit. Hand to pull out paper for that one. Good difficulty, and I am glad the others were not nearly as hard as that math one.
- Returning Home to comfy times: Forgot to mention in the last section, but I’ll just mention it here. I loved the part showing the current on-goings of El and the gang back on Lantrum during the midpoint of the Fairies. Funny to witness the evil Laus kinda show his more incompetent side of things. Anyways the jumping between the various fairy ponds was a nice and fun gag. I liked the team accidentally witnessing Ellie’s imagination. That was a cute scene. Afterwards backtracking through the very beginning of the game brings a weird from of nostalgia to me. Then we get back to the manor and with Leo and Hygee, the comfy demon. I love Hygee’s design and her power. She radiates that comfy energy of a sweater by the fire on a cold day with hot chocolate. I also loved going around the mansion and getting the different things to try and make things more comfy around overall. Was a neat little puzzle. Especially since the reward was to cheer up a sad Emmie, which always hurts my heart. Speaking of rewards, that Clara section was not expected at all. I thought the joke was going to end at: look she literally ate a statue of a pregnant women look at how big her belly is. But I was wrong. Clara got involved with a two tons of milk this update. I swear at this point if Heidi ever hears about the many things Pro has done or witnessed from Clara, well I fear for Pro’s safety honestly. Great section overall. Giving all the food to Hygee and see her get, er, more “comfy” was a treat. The demon designs in this game are pretty top notch. Hope Leo enjoys his new demon gf. And can’t not mention the Tails Gets Trolled Pro face. That had me laughing so hard at 2am. Also the Clara just teleporting on the mere smell of the hot chocolate and around the statue later on was comedy cloud as well. Was interesting to see that at the end, Emmie doesn’t have full control of her digestion. Now she gets to feel the full pain Clara goes through after a large binge for a bit.
Overall, great update as always. I’m sure I’m missing stuff I wanted to mention, but this post is already so long, I’ll try to end it here. It’s always a joy to see and play through these updates. Oh btw, current play time is sitting around 36 hours total to complete all content for me. Can’t wait for the next update. Cheers~
Oh yeah, the only small bug I encountered was: when first going back to lantrum the game gave me a warning to test players saying the rest of the game was very WIP. The version (V.140) I downloaded was from the page, so hopefully this is the most recent version of this game. The manor seemed to be pretty complete, so maybe this message was meant to be turned off, but wasn’t? IDK. Just wanted to mention it here.