Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

It’s not a light novel, the guy above is just making a written version of the games story.

Oh, weird, he was in that room for me.

So I’ve never made a comment on this game before mainly because I was speechless from how amazing it was and I rarely, if at all, found too many things that bugged me about any aspect in the game. It’s absolutely amazing what Nerds, clinko, and thuasluhall have done and it really show how much effort they all put in.

Now for what I’ve really been thinking on,

So after meeting Charlotte initially, I didn’t think too much of her and Chuck, then after learning that they were the descendants of one of Esse’s handmaidens I just took it as one of those unspoken facts, but seeing the new girl introduced as Daniel’s sister it got me thinking about the other three handmaidens and if they had descendants, and if they did were they any characters we had already met?
So far these are what I have come up with when it comes to possible descendants. This was based off eye color, skin color, hair color, body and face shape, as well gluttonous desires. Keep in mind I’ve only gone through the female cast so far, so I haven’t gone through the males but I plan to

  • Obviously Charlotte and Chuck are the devoted, pink-haired hand maiden’s descendent, not much to explain there with the very direct resemblance.

  • The Tomboyish handmaiden had black hair, with brown skin, and green eyes. There are a good few characters with green eyes but only two characters with the black hair and dark skin as well and that is Heidi and her brother, not to mention Heidi being hungrier than usual after her initial binge; though this could be due to other reasons considering other events. While Heidi does have a lighter complexion than the Tomboyish handmaiden, her brother does have a darker complexion and their mom has a lighter complexion so her father is most likely where the ancestry comes from.

  • The Handmaiden named Rosalia has light brown/dark blonde hair with green eyes, and a fair complexion. I have two possible candidates; this would be Daniel’s sister and Eloa. First Daniel’s sister; while Daniel’s sister sports blue eyes and darker hair, Daniel himself has green eyes and a lighter hair. This could be from him being older but most likely not, so Daniel’s sister simply did not inherit the green eyes and lighter hair color. She also shown to be able to eat quite a bit for her first showing. Now for Eloa; Eloa has the green eyes, and a very similar hair color to Rosalia, and is known for being a big eater among her village. As for how she ended up on that island I have no idea.

  • As for the handmaiden in blue and was quite into eating; I fully believe that Emmie and Ellie are the descendants of her. The only evidence for Ellie is that she shares the blue eyes and blonde hair of the handmaiden and the fact that she’s related to Emmie. Emmie a good bit of evidence stacked up for the two of them though. Emmie has the physical attributes as well as some other similarities, those being the inmate gluttonous desire that she was shown to have in her brewery feeding scene in the new update; it even states that it is not Esse who is influencing her at the moment. Emmie also has a very strong liking to alcoholic drinks which the handmaiden in blue did as well as seen her eating scenes in Esse’s memories. All of these put together are what makes me believe that these are the descendants of the handmaidens. However, I would like to reiterate that I have not gone through all of the characters, just prominent female characters and ones that caught my attention, and I still do not know if Priss has a descendant or if Esse in her past body had a child, but considering she dies and she did not show signs of taking care of a child I don’t think she did. TL;DR is I’m still going through the character faces and art to see if there any others that could handmaiden descendents.

Anyway, just finished the update before writing this, and I had a blast; music was really good as well. Can’t wait to see where it goes in the future and I hope the three of you working on it keep putting out work you enjoy, whether it’s this game or other endeavors.

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So far this update has been awesome!! Love the added side quests and the new art!! The UFO invasion so far has to be my one of my favorite side quests as finally Clara has joined the dark side. The waitressing quest does come in very close. Though I did hope for some opportunities to sneak food and maybe get fired. The feeding mini-game in the brewery for Emmie and Clara by far beats out anything at Chuck’s place.

For the former boss goblin, I have already fed her 100 times and I know nothing really happens. But it would be interesting if she did comment on some of the things I fed her like the garbage Pro has been lugging around. Or maybe some more non-canon vore opportunities/quest. Maybe as part of the gluttony option if you keep feeding the former goblin boss, Joblin has you look into why goblins have been disappearing around the brewery. Could be an excellent opportunity to see Pro and/or Clara get temporarily nommed and later on get saved by Emmie/Essie.

Will ever see the skiing event added or have another chance to take Heidi out on a date or to more shenanigans with Ellie or maybe one to two more quests with the amazons?
Will we be able to go back and explore the desert kingdom and the surrounding area? (That code door at the inn feels like something interesting is behind it and the forked road in the desert might lead to a new area?)
Will there be more glutton/pure options that you add either towards the end of the story or back into earlier parts of the story?
Will there be different endings depending on what route we took?
Will we be able to mess around/explore the game world after the ending or is it a hard end and we have to restart?

If you ever decide to do a spin-off or sequel set in this universe, would you consider doing a time jump and exploring more of this world or go off into space? Would it still follow Pro, Emmie, Essie and Clara?

Overall, you, @clinko_clinko and @thuasluhuall have done a fantastic job with this game. I look forward to the seeing the conclusion to this story and what you all might do in the future.

Well, finally finished the update last night,and honestly, that UFO sidequest has to be the best one yet. I play on doing something big to celebrate it, so in the meantime, here’s this sprite of Emmie I crafted! (Which totally won’t be used in said piece of future fanart)


This game is absolutely beautiful. I love everything about it. Nerds1, you are a god of dialogue, humor, wit, rpgs, battles, music, presentation and story. This game is truly, absolutely marvelous.

Clinko, your art is amazing. Absolutely amazing. I think this game is all the more stronger for having your beautiful work accompany it. I hope you two are feeling mighty proud, confident, happy and loved because of this game and the response and such, because you guys deserve it.

Seriously, this game… it blows me away how great it is. This is absolutely fantastic.

I love Clara, she’s great. And the Caliph’s harem, they’re great too. I loved Layla’s personality and I adore Mona’s… proportions, plus her shy plus glutton personality is too good. Zara’s sound effects are used all so well. And who doesn’t like happy Sabrina. I’d love to see a feeding mini-game with the four of them. Perhaps we could get them… bigger? Perhaps Hassan could “code red” them again?

Also, a question: Is there any secrets to Clara in the Djinn battle? I feel like I won that fight too fast to really appreciate everything going on there.

How do I repair Lilacor?
every time I try to open the mission I get an error

“Chapter 2: Something’s Fishy” is finally here. Internet died yesterday so I couldn’t post it then, but it’s finally here. Hope you enjoy. Below is also a link to Chapter 1 and the prologue if you’re interested or need a refresher.


I mean come on, I couldn’t leave her out of the equation, right?


I appreciate all the kind words and I am glad you enjoyed the game so much. As much as I want to do all of these things, sadly it all takes time. I don’t like half assing anything, so when it comes to content I prefer to make sure it’s the best it can be which means a lot of work. This past update took three months to give you a reference. Some of these things will probably be revisited in the post finale patch, but I have no promises as of now. My main focus is getting us to the completed end game!

Not really, you just need to have her eat enough during the battle. I think its 5 times? or something like that.

You need to beat the desert haram area and get the gem there. The quest log is bugged and I can’t fix it. I am sorry. Once you get the gem, simply use the item via the menu.

So you are correct, Chuck and Charlotte are clearly meant to be the pink hair handmaiden’s descendants. I know a lot of people try and connect the other three, and even Clinko wanted to make the hand maidens related to current characters in the game, but I decided not to. I personally don’t like the idea that people never change over time so I left it unanswered. It’s fun to think about, but I did not plan it that way. Of course, I’m not stopping others from speculating!

I hate the questlog plugin because it’s a huge piece of garbage and everyone considers it to be extremely important. Yet it’s really just a sticky note system for forgetful people to use to keep track of things. I really can’t fix much of the issues with the quest log and the person who made it no longer supports it. I should probably just remove it because every time I see somebody talk about the Lilacor quest log issue, or some other random thing I feel hatred in my heart.


This was actually something I kept thinking about since the time period between that point in the story and the current point in the story was a good bit of time. I like that you leave it unanswered though since it lets people form their own opinions and thoughts, and like you said it was just fun to think about for the most part.

I’ve done that, and I get the energy drink for 6 quests. Going back in gets me the same thing.

how do you do the Complete lilacor quest?

Just in case anybody didn’t see the link above, here’s another link to Chapter 2 of the Lantrum novel I’m writing, Chapter 3 should be put a week or so from today, so keep your eyes peeled for when I post it.

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You’ll find the Gem in the desert palace during the Harem section. Lilacor will point it out when he sees it. After you acquire it, use it from the key items menu, and you’ll get a scene where Lilacor gets powered up, and the quest is finished.

This game is absolutely amazing, and I’m really looking forward to the ending even though it will mean the end of our favorite foursome (although Nerds does seem interested in adding in a few extra goodies before considering the game finished). What I’m most interested in right now is how the main cast will end up, so I thought that I could give my thoughts on what I hope will happen to them. I understand that their ultimate fates are probably set in stone by now and I’m not trying to influence their direction, I just think that it is at worst some skippable text.

What I hope will happen with Emmie: I really want Emmie to mature some. I think that she needs to learn that there is more to life than eating as much as possible and gain some experience so that she realizes that her experiences are unique and not everything is related to food.
What I hope won’t happen with Emmie: I really don’t want Emmie to spend the rest of her life as a black hole and nothing else. While she does enjoy eating independent of ETV, that is at least in part because of how her first experiences outside of her mansion were all about food and how she has been constantly hungry due to an ancient demon inhabiting her body. Food can and will be a major part of her life (this is a fetish game after all), but I don’t want it to be the only part of it.

What I hope will happen with Clara: I want Clara to be able to focus on and be happy with her appetite or her job, it doesn’t matter which. She likes doing both things, but they interfere with each other and she deserves better than that. Plus, unlike Emmie she already has an appreciation for things other than desserts. As long as she gets a good amount of them then she will be able to focus on other things as well.
What I hope won’t happen with Clara: I just really don’t want things to stay the same with her. She is obviously unhappy that she can’t control herself and would rather do her job well. If she gives in to her gluttony completely then she will most likely have come to terms with her weight problems and be happy about who she is.

What I hope will happen with Pro: I want him to get together with Heidi. They both love each other and they both deserve to be happy. Pro definitely needs a happy ending after all that he’s gone through.
What I hope won’t happen with Pro: I don’t want him to be with Emmie forever because he doesn’t enjoy her new lifestyle. They both deserve a break from each other, and can still be close friends that see each other a lot if they live separate lives.

ETV is different because I don’t know if she will survive. I do want her to because her character development was great, but she could end up reducing Emmie and Clara to garbage dump handmaidens.
What I hope happens with ETV: She lives and sends Emmie on a journey to make her well rounded (heh). She had admitted that she felt bad for forcing Emmie to act the way she did, and would probably want her to choose her own future. As for what ETV could do for Clara, she could make her an Inquisitor of Agriculture so that she could have a job where she gets to eat as much as she wants and not feel bad about it.
What I hope doesn’t happen with ETV: She lives and makes the main female cast do nothing but eat for her. It would be appropriate for a fetish game, but this has become more than simple fap fuel.

What does everyone else hope for the finale? Anything that you think I’m completely off-base about?

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Having a very hard time trying to find the hooded figure in the Nordenhaven inn, do I have to do something first?

It depends on how far in the game you have progressed I believe. The cultist won’t be present in your first time in Nordenhaven and I think you may need to have completed the demon lab quest first.

Alright I will complete it and see where that takes me

I think I completed the quest but he still is not showing up