Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

Is there a some guide or walkthrough available anywhere?
As I’m reading through some of the posts here, I notice that there are certain scenes/elements that I’ve never encountered (even though I swear I talked to everyone).
While exploring and finding stuff on my own is exciting and interesting, I would like to have something that says where to go to trigger that one thing.

Unfortunately a full walkthrough does not exist as of yet. The best we can do is work out what you believe to be missing based on where you are in the story. Since the game world is fairly open, you’ll find that you’ll be revisiting locations multiple times as different questlines open up and come available.
Stuff mentioned here, especially in regards to the later updates, may not unlock until much later in the main questline so don’t worry if certain events spoken of here aren’t open to you since you may simply be early.

Two navigation tools to help you are the Quest Log and Emmie’s memory banks, since the unlockable replays follow a logical progression. If you find a gap in a memory then that can steer you to some overlooked content (this helped me in tracking down the Wippsbruck murder mystery event, which is easy to overlook in a first playthrough!)

Quest Log and Emmie’s Memories - are these exhaustive “lists”?
Because I have all the memories (at the time) unlocked and I tried to complete all the quests (which I think I did?)

Could it be the case of alternate versions? Like your example of the murder mystery:
I also missed it first playthrough and came back some time later. The scene in the cave with the second monster played out differently - Emmie used the burnt monster as sauce to eat the bear’s bones as well, whereas if you do the quest “on time”, the bones and monster remains are left behind.

Are there more of these side quests that play out differently, if you do them later? Is that what I’m missing?
Just an example that I remember from reading here, but not the only such case: there was mention of a full vore scene? I imagine this is related to the goblin on that amazonian island. Emmie almost ate her, but then spat her out. It played out the same in memory mode as well, because I think that matters.

Also, there was mention of some sort of cheat?

Oh ho! News to me that one! Neat find! Honestly not sure how more variants there could be.

Regarding the island goblin, I can’t quite recall if it’s the vore code or your “glutton points” that determine the method of saving the goblin. I think it’s the latter.

So there is a code that changes stuff? Or was that just a figure of speech?

Oh yeah, all the “88888” references above relate to this code which unlocks a bonus vore scene in the Nordenhaven VIP lounge as well as a few alternative scenes. You should find the answer for unlocking this within this thread.

Guys, where do you find all the goblin marketing side mission stuff

By talking to any bar owners or goblins in a bar, places include: Nordenhaven, Capital, Bad borken, Waldhirsch, Schalehafen, Rebhuhn islands.

I completed the most recent update last night. The game seems to keep getting better. Partly because of character progression, but also the quality seems to be improving.

A few suggestions of things I would like to see:
Mother and daughter stuffing involving stuffing both mother and daughter for Clara, Heidi and their mothers. Ideally including savoury dishes and not just desert. Both mothers are pretty like their daughters and it seems to have been implied that they both have healthy appetites. Plus it has been stated, but not demonstrated, that Clara’s mum is a good burper.
A scene where Heidi and Clara become friends. Heidi seems nice and Clara doesn’t seem to have many friends. It would be nice for her to have a female friend who isn’t 18 or an ancient demon. More of a peer friendship. They both seem to be of a similar age and in positions of responsibility. Plus, Heidi wont mind if Clara stuffs her face as long as she gets to stuff hers too.
It seems to have been heavily implied that Charlotte is a big eater that is holding back. I would like to see her stuffed along with her friend. A stuffing Charlotte seen involving Chuck could have humourous potential.
I’d like to see Clara enjoy some slimes after she was denied before; and I’d also like to see her go back and conquer the sweet shop secret area, so she can really live up to her moniker as the destroyer.
I wouldn’t mind seeing more of the blue haired burping girl. There is something cute about her and it has been nice to see her progression.
More Ellie stuffing.

It has been an enjoyable experience so far. Please keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing the rest of this project, and I would enjoy seeing a similar work from you in the future if you decide to pursue it.

Why I don’t see inn cultist in nordenhaven?I do something wrong?

You need to complete the Nordenhaven mixer quest first. Talk to the bar tender.


And how about these two?and thank for info

and also how I unlock ETV backstory?

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Cheers, Turbotowns. Done.

Where is Turbotowns again?I can’t remember

Grand vizier quest is blocked here. What should I do to move on to the next level?

I think by now Nerds has given up the ghost in attempting to set the Quest Log to rights. You’ll just have to ignore that quest entry for now.

… Assuming that Nerds doesn’t spring us with a surprise Mob Boss request, oh!

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Anyone can tell me where all the goblin’s goblet marketing minigame locate?because I can’t find the last one

Nice Settra the Imperishable reference :wink:
So many titles

Hi Tab_baa, I believe I covered the beer marketing points in this post here.

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