Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

Where is Rebhuhm island?It is where amazon girls live?
And the quest log say I still don’t complete 4 minigames but I’m already complete 5 out of 6.Maybe a bug?

Hey! Where can I find the villa for the memory? I still cant find it

You have to do the second quest from mob boss but it avaliable after you won the soul snatcher

I checked it I can confirmed I’m already done all Goblin’s quest but the quest log still say I’m didn’t completed it



I’ve still got this same problem, unfortunately. I’ve done all the quests, but the game only gives me the reward for six. Going back to the brewmaster just goes through the same sequence again.

Is it the quest log that is broken, or is it the actual scene itself that won’t progress? If its the former, I don’t care about the quest log not reporting the right thing. If it’s the latter, are you 100% sure that you completed every event on that save, including progressing the story up until the very end?

Yes, absolutely sure. Per Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game - #2140 by Unable2Win I’ve done everything.

Please send me your save file, I can look into it.

Can someone post a save starting at the beginning of this update?

I feel like this is already be known, but:

When recounting memories to Ellie, specific ones cause the movement speed to slow down. I’m fairly certain there’s more than one that does it, but I’m a little lazy to check which actually do it. Sorry :stuck_out_tongue:
The speed does reset after leaving Ellie’s room, so it’s not really an issue, but it can be rather annoying in the situations where you’re trying to get several memories in one go, especially those with a decent amount of walking around, such as the one where you’re removing the parasite.

Yo yo yo where did you get these music tracks? Specifically the very DOOM sounding metal ones?

I can help with that one:

They’re from the Quake Champions: Doom Edition OST.


Wait, a waitress event? Do tell.

That and how do you finish the chuck event along with grand inquisitor event

Winner Winner. I like to keep themes for all the characters… or at least characters that have a lot of music. ETV gets songs from that soundtrack. Deuter gets Goldeneye for the n64. EL gets Lil Ugly Mane. Sadly the main 3 really don’t have good themes or artists I reuse… I blame myself for that one.


On another note, I have an idea for this upcoming holiday season that I was wondering if people would be interested in. Essentially I would have way to submit questions to Some Bullshit Characters or the Dev team. Those picked will be responded to in character (or by the appropriate devs) in a little spinoff game download (potentially with pictures if Clinko is up to it?) Characters can be anyone from the game!

Questions could be anything, but I’ll take some discretion in picking which ones to answer. So yes, you can ask whatever your heart desires, but I may not pick it. For example, major spoilers will not be answered! The goal is to keep it fun.

However, this would come at a cost. Time spent on this fun activity would obviously slow down my game dev time on actually finishing. I don’t know how long it would take, but any time working on it would be time I’m not completing the main game. I think it’s totally fair to want to save the Q&A fun times until post main game release.

Vote in the poll and let me know what you think!

  • I think a Q&A is a fun idea even if it delays the game a bit!
  • The ending is so close, save the fun for after!

0 voters


I’m really glad you included things from that soundtrack, because that’s some of my favorite music now.

While we are on the subject of music, I just really want to add that I can’t stop listening to Catus Carnival. I had no idea that tune existed and I’m glad this game introduced me to it.

Nevermind, figured it out so I pulled down my own post