Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

I like it! Though fair warning, be prepared for a deluge of “can i fatten and hav sex with u” effluence from all the thirsty bois out there. Though knowing you, you could probably spin some comedy gold out of that scenario!

People will be able to ask whatever they want, but how characters respond will be in accordance with character. So asking Clara to be fat and have sex with her would elicit a negative response, probably!

I also will have the discretion to pick questions that are the most interesting.

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If Emmie was forced to eat only one kind of food for the rest of her life(let’s say it’s as much of that one food as she wants) what would she choose?

That’s a good question! But I would hold off asking them here. I’ll probably put together a curious cat or google doc sheet so we don’t spam the thread. So far looks like the poll is leaning toward doing the QnA anyway, so I’ll start making plans for it.

Also, in an unrelated unrelated note. I wrote a couple of short stories for Clinko as thanks for him working on my game. I’ve attached both here because I think others might enjoy them too. They are about Some Bullshit characters, if that incentivizes you to read them. Clinko Gifts.7z (2.9 MB)

Also, the artist’s dA who drew the picture for one of the stories is located here DontGoBrando - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt !


Hello there. Just wanted to ask, is there going to be a Linux port? I’ve heard things about RPGmaker having something that lets you port projects to Linux automatically.

You can use wine (or even easier: play for linux). That will execute windows programms.

I’ve tried that. Neither of them work.

Huh? I use just that (on ubuntu 20.04) and it works just fine.

I’m not sure what’s going on then. Maybe something’s wrong with my computer.

Will there be a specific place to give the asks to the characters, or is on here fine?

I am thinking a specific place. The thread is already long and cluttered enough as it is.

@Nerds Both stories were great! Heidi developing a love for food via Pro’s cooking was a masterstroke and we can see her appetite’s come on in leaps and bounds in this short story! I just love the idea of the pair settling down together, caught in this unusual yet pleasant loop of cooking and eating; Pro continues baking as it appears to please Heidi, whilst Heidi continues eating as it appears to please Pro - neither one really wanting to speak up about it and disappoint the other!
Even if Heidi was to pack on some weight by the end of things, I think Pro’s pretty much desensitized to this all thanks to Emmie’s outrageous antics.

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What about Curious Cat? Bewildered-Angel set one up for ETD and so far it has plenty of questions answered (even allows those without an account to post questions as well).
Edit: For the questions for the characters I mean.

Will the characters be answering the questions on their own or will they be in a group? Personally, I think that it would be great to see multiple people react to each question, although only the addressee would answer it. Or course, that would require more effort, so whichever you think is best.

Q&A all the way! Would love to learn some about the making of the game. All in all its a really well-made RPG. That’s without factoring in the stuffing qualities even.
I’d love to see some big final vore content. I feel like the Slime Pro almost being eaten by Emmie was such a great tease, but I’m bummed we don’t get a proper failure “Game Over” scene in which we see Pro get eaten and Emmie does her burping thing. The veggie UFO bit was legend though!
Clara in particular is my favorite; I’d love to see one last scenario involving her eating someone. (Perhaps similarly to failing the slime pro section, there’s a minigame involving dodging chocolate and if you fail Pro accidentally gets turned into solid chocolate figurine. Naturally, Clara can’t resist, and unknowingly devours him.) This could be a game over state or even locked behind the “vore code”.
Regardless, the game is incredible and I’m very thankful for all the hard work put into this thing. It truly turned into a stellar RPG game in its own right.

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It’s pretty easy to convert a windows MV game to linux yourself. You’ll need an empty linux game, which you could generate yourself if you have MV. If not, I’ll link one below. Then you just copy the contents of the “www” directory from the windows game to the empty linux one. The game can then be run with the “nw” executable.

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Hello all, I will be closing the poll! With a result of 2/3rds for and 1/3rd against, I will be making the holiday Q&A special a reality. This shouldn’t really be too much of an ask, and I’ve been working on the main update anyway. So I’m thinking this will be a shorter rather than longer distraction.

Please submit your questions to my CuriousCat.

You can ask a question to any character in the game and they will respond in character, or you may ask a question to the developer team. Questions can be anything, but I will pick with discretion what is answered. I will generally try and answer the most interesting questions that lead to fun answers. I’ll probably note who asked the question if it makes sense, but if you ask anonymously, that’s fine too.

Please when asking the question, let me know who the question is being directed to! If the question is interesting enough and strikes Clinko’s fancy, he MIGHT draw it! Though, no promises.


CuriousCat is giving me problems, so figured I’d post my questions here (hope that’s ok). Questions for Nerds: what inspired you to start creating Some Bullshit? Out of curiosity, do you have a background in computers or creating writing? Thanks to you and the whole team for the excellent game. Really looking forward to seeing what’s next!

I played through the game for the first time a couple of days ago and it was such an experience that I feel like I have to thank someone for it. This was so engaging that it went beyond ruining my sleep schedule and back into fixing it as it kept me awake through the entire night and until a reasonable bedtime the next day. It’s obviously not very easy to find something that caters to the niche of stuffing without weight gain, let alone something that is actually well written, funny and a lengthy adventure. Hell, even the gameplay is good. It literally felt unreal, like the pieces should not be falling this perfectly into place. The only thing that wasn’t a complete fit was the burping, but by the end of it I think you’ve managed to convert me.

I have spent years trying to make my own content. Having had no practice drawing, but being literate, I thought that it made sense to try writing as a medium. It turns out that it’s pretty far from straightforward and I’ve to this day been unable to make anything that I’ve been satisfied with. Playing through this game gave me ideas and inspiration not only for writing, but for drawing and even game development. It was an undeniable example that what I have been pursuing can be accomplished, and I want to thank everyone involved. It was great, and I look forward future patches.


where are you going to post the q&a questions