Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

You can ask in the curious cat link The actual questions will be responded to in a RPG Maker game download that I will make and post here.

Hi. Iā€™m also having issues with curious cat. Hope itā€™s alright if I post my question here. This question is for Clara. Given how you act around Pro, do you like him in the same way Heidi does? I mean you seem to have a certain amount of trust and respect for him. You love his baking. You seem more than comfortable with him seeing things which you wouldnā€™t let others see. Be it clothing or behaviors. Also, youā€™re comfortable enough to ask him for help with your stomach related issues. So, do you have a thing for Pro?

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I do think itā€™ll be fun to see a Clara bring Pro home scene, after the new appearance of her parents :joy: Then maybe Heidi attempts to challenge Clara to a eating contest of Proā€™s cooking. :+1:t2:

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Hah, thatā€™s nearly verbatim my own question! Looks like Claraā€™s gonna be under the spotlight! Basically Pro and Clara are the ultimate work husband and wife pairing- whether they enjoy the fact or not!

Itā€™s also occurred to me that we collectively may have been too hasty in opting for the Q&A before the completion of the story since I would wager a fair few questions would fall under ending spoilers, aka the ā€œwait and see :wink:ā€ category. Things such as Emmie and the gangā€™s futures for example. With seeing more material and how things shake out we could have had more a complete foundation to base questions on.

Ah well, I think thereā€™s a lesson learned here, akin to Emmieā€™s gluttony lesson in Wippsbruck: sometimes patience is a virtue!

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Hey Nerds,

I know i wonā€™t be the first nor the last but i just wanted to express my gratitude for such a great game. Im usually not on the stuffing side of things (more of a vore fan really) but this game is all around awesome! Got it recommended by friends and really got surprised at how much i loved it (Blitzed the game in one go).

The humour is top notch, the characters are lovable (Esse da best forā€¦ obvious reasons. :no_mouth: ), the game is fun and balans and thumbs up to the artist for the excellent work (Love the art).

So yeah, thanks for the wonderful experience and keep up the good work!


Iā€™ll be Honest this QNA Event is making me pull out Dish full of questions and i mean Alot! of questions and i still got more to shoot out even towards the less relevant characters. wish you Nerds and clinko goodluck

Just one question for the question: are we allowed to ask multiple questions to at least a single character, or is it JUST one question?
If so thatā€™s fine I just had something specific to inquire to Esse her royal gluttonous herself.

I would say throw in your questions into one box, makes it easier for me, but it isnā€™t a huge deal either way!

Is there any way to access the window in the capitalā€™s docks when you spot the man in front commenting on it? i feel like i missed something there. Itā€™s just sparkling there, taunting me.

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When is the Q&A? also
more words so i can send this

Is there any way to revisit the shop between the main square and the merchant district in the capital? I forget the name.

At the moment there isnā€™t anything to do with it. May be something that comes in a future update, or it may just be a joke shiny.

To my knowledge there isnā€™t any way to get back to it. Even if you could there wouldnā€™t be anything to do.

Speaking of the sparkly window, I just had an idea for what could be in there. So picture this, the main group find a way inside the window, only to find a computer room and sitting at one of the computers is none other than nerdā€™s himself. A secret boss against nerdā€™s begins, however defeating him is virtually impossible since he is capable of reducing the amount of damage from each attack the party throws at him down to zero by altering the gameā€™s code. Just when it all seems hopeless, Emmie notices another computer that is turned on, she then messes around with the computer and alters the gameā€™s code causing all kinds of chaos to ensue. What kind of chaos? I donā€™t know, ask someone with a more creative mind than me.

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A Q&A is an excellent idea! I may have to steal borrow it at some point :slight_smile:

there an bug i have i the game its when the girl player disappears and she still there but you see her

Iā€™ve posted it on my curious cat. You can find the link here

Thanks for the reply, guess weā€™ll have to wait and see. Has the end date for the Q&A been decided? i already sent a question but i might have another.

Iā€™ll probably make it close on Sunday. I already have like 150 questions. A pretty good amount, if I do say so myself! So get them in while you can.


thx for the help
i was having this problem

Thank you for the advice.