Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

How did you fix it?
Having a similar problem

Iā€™m having a problem with the Meet the Parent side quest
Iā€™m stuck on the part where Iā€™m catching the cookies as green Heidi in her stomach
I donā€™t know if Iā€™m doing something wrong or if the game is glitch out
(Never mind I figure it out)

So, Iā€™m currently finished with what I believe is most of everything. But Iā€™m missing a goblin quest or 2, and Iā€™m not sure where I would have missed them

Did you go back to the first two settlements? There are goblin quests all along the journey.

Just finished the last update I think

think I saw someone talk about the questbook, and I have a couple things about that too: the one saing talking to the vizier is still marked unfinished, and heā€™s only saying ā€œthe invasion canā€™t come soon enoughā€.
Also the one on Chuck in the capital is still there, though I think Iā€™ve done everything I can with him

Still pretty great game. Iā€™d like it even if it didnā€™t have the fetish content
I especially liked the music in the last couple of updates lol

vore space shipā€¦ good.

Got aā€¦ bug? Im pretty sure?

I beat the veggie quest for the goblin, and then immediately did the quest in the inn where you wait tables. Now I went to the goblin headquarters, but the lardass over there says that I havenā€™t done anything new for her. ie: the quest isnā€™t complete somehow. but now the goblin at Borken isnā€™t there either?

It may just be that Iā€™m playing an old version of the game, so Iā€™m downloading the game again to see.

(I must have missed something? I just went through the final sequence for the veggies again, but the quest book doesnā€™t say I have 8 done.)

Whatā€™s the easiest way to find out what quest Iā€™ve not completed? Itā€™s hard for me to know if this is a bug or if I actually somehow missed a quest somewhere lmao

If youā€™re trying find if youā€™ve missed a side-quest, Iā€™d recommend taking a peek at the games image files. If you see an image (or several) you havenā€™t seen in game yet then chances are you may have missed something. Almost every side-quest has at least one image, I think itā€™s only a handful of early game quests that have none at all. Obviously, you should only do this if youā€™ve checked everywhere else, as you will spoil yourself.

In your case the 8 Goblin points are from:

  1. Drinking Contest in the first town
  2. Beer stand at the port town (you have to backtrack for both of these)
  3. Wippsbruck skiing stand (story integrated)
  4. Outlet Masters Beer delivery in the Capitol
  5. Nightclub Party in Nordhaven
  6. Fizzy Drink testing on the island
  7. Veggie UFO invasion
  8. Desert Genie event (story integrated)
    If youā€™ve done all of those and still canā€™t get the last reward from the Brewmaster, then itā€™s probably a bug.

I canā€™t find a way to triggered a quest that allowed me to go fight vegetable aliens,can someone help?

Turns out that Iā€™d not completed the one at the bar in the very first town. No clue how I forgot about that, but everything seems to be working now

thanks for the list!
This was really useful lmao

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Bunch of stuff got in the way and I just finished the update now. Been avoiding places that discuss the game for fear of spoilers so I just caught up now and saw the Q&A idea! Brilliant stuff! But it looks like I was a week too late. Or was I?

There should be a goblin in the Bad Borken bar after you finish the main story up to that point. Talking to her and agreeing to her request will put you on the UFO quest.

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Hi All,

As I mentioned above about doing something fun, I present to you the Some Bullshit Holiday Special where the gang and more answer all of your burning questions. With over 180 questions asked, you guys sure wanted to know a lot, with topics ranging from back stories, future plans, and if Clara will FINALLY do that thing that everyone apparently wants her to do. There are three rooms you can go through, the Dev Room, the Main Four room, and the NPC adventure. I did merge some similar questions and did try to make sure I didnā€™t miss any from the forum and other places people might have asked.

This is a separate game download as I wanted to keep the main gameā€™s size down and to hopefully make everything streamlined. Of course, no Some Bullshit update can happen without art, so Clinko has drew some relevant pictures to questions that struck up his fancy!

With this done Iā€™ll be back to work on the regular game. Only really set me back a week or two, so not a huge loss of time thankfully, and it was really fun for me. I hope it was fun for you guys too.



We are lucky for having awesome devs. Thanks for the update!

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This was really cool, getting a Q&A session with everyone. Kind of curious why no one asked Josh anything lol. Especially liked the backstories of the main 3.

The holiday special could not have come at a better time. A much needed distraction while I wait for the release of Endwalker.

Honestly, I wasnā€™t expecting a full ā€œmini-gameā€, as it were, for the Q and A. Thought it was just going to be on that CuriousCat site just in text form which I still wouldā€™ve loved to read, but colour me greatly surprised that we got the Holiday Special with the characters responding to the questions in, well, character instead.

Had a big dumb smile plastered on my face the whole time watching the characters answer questions and riff off one another. I definitely wouldnā€™t say no to more small bouts of content such as this that is only tangentially related to the fetish aspect of the game and is really just there to have the crew interact with one another and help us learn more about them, and the world they inhabit. Any time we get to spend with Pro, Emmie, Esse, and Clara is time well spent. And the more I get to see of Claraā€™s ugly crying sprite the better. That look always cracks me up.

As for the last update, man oh man itā€™s like they say; ask and you shall receive. I wanted more vore content, and I got more vore content. The whole ā€œvegetable alien invadersā€ was a great setup for perfectly edible villains that kept things lighthearted and fun. The moments leading up to and including Clara learning devour was probably my favorite moment (besides the inevitable vegetable massacre and the similarly slow but inevitable demise of the doctor). And of course, Esse expressing vindication at people finally ā€œlisteningā€ to her suggestions of ā€œeating people for the good of the peopleā€.

Though I must say, Iā€™m very impressed with Specialist Emmie controlling herself when it came to the grapes they went to go rescue. Despite being an all consuming black hole, her showing any kind of uncontested restraint in a situation such as that, in order to prove to people that sheā€™s a capable person and able to follow through with tasks that wouldnā€™t affect her negatively should she fail (shout outs to DOUBLE Specialist Emmie), unlike her part time job as a waitress which was also a great display of her convictions to do good and control her hunger. Moments like that I appreciate the most, especially in a fetish game where activities that are counter-intuitive to the subject matter are wholly unnecessary. It really helps flesh out the characters and prove that theyā€™re more than just the sum of their parts. Another shout out to Esse having terrible handwriting.

Lastly, the long awaited Ellieā€™s Day Out. Another great example of Emmie showing restraint for the benefit of someone else (honestly just bless her heart) and having just a right rollicking good and wholesome time with her sisterā€¦well up until those thugs showed up anyways but they were no match for her. Though sheā€™s still young and naĆÆve about love, it was nice seeing that she found something sheā€¦enjoys doing with someone else she likes (that Harry is one very very lucky man). Not sure how many more updates the game will receive (I hope itā€™s still a lot) but Iā€™d love to see their relationship continue to grow and blossom.

Oh and while not the main focus of that event, seeing Claraā€™s parents was a very nice surprise, and seeing where Clara herself gets some of her foibles from was a real treat. Though I must admit, I did audibly go ā€œawwwwwā€ when it was revealed that Clara didnā€™t have many if any friends growing up and was poked fun of a lot. Donā€™t worry Clara, Iā€™ll be your friend :sob:.

All in all both updates were a blast, and I know the end will eventually come around and there may be a time Some Bullshit finishes and receives no further updates, know that the Pro, Emmie, Essie, and Clara will always have a place in my heart and welcome space on my computer for more adventures and chicanery involving them.

Keep on keeping on.


Very fun Q&A, itā€™s good that nerds got his own separate room away from the cast as I imagine they wouldnā€™t be too friendly to the guy that put them through all the bullshit this game had to offer. A part of me was thinking about asking what the main casts taste in music was but I decided against it, though we ended up inadvertantly getting some of Esseā€™s taste in music anyway so that was nice.

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Amazing, and a much better presentation than what I was expecting! Even managed to work in some skits and some extra cheesecake to boot! (the Brewmaster/Joblin, Heidi and Harem segments, woof!)

Excellent work, the pair of you!