Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

Seriously one of the best games I have ever played. The world building and characters is just incredible. My personal favorite character is Esse. I guess I’m a sucker for the dark mysterious types, plus she eats people >:)

Something I noticed:
I’ve now played through everything in the game except for two small things, the alien vegetable game and mini Emmie with Ellie. I dont know how to access either of these. I read through the forum and it seems like you access the alien game through speaking with a goblin in the bad borken inn? I went there and there is no such goblin. Strangely enough I was able to complete the brewmaster quest despite not having completed the alien game. How can I play the alien game? also how do I access the mini Emmie and Ellie scene/quest?

Best of luck with the rest of the development of the game, the Q&A special was a blast, I really loved getting to know the characters better. I hope Esse becomes a member of the party after we rescue her, really would love to see what she can do without Emmie’s morals holding her back in the vore version.

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I quite enjoyed the Q&A special! It was a blast!
I could even tell some of the questions were mine because of the way I wrote them out! :smiley:

Damn Nerds you really blasted it off the park with that one.

Never though Esse to be a tad shy on the love questions, heh. Really liked the answers i got for my questions.

Did you finish all the Chuck stuff including the final one in bad borken? That allows the goblin to spawn. Also, you need to do the Esse flashback, which is the final mob quest.

Does anyone happen to have a save file with the brewery quests complete before the minigame? I goofed and saved over it, and need it for science.

If not playing through the whole thing again honestly isn’t a big deal been meaning to do it eventually for a couple missed scenes.

I asked for a save weeks ago and am still waiting. It’s probably best for you to just play through the game.

I just wanna say thank you for Answering some of my questions the Maternity one was very cute

I was happy to see my question picked up, but saddened that the Pro/Clara ship has been firmly torpedoed, alas. :boom:

Christmas came early! Happy holidays to the SB team and my fellow fans. Big thanks to Nerds and Clinko, this is the greatest holiday gift any fan could ask for. Just dropped everything I was doing to blaze through the Q&A, fantastic stuff that! Kept some notes on what got a reaction outta me as I went, I’ll spoiler my thoughts as the little side game just released recently and I’d encourage anybody who reads this to go play the Q&A as soon as you can! Unless you haven’t already played the main game in which case, none of this is gonna make sense to you.

Dev questions:

  • I was shocked to learn this was your first time writing a story and making a game. And doubly shocked that this game inspired Clinko to take up drawing! You guys are a dream team combination, the Stan Lee and Jack Kirby of fetish rpgs (incredibly niche accolade, where it proudly!) Some Bullshit truly is a miracle of the universe. But seriously, I couldn’t tell this was your guys’ first crack at these things! Nerds is one of the greatest writers I’ve come across when it comes to characters and their dialogue sounding natural and having good flow, despite consuming untold thousands of pieces of media. I don’t know how much of a compliment this is, but you beat the pants off of all the professional comedy writers in California these days working on tv shows and Hollywood movies. You didn’t know you were funny?! Jeez! And Clinko’s tied with one Japanese artist for my favorite artist, dude just keeps getting better and better. Possibly the best improvement in an artist I’ve witnessed, and over a fairly short period of time too! Not that I didn’t like his early work.
  • Josh, my favorite male NPC and fave NPC overall is real? Dude. Wish I could be bros with him too, what a great guy.
  • I see Clinko is responsible for some of the excellent music choices I’ve been enjoying so much. Tell him thanks for me, and great taste!

Pro questions:

  • I’m glad someone asked about his family and backstory, I’ve been curious about that. Dude took such a sad upbringing in stride and came out the other side a successful, extremely competent and very mentally sound (considering) human being, a truly remarkable man. Still, I think he needs a brohug. Very cute sad Emmie art featured with that.
  • Pro’s cloak IS cool! Makes me wish I could wear a cloak, but in our world it really makes you stand out like a weirdo rather than being a cool sign of authority or sensible traveling attire.
  • The way Clara looked through Pro’s eyes had me in stitches, a hilarious sketch that was.
  • The way Pro met Heidi was sweet and romantic. Made me feel a little bad later on when we heard her side of things and how she was smitten with how well he paid attention to her when in Pro’s head it was by the book procedure dealing with victim trauma.
  • I was very happy to see there was a question for Lilicor, shoutout to the cool person who thought to ask that excellent question!

Emmie questions:

  • Emmie’s reaction to the first question, not wanting to answer any more questions, was funny as heck
  • ETV’s belch spell that blew away a ship sounds amazing! As someone who’s thought about how great it’d be to see a girl’s gas be powerful enough to fill the sails of a ship, that reached me on a personal level. Would love to see winds of that magnitude in the game if possible but even that brief little story was greatly appreciated.
  • Emmie in maternity wear was a great pic! Very cute. I’m surprised we got so much art outta this; just another reason this Q&A project rocks!
  • I was surprised by the one food Emmie would pick for the rest of her life. Guess that really left an impression on her and was even tastier than I thought! Man, it’d be awesome if someone in SB’s universe opened an exotic restaurant that featured meals all involving slain monsters, complete with a cool trophy case on display.

Clara questions:

  • Holy moly all the vore questions lmao
  • Nice to get comfirmation that the goblin reward was her biggest binge AND she could’ve kept going! What a gal
  • It made my day to see my question get included, thank you so much!
  • Was nice to hear more about how Clara loves chugging syrup. I dig syrup chugging.
  • Clara, like Pro, is in need of hugs whether she thinks so or not. Emmie’s hug looked so cute! I bet Emmie is indeed a fantastic hugger.
  • Her story about the inquistors trying to conduct a sting on each other was pretty darn funny.
    -That silence after Emmie asked Clara if she was asked out on dates was DEAFENING!
    -Clara’s nice thing she said about Pro was spot on; witty answer and very Clara

Esse questions:

  • Esse’s final “Triumph” sounded amazing. To be a fly on the wall…
  • Very interesting and well-thought out question about the demon stones, shoutout to that guy too. Informative answer from the empress herself too.
  • The ongoing bit about Esse’s old crush was adorably funny. Love it when powerful gals like that get all flustered.
  • Esse talking about her physical form got me very curious…and then we got to see it! Great job Clinko, thank you!

NPC questions:

  • Wait, there were NPC questions? That’s awesome! And I didn’t expect to see such a wide variety too. This was a really nice bonus on top of something that was already amazing.
  • Oh boy, the ex-brewmaster’s reply to the question of her being so cute. Yup, she’s cute.
  • I heartily approve of Joblin’s new money-making scheme, er, venture. This is brilliant!
  • Props to whoever had that Eloa belching question. Her whispered answer was to die for. Hope to see her again in the main game!
    -We even got new Eloa art! Girl’s looking curvy as hell these days, nice.
  • Blue-haired girl! What a lovely surprise. I wonder if she’ll ever get a name? Her practice sure is paying off. I think her latest burp is actually on the same level as what Emmie blew her away with back in that starting tavern on the island. That would imply she actually has the basic Belch attack by now, which is pretty cool even if it’s just my headcanon.
  • Another art shoutout, that Clinko sketch of the blue-haired girl was awesome. And I would infer that she’s gotten that belly entirely from drinking beer and maybe fizzy fruit drink, which is impressive!
  • The pregnancy tease question to Heidi had some very funny replies
    -Just gonna leave this here but by this point I was very pleased with how many burps we got out of this section. Thanks for including them! Good bit of eating too. So much good stuff!
  • I was very happy to see the harem girls (some of my favorite female NPCs), and even happier to see the caliph has them in indirect competition with the main girls.
  • That first question for the harem girls was so good, their responses doubly so. Big thanks to the cool person who submitted it.
  • Gonna sound like a broken record praising more art, but the “pouting about bellyaches” pic was so cute!
  • Another hearty approval to a business venture, this time to the caliph ordering a deal to get that fizzy drink shipped to the harem girls
  • Exciting to hear about Ellie wanting to be able to go up another sprite size and get herself to a level where even though she’s not as big as Emmie, she won’t look small either. This generated some massive hype for future Ellie scenes, which are always a treat
  • The Godfather scene was a great callback to one of my favorite movies. I adore that table goblin so it’s always great to see her enjoying more pizza!
  • Someone asking the djinn a question was a great idea! Would be interesting to see someone ask for a wish, too.
  • We even got Dan’s sister in on the action, nice. Chuck’s sister’s latest pet project is coming along swimmingly…

Thanks for reading my wall of text, I hope the awesome dudes who make this game get to see how much their effort and hard work is appreciated because you guys have created something truly special. Thanks again for this incredible opportunity for the fans to interact with the characters and the dev team, and I hope you all can have a fantastic holiday vacation; you’ve earned it.


Come on now, That ship was dead in the making lol. The only thing to do is for Clara to find someone and loose all of that grump. Like i feared, Hugs and other displays of affection are cruelly lacking.


Right? It’s like they forgot about Heidi! XD

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I didn’t send in a question, I just couldn’t think of anything, but I really enjoyed this special Q&A holiday thingamajig.

Emmie’s questions in particular were adorable, though I’m clearly biased there. Especially liked how Pro responded to the beginning question, and of course the maternity dress bit. Though it was a little sad how many questions were ragging on the poor girl.

Also, it’s like, incredibly obvious what’s going on with Heidi now, and I for one am all for it. That is, unless you’re pulling a big red herring on us, in which case, BAH!

Nice little thing, good bit of exposition (Both in universe and out).

Gotta admit the first of emmie’s questions had me dying. Damn man, savage.

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I initially thought that it would be better to wait until the end of the main story since we are right there and I thought that we would be getting something very basic. I’m happy to say that my fears were unfounded and I was wrong to worry about it. This Q n A was brilliantly done. We got to learn some interesting new facts about just about everyone, a lot of things that were implied, half said, or were mentioned so long ago that they were forgotten (at least by me) were brought up to remind everyone about what the characters feel about their journey, and not to mention how much good interaction that the cast had with each other. Most people will probably think that I’m weird for saying this, but the best moment from a meta standpoint was definitely Lilacor’s question simply because you didn’t take the low hanging fruit of having him say both. That shows your dedication and makes me wonder how you didn’t know you were funny. Happy holidays, and I look forward to the end of our adventure (but not the game…)

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nerds i have an bug to report that sometimes the player and that girl player they disappear but only see what they talking about pls try to fix this

This QnA was a fun little side event to the main game. Was surprised there were so many little details included.

  • Loved all the 4th wall meta humor in here.
  • Also definitely surprised to hear this is your first story and Clinko’s inspiration for making art.
  • Definitely some good questions across the board and enjoyed how it didn’t go into any spoilers for the next update. Also glad some of my questions got answered as well.
  • The Art is also great for this as well. Some really funny sketches and scenes in this one. Like that sad Emmie pic when Pro was talking about his past. Funny and Adorable.
  • And loved the way you firmly yet politely mentioned how certain scenarios don’t come up for some bullshit, because it’s not what you think about cause it just isn’t something you’re into. I can respect that.

Anyways fun times as always. Best of luck on the next update. Cheers~

Bonus Poem (That isn’t actually a poem):

The ex-brewmaster’s ears are sure Wiggling
I’d love to help her willingly
Because her belly’s still a jiggling
So now maybe her sister will help abidingly

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There’s something that I keep meaning to ask but keep forgetting to. In Ellie’s room there are items that appear after every memory that you visit, but I can’t seem to find the ones for Heidi’s Mom, the Djinn’s dungeon, or the Gemuse. Am I missing them or are they not in the game?

They are not in the game, I need to add them in. Didn’t have any good ideas at the time! I’ll think of something.


Ah, so it isn’t just me, thanks for the swift reply. Some possibilities could be a cookie jar, a lamp (djinnless), and a pumpkin, but there are obviously more important things to think about right now.

On the topic of Ellie I appreciate sanity prevailing with her sensibly drawing a line when it comes to catching up with Emmie. I’m just gladdened that she doesn’t seem at all fazed by her sister’s “heroics”…

… and speaking of Emmie, from the Q&A did I understand it right that Esse has physically altered Emmie for her increased appetite and capacity? For so long I had just taken the situation to be “magic” insomuch as Esse’s removal will revert Emmie back to normal. Now I’m eager to see what lingering effects will remain to allow Emmie to be able to continue eating like she currently does after Essie’s dispossession!

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