Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

Well if I had to guess most likely Emmie may start to gain weight since Esse was keeping it all contained, though if I had to guess nowhere near like how Clara gains. If I had to guess if both were given a large cake, Clara will end up with a belly for a bit while Emmie may have a tiny bit of belly pooch in comparison.
Though in terms of stuffing while those bloating fruits may prove fatal, otherwise I guess Emmie can still outeat just about anyone that isn’t Esse (or Clara in terms of chocolate).

GOOD GOD! CLINKO! SO MUCH GOOD ART(I forgot to do the goblin reward and rushed back to do it(after learning about the aesthetic reward from the questions))!SO MUCH CUTE EMMIE AND ELOA ART! I HAD TO SCREENCAP IT ALL!

Also, whoever called Emmie stupid is getting dumped into the syrup barrel.


Hi, i am having some problems with the minigame where i have to eat to smallest foods first then the biggest last. For some reason i just cant figure it out and have become stuck.
Some pointers would be appriciated.

loved the QnA, but my fave latest part of the game has gotta be the waitress quest where I got to see clara looking like she felt even more bloated than the goblin reward +_+

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You have to go and visit Pro in line upstairs when prompted.

don’t know if it’s intentional, but using inner strength you can get infinite power if you constantly used it on Emmie.

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Finally got around to reading these juicy little short stories, thank you so much for writing and sharing them! Sure feels lucky to be able to enjoy someone else’s gifts like this; I’m sure Clinko must’ve loved them. Gonna use some spoilers as usual because these stories really need to be read first.

I read the island one first and seeing Eloa featured in her own little mini adventure was something I didn’t know I needed so badly, despite her already being one of my favorite female NPCs. I cracked quite a few smiles at the continuously amusing ways she justified her actions throughout the story. Those sort of justifications are a recurring staple of the fetish-focused comedy in your game and it was great seeing another girl give into her vices as she struggles to keep face, even when no one else is around.
Putting extra food inside the slime was an inspired idea. Reminded me of the gelatinous cubes from D&D being sources of treasure held within them, and what treasure could be more prized in the Some Bullshit universe than tasty food? Wouldn’t mind seeing some more of this sort of thing in the game.
The description of her eating the slime was very well done, excellent visual and auditory descriptions allowing for a tantalizingly vivid mental image of the story’s most important scene. And the way nature earlier echoed her stomach’s growing hunger and frustration at not getting what it wanted via the growing, ominous storm was a brilliant stroke of poetic writing. Still can’t believe you’re a self-professed newbie at it.

As much as I love Eloa, the amazons, and the setting of that island, I enjoyed the Heidi story even more. The descriptions of the food itself and the way Heidi ate and drank were sooo good, but I’m getting ahead of myself. It was wonderful getting to see inside Heidi’s head (that perhaps unintentional jab at Clara made me laugh); that whirlwind of romantic thoughts and swirling emotions, the adorable sweetness of her love for Pro…ah, that’s the sort of thing I can eat up like Emmie at a buffet. Romance isn’t a primary focus for the game, even though it occasionally gets some attention, but add it to the long list of things this fetish rpg manages to do well. It’s nice to hear Pro’s becoming less dense in this respect, and their relationship is quickly becoming one of my faves.
Right, I was talking about the food before. It certainly didn’t matter that this meal wasn’t Emmie or Clara tier; it was proportionally tremendous to Heidi’s appetite and capacity and size-wise, that’s what counts. Or come to think of it, was it that tremendous for her after all? The aftereffects were notable painful, but much of that can be attributed to her clothes and she packed that feast away literally without thinking! Her new talent is certainly blossoming.
As I touched on earlier, the way you described the meal and how it was dealt with was top notch. Possibly one of my favorite examples of a meal being eaten ever, and SB itself has quite a few scenes deserving of a spot on that list. The power belch was the cherry on top. By the sound of that force, I imagine that unlucky (lucky!) waitress had more than a few hairs out of place after getting hit with that.
Heidi’s embarrassment was very cute, as was the happy state she and her belly were able to finally relax in after the pressure was released. Great question to end on, letting the reader’s imagination wander into the possibility of even more food to come.

You did it again Nerds, great work! It would be wonderful if there were more stories in the future like these, though not until you get that nice, long break you deserve following the project’s conclusion.

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I am finally all caught up in the story and just finished the Holiday special. This is a great game, Nerds! You made an amazing, amazing world, game and story. These characters are incredible! Clara’s definitely my fav. I have an idea for a fanfiction, gonna probably write that. Can’t wait to see the next update! (Please bring more stuffings of the Caliph’s harem! Especially… especially best girl Mona~!)

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Hey, guys… I think the only think I have left to do to encounter the aliens is the Chuck stuff. Where is his shop? Thanks!

In the eastern part of the capital!

Check the slums bro, enjoy what’s inside!

Damn, I missed the chance to ask a question. I wanted to ask how Pro got his scar.

@Nerds Are you cool with someone hosting an online version of the game? Major downside is that it’s not easy to move saves, but does more or less increase compatibility for mac and linux users.

That said I have no idea how my server would fare, but given I’m pretty much as far as I can get on the main storyline and just have some sidequests to complete, I’m not too worried.

beautiful game really loving it i really hope that we can have more chances to stuff the harem of the caliph in the future i really loved those characters alot and overall the game is really good you did a great job i cant wait for more updates


Hey, I appreciate you wanting to get something going for the mac and linux people, but I would prefer if you didn’t. I would have no control over bug fixing, people would be less likely to find the game here, and overall I would lose out on some control over the game + the saves issue would be very hard to fix.

Thank you for understanding.

I totally understand, thanks for responding.

I absolutely love this game. Usually fetish games are just p*rn in game format, but this game is so much more than that. The characters are amazing, especially Pro’s deadpan reactions to everything (except for his batshit crazy moments. The main cast is actually charming and has great synergy together. The fighting is balanced and engaging.

The only negative is that the game occasionally freezes up with just the sound playing, which isn’t great for cutscenes (Ihad to replay the forest spirit 4 times because of this) although that may just be me.

Solid 9.75/10: Started out because I was horny, finished because it’s a great game.

Nerds, I hope this isn’t too much to ask, but could you add a few more vore scenes next update?
I know it isn’t for everyone, so it’s fine it they’re not exactly cannon and are hidden behind the code (although half cannon like in esse’s memory is best). It’s just that vore works so well in this world you’ve created and i’d love to see more of it :slight_smile:


Decided to take another run through the waitressing sidequest from the latest update today and realized it’s become one of my favorite parts of the game for reasons I’ve yet to post about, standing alongside such memorable moments as the interrogation, the island bbq and the baking contest.
Figured I’d post this mini-review of a very small but excellent part of the game while the thoughts are still fresh in me head. Also included some random SB-related thoughts at the end 'cause I’m under the impression double-posting is poor form. Spoilers abound as usual, so anyone new scrolling down to the bottom right now, go scroll right back up to the top and play this already!

I think the most appealing part of this whole sidequest for me was how special it was to see Clara gorge herself on that much “normal” food rather than her usual sugary vices. I’m not saying her sugar binges aren’t as nice or even better than this, and I’m also not asking for more deviations from her clearly-defined niche in the future. If it happens, that’s cool, if not, that’s cool too. It’s the rarity of this that made it leave such an impression on me, I believe.
And speaking of her feasting during this quest, it was really nice to get what I call a “burp button” while she was eating lunch, where those huge belches could be repeated upon talking to her. That single-minded determination freeing her from all shame and inhibition as she ate like it was her job…wow.

Another great element of this sidequest that shows how much was masterfully packed into something relatively short and small was the colorful cast of NPCs we got to meet. There was nice representation from usual groups like the mafia, goblins and cult but also new faces like the cook and a bunch of other customers. Puns are a guilty pleasure so that one guy got me grinning, though the funniest patrons were probably Dan and the Manbaby Band along with Mr. YeahNah. You even weaved in the beginning of Charlotte’s pet project to stuff Dan’s lil sister. Charlotte’s honestly not one of the gals on my favorite characters list, but like Esse I was very impressed with how she handled herself stuffing that gal. This was Charlotte truly in her element, and it gave me new appreciation for how qualified she is for her position.
Though if I’m talking about funny NPCs that made me laugh or left an impression, I have to mention my favorite joke was that “anger and hatred towards the father” was a common symptom of going into labor :joy: Second place going to the joke immediately after that about the “doctor” participating in a birth before.
You know, I just realized this ties into that question during the Q&A about if the girls ever get mistaken for being pregnant. See, you can come up with hilarious and interesting situations where that happens!

One minor thing I wanted to throw out there and compliment you on was how you used Pro returning late so that Emmie had to go downstairs and come back with his order for dinner to create that transition between Clara (and Dan’s sister) tucking into her epic meal and the terrific aftermath. Good writing, clever design.

Finally, I gotta talk about Emmie and Esse in this sidequest. Through all of this crazy adventuring around the world and the challenges she’s faced, this day of waitressing was the most I have been impressed by our adorable female protagonist so far. I’m sure some of it was because of Esse completely flipping her usual position and encouraging Emmie to resist her hunger and power through, giving her all sorts of helpful advice along the way and acting like the best winggirl possible. Honestly kind of surprising to see out of the demon of hunger, but I guess this shows how much she’s come around and how she cares for her host now as a friend. Some lovely character development, that. Wild that this sort of development is in an innocent-looking mundane sidequest; just another reason why it’s one of the most amazing parts of the game for me! Emmie’s willpower was insane, I don’t know how she got through an entire day from morning to after dark with only a single sandwich and, at the very end, some cookie dough to keep her going. It’s an incredible showing of strength on her part and she deserves so much credit. And speaking of strength, how the actual heck did she possibly carry everyone’s orders (especially Clara’s) in a single trip around the tables?! I’ve seen some impressive plate-balancing in my day but this goes beyond anything I could imagine, both in strength and dexterity. Gonna chalk it up to the amazing ability for video game characters to carry 50 broad swords in one backpack and such. The last thing I gotta mention about Emmie and Esse is how adorable they both were in that waitress uniform! Makes me wish we could see an alternate outfit/sprite for Clara one day with something girlier. She’d be a stone cold fox in an elegant party dress or something more cutesy like PJs if she joined in a future sleepover.

And I totally agree with Esse: stuffing that waitress with her cute apron on would be damn hot.

@HentaiMaster90000’s comment just above mine mentioning Pro’s “batshit crazy moments” just reminded me of something. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this before, but the scene where Pro gets really calm, quiet and smiles when he first wakes up inside Clara then absolutely loses his ever-loving shit is the funniest scene in the entire game for me. Thanks for those laughs Nerds, I’m still laughing about it today :laughing:

And lastly, I was admiring an exclusive holiday collection of hot chocolate mixes from my favorite chocolate store today when the spirit of the season caused a thought to spring to mind: has hot chocolate been featured in the game yet? Clara’s favorite food in beverage form, it must’ve been at some point. Yet I rack my poor memory and can’t think of a specific instance. If it hasn’t been featured yet, I would like to humbly suggest some of this delicious beverage gets chugged down in the future.

This fixes the game visuals freezing. Any time a new update comes out you’ll need to repeat this process. Also note that this fix works with any RPGMaker game, not just SB.

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Is there a way to transfer your saved game?