Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

To a new version? Yup! Just go into your game folder and look for the “www” subfolder. In there you’re gonna find another subfolder called “save” and if you peek in there, you’re gonna see all of your saved games as numbered files such as “file1.rpgsave”, “file2.rpgsave”, etc. Copy that subfolder named “save” and then go into the folder for the version of the game you want to transfer your saves to. Then go to the “www” subfolder in there and paste your “save” subfolder inside it.


Thank you very much! I appreciate it!

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just a question, when does the cultist in nordhaven inn appear? is it after a specific quest, or do i need to get to a point in the story?

If I’m remembering correctly you need to finish the main story segment at the research lab, and do the nightclub side quest. After you do both he should show up.

thanks, for telling me

What’s the code for the cultist in the Nordenhaven inn I don’t remember the exact number but it’s 465***. I don’t really want to have to replay the game to get it again

Don’t be afraid to search through the thread using ctrl + F! It’s a big thread, so somebody probably has asked your question before. Anyway, the code is 465491

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PSA: The same can be said of Beer Marketing points, the vore code, the quest log not updating, Lilacor’s gem, the sparkle by the docks and other frequently asked questions.


You know, I’ve thought of a way to deal with the broken quest log: pour 10 bottles of chocolate sauce on it and give it to Clara.


great, now you’ve made me picture Clara sitting at a desk reading “coding for dummies” just so she can get the necessary knowledge to fix the damn menu, and of course she has a cup of hot chocolate on her desk because… well it’s Clara.


What about the door in the bar in Azh Rabot? Is that in the game yet?

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where can i find the mixer?.. i didn’t find the lab burned ._.

Let’s just say, the part it’s in is pretty cool

say the name please >.<
I can’t stand looking anymore haha

I don’t know how to spoil text on this site, but it’s in the abandoned island’s kitchen with the blue wall of ice.

to set up spoil text type in [spoiler] first and then type whatever you want to hide after it. Then repeat the [spoiler] but put a / between the [ and s to hide it fully.

To have an easier time click the gear in the text box (last on the right, after the emoji and calendar icons) and click the “Blur Spoiler” option, it will set it up for you.

it’s in the kitchen where Pro and Clara made pies

i downloaded the new v.134 version, how do i keep my save from v.131?

Move the save folder out(or copy it) then put it where it would go in the updated version.

For Christmas, I wrote @clinko_clinko a story featuring alternate universe office worker versions of Emmie, ETV, and Clara.


It has eating.

It has a belly possessing Emmie.

It has a Christmas party ruined by gluttony.

Oh additionally, @Grimimic and @UrgUrgUrg were kind enough to make some art for the story.

Read it here: Emmie Eats The Holiday Party by Juxtaterrestrial by Juxtaterrestrial on DeviantArt