Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

Hey, Nerds1. Love the game, however I couldn’t help but notice that there are many- and I mean MANY- grammatical and spelling errors in the text and dialogue. If you’d like, I can proofread all the text/dialogue in the game- just send me the relevant files!

You technically have access to the file already! It’s all the individual map jsons in the www/data folder of the game. But here is the issue, text boxes need to be manually formatted so if you add in more characters/letters then there is a good chance it will break the formatting. It’s also a huge pain in the ass to fix!

I hate typos, I think they remove the player from the game, but the nature of typing everything up myself means that some will slip through. When I finish this final story update, I plan on doing a clean up of everything to make the game look much better all around. So for now, just sit tight. I will do my best to clean up the mistakes when I can.


Understood! But just know I’m at your service if you need help proofreading.

Okay, he’s not there yet. How do I progress?

My headcanon is he’s right-handed but fights left-handed to give foes a chance.

This is why Cleave hits from left to right and in serious mode he holds his sword right-handed.


Have you finished the Bad Borken part of the main story yet? iirc, you need to meet and talk to him in a couple different places first, finish that part of the main story, and then his shop should open in the place I mentioned in my previous post.

This makes me wonder if, once the game is fully complete, someone will make a complete guide to the game including sidequest trigger conditions, the results of the various choices throughout, and optional missables. For the latter, the fortune teller’s shop in the Capital helps a lot for all the important missable things, but there still are a few small inconsequential ones like a bonus level up for Clara I missed the first time around.

Damn guys, in 1 month SB will be 2 years old. Incredible what some homies can do in small amount of time.


Hi I love the game but have ran into a glitch that seems pretty bad. I entered a house and then re-entered the house again only to see that all my party members are invisible and I seem to not be able to move or do anything with them. I tried restarting the game and my computer but the problem is I saved at the same spot that the bug was occurring since I thought it was my computer bugging out. I was just wondering if there is a way that I can load other save files from the source of the game or something of that nature.

Ah, I remember that bug. Ran into it meself back when that update came out; I guess it’s still skulking around the code. I got around it by reloading an earlier save but I take it you don’t have that option? In the future, make sure to keep a few saves at different spots, should help ya avoid sticky situations. If you do have earlier versions of the game saved on your computer, you can transfer a save from that to your current one using a method that’s been mentioned a lot in the thread, just search for save transfer and you should get multiple results.
If that’s not an option, someone here might be able to hook you up with a copy of one of their saves. My own are all over the map, I don’t think any are saved right before that section.
Edit: turns out “save transfer” returns no results in this topic, strangely. Try searching “www folder” or anything that includes saves or save files.

Thanks man I’ll try that out

Hate to ask so much of you but could you explain how I would extract the lost save file from the www folder. Sorry for my lack of knowledge I’m just really not that tech savy lol

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No problem bro, it’s really not asking much. And don’t worry, I’m not tech savvy either. Honestly, I should’ve just included it in my post. Only reason I didn’t was because I had made a post not too long ago stating it for someone else who was wondering how to do that and I didn’t want to fill the thread with too many repetitive posts.

Open the www folder, then copy the folder called “save”. All your save files are in there, you can take a peek inside to see them numbered (“file1” is your save file in slot 1, “file2” is your second save file, etc). Then go to another version of Some Bullshit, open the www folder for that version/copy of the game, then paste the old “save” folder in there. Boom, all your save files should now be there. That’s the method to replace/copy a whole set of saves, you could also do it individually by opening the save folder, right-clicking then hitting copy on a particular numbered save file and then pasting that into the save folder of another copy of the game.

@Nerds Yo Nerds, it looks like the part of the OP where you included a line or two explaining save transfers had to get cut to make room for the excellent Holiday Q&A stuff, so if possible you may wanna slide that back in next time you edit it. Or heck, maybe it’s time an FAQ pastebin was added, that’d be less than one line of text in the OP.


You might already know this, but I was playing Apostles last night and saw a small reference to this game. You’ve officially made it in the community Nerds, congratulations!

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Me again, the www folder didn’t work since I don’t have an earlier version of the game :[ so this is my last hope for restoring my game. If anybody in this forum has anything close to my savepoint. Or if @Nerds or anybody here knows how to load a different save from the same file slot I would greatly appreciate your help. @stargazer57 you’ve been a great help thanks a ton.


I will message you, I’ll need your save folder. I might be able to fix it.

Ooh, I had that game on my “to play” list, now I’ll definitely have to check it out!

idk if this is a bug or a “feature” but you can use PgUp and PgDn to turn the characters invisible/visible again. maybe you accidentally pressed one?

just sent you it through gmail. thanks

tried it out. it didnt work, thanks though

Hello greetings to all, I have a little doubt, the game has other languages ​​besides English? I think it would be great to be able to play it in my language which is Spanish, but because I only see it in English, I still have a hard time mastering it a bit, I think it would be perfect to play it in more languages ​​for people like me, greetings and have nice day.