Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

Hello Maul and welcome to the community!
Sadly, since there isn’t a language option in this game, I’m afraid you can’t change it either. However, you can either ask someone else for help who can translate or ask for the option to choose a language in the game. The second option may take a while though.
So yeah, there’s currently no option to change the language. Sorry

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I have a question for a part later in the game concerning the Merchant Association Headquarters event with Emila. If you can help with that, please do : )

This is about the food combination needed to eat all the foods. I think I've gotten the first four down: Icecream, bread, fruits and cheese-filled bread/sallad. I then eat what's left on the table and I don't know what to choose then. I know it isn't the turkey or the deepfried pig, but whatever I do, I get a game over when I have two or three options left. I'm certain the cake is last and the turkey and deep fried pig is second to last.
If anyone knows the correct order, it would be greatly appreciated! : D

If I am correct you have to speak with Pro at some point (I think Emilia or Esse even say maybe they should check in with him), though I can’t remember when to do so.

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Thought that just showed you did something wrong and that Emila couldn’t eat more XD
Thank you though! I’ll go try it out now!

I’m pretty sure you just have to go upstairs to talk to pro and then you’ll get a few choices

Hello, tell me how to do what this person does in the video:

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You need to do a bunch of replays. After you’ve played through enough memories, the sparkle sparkle will show up.

Went ahead and got this set up if anyone wants, this save has all brewery quests completed so you can replay the brewmaster event. Just put this in www/save from v.132 or later. Keep in mind you can’t import an individual save that doesn’t already exist, so you either need to rename the file and replace one of your existing saves or make a new save close the game and replace it with this (if the new save isn’t slot 9 change the name to whatever number).


im stuck on 5 events and i cant for the life of me find the last, could you share the info on where all the brewmaster events are?

It’s been so long since I did the first ones I don’t remember them all, but the newest one requires you to a) do the waitress quest and b) do the mob quest for the wine (both in the inn in bad borken).

Once you do both you can talk to the goblin in the same inn

It would be great to have some sort of guide that tells you how to start all these side quests, because im at a point in the game where im just trying to interact with npcs and hope for something to happen.
Im trying to start the vineyard quest and the waitress quest in bad borken, but none of the npcs give any meaningful dialogue leaving me scratching my head.

I come bearing the lowest effort meme imaginable


God, I love that face of Pro’s.

Also, Emmie is the fav girl of BOTH devs, BTW.

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I will never understand why some people think Clara is best girl, but good for them I guess.


Have you seen spider-man no way home? I don’t know but when this scene happened it reminded me of Emmie


generally with kinks, most dudes prefer it when girl actually struggles with it, the slightly more realistic clara and heidi who don’t have powers portray that somewhat, whereas although emmie is cute, she has no physical difficulty stretching like luffy from one piece.


Emmie is sweet, adorable, and is willing to speak up when she thinks it’s necessary, but she suffers from not being an active participant most of the time. For better or worse, a lot of the time things happen to her. When she eats tons of food, that’s because of ETV. When she travel to a new location, it’s because of Pro. Whenever she has an actual challenge when eating, it is (usually) due to Clara rather than any shortcomings on her part. Aside from Ellie and post Bad Borken, she isn’t an active participant. Add to that the fact that after a while she gets a huge belly but doesn’t actually become stuffed, and you get a character that is likeable, but doesn’t have much depth. Most of that is because of the way that Nerds chose to tell the story and is certainly not a bad choice, but it does unfortunately mean that Emmie’s character takes a hit.

Compare that to Clara. She isn’t cursed with unending hunger, nor does she have magical powers. She isn’t at peak physical health or possessed of luck that makes everything work out. What she does have is drive and the ability to tolerate pain. The fact that she isn’t a massive blob of fat is testament to how hard she drives herself. Every single thing that she has was/is earned through hard work and dedication. While Pro is shown to be the most impressive non magical being in the setting, I honestly believe that Clara could contest that spot if she could keep her eating under control.

Speaking of her eating, this is where she really shines. She might have poor impulse control when it comes to sweets, but that doesn’t give her an inhuman stomach capacity. No, that comes from her many feasts. Just like everything else about her, her stuffing scenes were earned by her own efforts. Plus, each time she stuffs herself, she ends up stuffed. When she eats more than before, it’s because she forced her stomach to accept more food. It feels more rewarding to see Clara eat more because it was due to the efforts of the player rather than demon magic.

That’s not to mention how Clara is portrayed. Emmie has an innocent aura that makes me want to protect her, while Clara is much more sensual. From music choices to she blush on her face when she eats her fill, it feels much sexier than anything that Emmie does. Not to mention that her aesthetic is… well I suppose that better is subjective here, but it does appeal to many people. Plus, even if you strip away the layer of fat on her, considering how her extra weight is distributed it is reasonable to conclude that Clara is naturally curvy and may well have boobs that are bigger than Emmie’s, which is enough for some people on its own.

Sorry for the (perhaps unreasonably) long post, I just like the game. Don’t take this to mean that I don’t like Emmie, because I like her a lot, but I just wanted to put out some reasons for why Clara is so good. If you were thinking of some other character, then my response is that they don’t have enough scene’s. Personally, I think that if Heidi got some more attention I might prefer her, but that’s a different rant.

TL;DR Emmie doesn’t have much impact on the story due to any conscious effort on her part and her “stuffing” scenes lose some of their impact, while Clara isn’t burdened by either of those things.


To add with the explanation above, it’s just comes down largely to the individual and what they are interested in when it comes to both the physical aspects and characteristics as well as the personality of each character. At the end of the day, all girls are valid as best girl; don’t need a reason to like what you like other than the fact that you like it. Why nobody talking about why Pro is best tho? Tall, strong, has a cape, dedicated, caring and funny. Honestly the best in out of the all imo


Very well said my fellow Clara fan, very well said indeed. I agree with everything you said and now’s good a time as any for me to offer my opinions too. I’ll try not to compare her too much to other characters 'cause I don’t want to sound too critical of them; I adore the whole cast of this awesome game. Instead, I’m just gonna talk about some of the things I love about Clara.

To get some of the obvious things out of the way, Clara’s design is pretty much 99% of what an idealized woman for my own tastes would look like. So fitting it’s like Nerds and Clinko were in my head, crazy stuff. And on the fetish side of things, I really enjoy contrasts and the way her tough gal exterior goes with her feminine adoration of sweets is very cute, same for any time she shows weakness or embarrassment and that gets tied directly into her more fetish-focused moments. She’s also an exceptionally talented burper in a world with some very skilled girls when it comes to that and that fetish is what drew me here in the first place. A lot of other things I could say about this side of things were already covered by the cool dude I’m replying to.

These reasons are already enough to make her my favorite character in Some Bullshit, but it’s her personality and other elements of her character that make her my favorite character period. She’s a character I really respect and admire for her drive, strength (of body and mind), ambition, passion for self-improvement and self-discipline. Yes, I know she has a weakness that she falls prey to time and time again; that doesn’t mean she isn’t self-disciplined. Time and time again she deals with the consequences, gets herself set straight again, and carries onward. Picking yourself up when you fall is real strength, not never falling at all. She also has enough of a handle on her weaknesses to not let them stand in the way of achieving her dream.

Clara’s a woman of different sides, who’s transformed herself over the course of her still relatively short life and this makes her feel very human. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and could have easily sat about eating sweets all day and growing fatter (I’m sure plenty here would love that lol) but she wanted something more, pulled herself up by her bootstraps and got where she is today with lots of hard work. She’s also shown a very wide range of emotion over the story and sidequests and while that’s true of the entire main cast imo, it’s once again that play of strength and vulnerability back and forth that really draws me in.

With her fortunate background and the traits and skills she’s cultivated, Clara could’ve been pretty much anything she wanted to be, but she chose a path that makes her a hero, the sort of person I’ve admired since I was a wee lad. She’s been swept up in a kingdom/world-saving grand adventure, but when she goes back to her day job, she’s still going to be saving the kingdom, maintaining the peace for ordinary people to live happy lives and selflessly putting herself between the bad guys and the good guys. Yes, Pro does this too on a smaller but no less noble scale and I’ll get to him at the end. I really look up to Clara, and not just because she’s an amazonian beauty :stuck_out_tongue:

She’s also someone that through her guarded nature as a member of the inquisitors, gives off an appeal of hidden depths; there’s so much more I want to learn about her. Who could suspect she’s a karaoke queen? There’s excitement in not knowing when she’ll bust out a hidden talent. All of this comes together in a character I respect, admire, love and want to see more and more of and I think I’ll stop raving about Clara here so that I don’t go on too long. I hope I’ve helped @someguythesciadvguy understand why at least one guy out there considers her best girl though as Purplgr said, it really is all down to personal taste.

And I see the fella I’m replying to made a post while I was typing mine so I’ll respond to it here rather than doubleposting. The discussion was about best girl but dude! Pro really is the greatest! He’s the most amazing male character I’ve ever encountered and the fictional dude I most look up to as a hero and role model. The guy’s the perfect male and deserves all the good things that come to him, whether in treasure chests or otherwise.


No matter who you think is best girl, the truth is that none of the women in this game can even compete with Prometheus Taggart. They are simply in different leagues.