Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

brewmaster brethren


Please, i’m begging. I just want to experience the last side quests in Bad borken, but for some reason nothing i do seems to trigger any events. i’ve already finished the vine flashback mob quest but i am still missing the waitress and the last goblin quest that supposedly are in the bad borken inn.

I might be able to help you if I can remember how to do it correctly. I know for a fact if you haven’t done the brew master quest for that area you need to talk to the goblin at the bar then that’ll take you through a new side quest part and get you the last marketing event; after that you talk with the brew master. The waitress quest I believe you talk to the man at the bar, but I will double check for you.

Yeah, you have to talk to Bill, the man behind the bar in Bad Broken, for the waitress quest, also make sure you are using the latest version as well.

Hey hey people. All this debate over who best girl is has inspired me to make a tier list for ranking every single female character (plus Pro) in SB.

Now, through the power of arbitrary rankings we can determine who best girl really is! For example here is my objectively correct opinion:

Feel free to use this to make your own, and share your (incorrect) opinions with everyone else!
Edit: Updated link.


i think i had the same problem and you need to go under the inn where the waitress is supposed to be and talk to someone into the cultist compound.

(would like to point out that this information helpful or otherwise, was provided by the ever superior Eloa fanbase)

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This requires no comment. The list simply speaks for itself.


All that matters.


Your service is greatly appreciated, but I must assert the true, canon list


The only list that matters./s


This is the one for me right here, thanks for saving me the trouble of fiddling around with these tier things.


Everyone is entitled to their personal opinion, even if it is inferior to mine. Also Ellie should be next to the water Djinn and Heidi, my bad.


Where is Josh on these tier lists? Smh


Yeah, we need a husbando tierlist.


Hi, sorry if it doesn’t have much to do with the topic, is there an official discord server for the game? I think sometimes it’s a bit monotonous to talk here, and in my opinion I think it would be better to talk on a server with their respective channels of text to talk, plus it would be great to have an official server for the game. if there is already pass link. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry not sorry


Curiously, your name implies Clara is overrated yet your tier list places her in the best tier.


a while ago I had the thought of what if the song “number one” was used as Pro’s theme song and honestly seeing everyone give a shit ton of praise towards Pro makes the song feel more fitting as he’s now literally the one they all adore.


For me, it comes down to personality. Emmie may be cursed with unending hunger, but what drives me up the wall is how much of an unthinking bloody bimbo she can be and frequently is (Also, while I could be forgetting quite a lot, I think it seems like things ultitmately work out for her, even considering the possession and cultist town arc). Contrast Clara, who’s still quirky and occasionally eccentric despite doing her best to be level-headed. Furthtermore, her more gluttonous escapades tend to leave her embarrassed and in a less than favourable position, which elicits a sympathetic response. Also, going off the ‘drunken words are sober thoughts’ saying, she appears to feel genuinely lonely and secretly treasures her friendship with the others (or at least Emmie), which fits in well with the ‘she doesn’t thave any friends at work due to being so focused on her job’ aspect (Wonder if it was the Destroyer incident or something else that caused her to be so obsessed with being thin, especially since her parents are possibly the most patient, loving people imaginable).

Personally, I reckon she comes off as a slightly awkward, quirky young woman whose obsession with professionality and keeping the weight off clashes drastically with her sweet tooth and gluttonous nature, leading to situations where one can’t help but feel sorry for her despite how entertaining she is, both in general and during the aforementioned unfavourable situations.


OK excellent taste but hear me out here: Fat Emmie