Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

a strong counter to their argument

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Tier list based on how well they would give/receive hugs

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Your logic is impossible to argue with

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Well, there certainly has been some activity the past few days! I am glad people are having fun with the tier list topic.

I do not have a discord, nor do I intend to make one! Moderating it is not something I can do at this time and I donā€™t know how much discussion I would be able to provide people. Sorry about that!


Am I contrarian? I find Emmie and Clara equal amounts of annoying/adorable.


Iā€™m settling this once and for all.

  • Team Emmie
  • Team Clara
  • Another Team

0 voters


Word. Claraā€™s personal issues are often brushed off for laughs like near the end of the waitress sidequest and I wanna be crystal clear, I do enjoy all those moments (her ā€œugly crying faceā€ makes me laugh with every dialogue line that accompanies it) and hope we get more in the future; this is an observation, not a criticism. But every time that sort of thing comes up, it strongly triggers urges to comfort and protect and that makes it easy for me to quickly form attachment to a character.
I find it kinda funny that the strongest and most physically capable female character is the one making me feel protective like that. Emotionally protective I suppose; we all know she can handle any physical danger coming her way. Despite her sheltered upbringing, Emmie seems moreā€¦stable? Well-adjusted? Iā€™m grasping for words, but Iā€™m trying to say sheā€™s strong in different ways from Clara. Emmie needs protection on the physical front, but Best Boyā€™s got that taken care of so sheā€™s good to go. Meanwhile, Clara needs more hugs! Hopefully we get to see Drunk Clara at least one more time.


As much as I like Clara and I agree she does need more hugs, I have to throw my hat in with the former goblin boss. I meanā€¦.come onā€¦ā€¦one look at her and you feel compelled to feed her cake and taco and give her hugs. I already feed her like 500 items. Then again feeding Clara in the brewery does top feeding the goblin for now. But goblin is capable of non-canon voreā€¦.and has eaten an employee alreadyā€¦ā€¦Team chubby goblin!


Hello brothers, it occurred to me to make an edit of a, what would happen if? can you imagine some bullshit on steam??!
Gary, I had that dream again.
It would be interesting, although I doubt it because of the policies it has on the games, so maybe it couldnā€™t be, could it? Well, there are all kinds of games there, but who knows, greetings and i hope you liked the edit.



You got a kek out of me.


yes, now itā€™s 10 times more difficult haha, well no, just a small detail that I happened to remove

It is a fun edit. But sadly due to all the assets, music or otherwise, Iā€™ve used it cannot be a reality. The soundtrack would cost a LOT of money to use!


The price of using absolute bangers on the sound track


The man in gauze being a prime example of this


That item is freaking hilarious

The Bonnie Tyler needle drop was my favorite! It felt awesome.


Iā€™ve read the comments and the new additions to the game have been phenomenalā€¦ the updates were amazing, but youā€™ve seen the comments for it, so I wonā€™t mention the current update, I somehow missed the the holiday special, it was awesome getting into the minds of the characters and side characters.

  1. with the the goblin characters in the npc it seems like some answers were things yall were already consideringā€¦ and I LOVE the idea of the former boss goblin whose being forced to lose weight but w/the players help she wounds up bigger than when she started, the fetish focus for the game is definitley focused on stuffing but its nice to see a character gain weight, for us people into feedism you can keep her getting bigger for us and for the people into vore outside of Essie sheā€™s the only one whose canonically eaten people (goblin) and the only one who actually gotten fat so you could definitely use her character to canonically please the people into vore and bigger ladies. just sayin.

  2. We love the jokes you put in for yourself so please keep putting those in, if it fails it was for you but when it works it works well for us!

  3. Apparently everyone wants to see the characters limits, every character but Pro has been shown to eat larger and larger feast, definitely focus on the remaining story but if you feel like adding more quest for us fetish pervs or post credits gameplay Iā€™m sure weā€™d all love to see how much clara and emmie can chow down, shoot even how much Essie can eat when on her own, its gonna be amazing when the game is fully finished but also kind of sad since there wonā€™t be anymore updated or sidequests for us to find.

  4. Back to NPCā€™s I forgot how many awesome NPCā€™s ya put in this game, Iā€™ll gladly wait longer for the finished game if ya still ideas/want to feature them more in the game, I just totally forgot about the amazons somehow

  5. Last let Clara eat peopleā€¦ na the QnA made it clear about that but she can find love right?.. maybe eating people is more realistic actuallyā€¦ Anyway

If any of the stuff I mentioned will take too long/ya have no interest in doing its totally fine because the game is awesome, finally played the new update, its awesome and thanks for doing the QnA, it was really fun and added even more depth to not just the main characters but npcā€™s/yall as creators. Thanks and keep up the good work!


Team "Let Clara eat (Pro) people. Non-canon ofc.

We may go to our graves disappointed, but not ungrateful! :vulcan_salute:


Alright itā€™s been 3 days and 90 votes so I think thatā€™s enough to close the poll.

  • 53% Team Clara.
  • 31% Team Emmie.
  • 15% Another Team.

Funnily enough at the beginning, Another Team was in the lead.


With the new update and my feeling the need to restart the game since I havent been around for the last few updates I wanted to ask is there a way to quickly progress through battles or in other words some sort of cheat item/skill to just one shot stuff since as cool as the mechanics are Iā€™ve restarted and gotten to the inquisitor like 4 times and it gets a bit tedious the 5th time lol