Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

Is this game constantly freezing for anyone else? I can press the keys and hear the sounds in the background but the visuals completely freeze up. This happened with another RPGMaker game, too. I hope it’s not my PC.

Edit: I think I found my solution. I guess RPGMaker does not like running at 144 FPS. I switched my options to run the game at a 60 FPS limit and it hasn’t froze yet. Also running it as administrator might have helped, too.

Unfortunately RPG Maker MV is a bit of a bloated, resource-intensive mess compared to older versions. It happens sometimes, although usually it’s in more plugin-heavy games that it becomes an issue. Even on a fairly modern gaming rig I’ve had it happen, although not specifically with this game. Hopefully RPG MZ will have tightened things up a bit under the hood, but if history’s any indication it’ll probably just be more bloated than before, and I have no idea how much work it’d be to port existing projects over to it anyways.

Ah shoot, that sucks, I am sorry. Do you have the latest version? That was a bug with an early release, but I have since fixed that. I would need to know exactly where you are getting the loop. Do you control Emmie at all? Does it just constantly replay the cutscene?

I think I ran into that bug too. I had save data from v.82. clean save data might fix it, I haven’t checked.

The bug occurs when you return to the island for the quest to get the recipe from the archives.
When you enter the archives room the cut scene plays where the team spits up.
There’s a fade to black then It gives you control of Emmie and places Pro and Clara in the room but the conversation for the cut scene plays again fade’s again and loops.

here’s my save (22.7 KB)
Like I mentioned earlier. The save file is originally from an earlier version of the game, at least v.82.

Hmm, in v.92 it should fixed now. The only thing I can think of is if you had a save from v.91 walked in and then it broke and never fixed itself, but even then it doesn’t make much sense to me as the updated event is set to work. You are using v.92 right?

oh! I got this issue on v.9 so it’s probly fixed on v.92

can’t speak for @onipuck though

Yeah, getting the new update fixed that problem.

I’m guessing there’s no way of running this on Mac?

It is possible that you could use Wine. I’ve seen other RPG Maker-based projects that are able to run on Mac via Wine so it may be worth trying.

Linux user here; it hasn’t wanted to work with Wine, but I was able to run it by changing Firefox’s settings so it’ll play content from my hard drive and opening the index.html file from the www folder.

I set up a local lampp server to do RPG Maker games in Linux. They seem to work quite well through that local server.

Ideally, it’s up to the developer to export a separate Mac build for RPG MV stuff, but if they can’t test it or don’t have the bandwidth to upload a separate copy of the game, it’s understandable. Someone just pinged me in another thread earlier about this workaround still working - however, the game linked won’t work since it’s been rebuilt in Unity. Download another RPG Maker MV game with a Mac build (apparently Vale-City works) and follow the other instructions from the Steam thread.

For Linux users, the MV patch.7z file from here is a fairly simple fix for running MV games natively if you don’t want to mess around with Wine, Firefox settings, etc - just extract the files from the archive into the game directory. Since it replaces a portion of the engine files, it’s likely going to make the game error out if you try opening it on Windows after patching, so it’s best to make a copy of the game first and install it there if you use both Linux and Windows. Also, I stole the link from somewhere else, so I take no responsibility for the crude language in the archive’s readme.

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I’m absolutely loving everything so far! I’ve been at it for almost 10 real-time hours and I’ve never been bored once. This game is delightful.

I’ve encountered only two issues with the Memories segment so far: the “drunk / bloated” sprites didn’t load for me when replaying the Goblin’s Goblet scene, and I ate the buffet the first time but let Clara eat the cake the second time (obviously), yet the dialogue implied I did it twice. Is there a possibility of branching that memory into two separate ones?

(And possibly giving Clara some art of her own? :eyes:)

Hmmmm, I’ll have to look into the drunk/bloated sprite issue. The issue with the chocolate bar scene was I foolishly didn’t build a way to track which path you took… which means that I had to be vague when the fairy brings it up/ just assume a side sadly. I will do my best to avoid those situations going forward. As for more art of Clara well… today is your lucky day. I have that right here!

Releasing the FreeLC for chapter 9 of my game: aka, the shit I didn’t have time to finish before the big release last month! It contains an additional quest line from the bartender in Nordenhaven as well as new scene replays for the major quests. This means new art from @clinko_clinko ! Also I stole @Grimimic 's idea of adding in small pop up art bubbles to give a better perspective of what is happening in the scene that the sprites might not capture. If you want to spoil yourself, you can check the picture folder, but otherwise play the replays to find em!

If you already played chapter 9, its a small update to hopefully tide you over until the next big release. As always, thanks to my testers and please let me know if you find any bugs.
Apologies, updated to v.95 There was a small bug in the replay room I missed. When I say small, I mean it would play even if you didn’t select a replay. Should be fixed here. Also fixed the Inquisitor Troop face bug



Body should be clear… I… fucking… love… this…

…understand… site…?

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Oh, wow! Thank you so much! And best of luck on your progress!

The last inquisitor in that long hallway in the inquisitor place causes a lock. Something about a missing portrait, I guess.
Also had a weird freeze with the yeti, but I think that was my fault.

Yes thank you. When adding the new faces I accidentally called the new Inquisitor Troop face image, inquisitor troop. And that is causing the problem. I’ll have a fix up soon. If you can’t wait or don’t want to download the whole thing again, you can go into the faces folder and just capitalize it.
Here is the version. Once again, if you don’t want to download the entire game again, simply go into the www → img → faces folder where you installed the game and change inquisitor troop to Inquisitor Troop. Or just download v.96 which fixes it as well


Pro is my spirit animal omg.

Great work with this, came for the stuffing, stayed for the characters and humor.

Seriously, I love this.

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So I have played this game before until the brewery town. Then I stopped as it didnt have weight game sprites in it. Did that change? If so then i might be playing it again